Judgement – Necessary Beauraucracy
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Necessary Beauraucracy
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 8:20pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD36 15:00

As she watched the doors closed Ekenda shook her head, "What a peculiar creature," she said to herself before adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder and heading towards the visitor's entrance herself.

Getting here was only the first hurdle, getting cleared to see the ambassador would be the next one, the bureaucracy involved with that could be every bit as convoluted as getting her papers had been.

She padded down the short corridor that opened into the reception area, rummaging in the side poclet of the bag that held the padd that contained all her documentation. "I'm here to see the Ambassador," she told the receptionist in very softly toned Rihannsu.

Nahir loked the visitor up and down. She thought that she had seen everything since coming to this station, but apparently she had not. "You don't have an appointment," she said a little tersely. The Ambassador was in court and had cleared her official diary for the morning. Even tr'Rul who was strutting around the place pretending he now owned it had no meetings scheduled. "Wait over there." Nahir pointed to one of the low sofas before pushing a button on her desktop, she had thought it was going to be a quiet morning. "Security we have a 'visitor' for the Ambassador, she looks a bit furtive."

Inside her office, Arrienye was still recovering from her encounter with tr'Dor, but looked up promptly at the sound of Nahir's voice. Standing up slowly, she pressed her intercom button. "I will be right there," she announced, adjusting her harness before holding her head high and exiting the office. She walked passed Nahir, giving her a glance before turning her head to look at the very unique looking woman. "Is this the Ambassador's visitor?" she asked out of courtesy, just to be sure.

Nahir nodded. "I have no idea who, or what it is," she added quietly with a fleeting flick of an eyebrow.

Ekenda could hear them, of course, but she pretended not to; she was not here to listen to conversations that were not intended for her to be part of. "Arrain, I am the Ambassador's servant," Ekenda said glancing between the two women who stood between her and access to her Lady.

Arrienye turned her attention away from Nahir to the woman sitting nearby. "Are you now? And what is your name?" she asked, moving to the computer nearby and accessing the security database.

"I am named Ekenda," she told the Arrain as her hand pressed against the padd that held her documents, "but I think you will not find my name in there."

Ekenda hesitated, in that instant she noticed that the floor surface of the reception area simulated a large grained blue-grey marble. Should she show the woman, Ekenda wondered as she raised her gaze again, but only to the level of the reception desk itself - something that could not look back at her.

Arrienye paid no mind to the fact that she said she wouldn't be found in the database, even if ultimately she wasn't there. She looked back at the woman once more. "Do you have any documentation? Transfer orders from somewhere else? Assignment papers?"

It had not occurred to Ekenda that she needed to do more than arrange permission to leave ch'Rihan, whenever she had had to visit anywhere on her own the Household had arranged that he identity was known in advance. She swallowed before peering round the security officer as if she expected her mistress to emerge from the wall and let everyone know who she was.

"I obtained permission to leave Ratleifhi and ch'Rihan," Ekenda ventured, "and to come here." She slipped her hand in her pocket and withdrew the padd. I must look very strange, she thought, having brought no luggage beyond the small back that hung behind her, the thin strap stretched across her chest.

Ekenda held out the padd. She did not have access to the information it contained, which to the best of her knowledge was the authorisation for her to travel - it had got her off ch'Rihan, so it must contain that at least, but if it held anything that would help ease her reception, Ekenda did not know.

Arrienye didn't take her eyes off the other woman as she reached forward to take the padd from her. Giving her another looking up and down, she turned her attention to the padd, accessing the information.

She supposed with so many people coming and going the owners of the space station must be used to persons of unconfirmed identity coming aboard - they had been satisfied with the details that had been provided to the civilian transport that she had joined at Gamma Hydrae - getting into an embassy appeared to be far harder.

Arrienye didn't look up from the padd for a few minutes, reading through everything thoroughly. She would let her pass, of course, but t'Merek knew that was mostly to do with two facts. One, the documentation was signed by Rh'vaurek, and two, she had a vague idea of who and what this woman was for t'Khellian. Finally, she looked up and looked at the woman opposite her, glancing back at the padd to double check something before saying: "Ekenda, welcome to the Consulate." She handed her the padd back.

"The Ambassador will be informed about your arrival shortly and you're to wait further instructions from her. Is that understood?"

"I understand," Ekenda emphasised her acceptance with a nod. She glanced behind, then bwyond, and then back to the official who held her padd. "Where do you wish me to wait?" Ekenda asked, her timidity dissolving rapidly now that she knew she was not about to be turned away.