Intermission – Transition...the second era
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Transition...the second era
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Mon Jun 09, 2014 @ 8:30pm

Jarred started the day late, he had a late debriefing concerning what had become called operation Blockade runner. Most of this was the missions related to Jarred's activities while in command of the Dawnstar, plus one other mission. During the meetings he had explained the short comings of some of the prototype systems, and the upside of the modified warp drive despite the one or two flaws.

After that meeting adjourned he met with some of his staff to celebrate the retirement of his encryption Officer Master Chief Craig Ayers, he'd taken retirement after three decades in Starfleet, he was returning to earth to spend time with his family who he had hardly seen in the last two years. As he left the celebration a yeoman intercepted him with a message that started round two of his day, he had been informed that he was no longer an intelligence officer.

He had orders to cease all intelligence operations and transfer any active operations to other outposts immediately, all staff were being reassigned to other sections within the intelligence structures, the deep space five offices were closed until new staff can be appointed. As he entered his offices he saw that much of the stuff that made up the department were being packed up by operations, excluding the hidden cache in his old office, he made a mental note to relocate that when time permitted.

He'd gone back to his quarters to change, he wasn't sure what too expect as he changed into his new uniform colors command red was the order of the day, the next matter was his family, he wasn't sure if he should contact them, considering he had learned that Claire was still on the Corsica colony and they might get word of his survival he would have to chance it later.

The word then came down that the Captain was being reassigned, no real explanation of what or where just reassigned. Several other staff were being recalled of assigned to new postings as well. A new CMO was en-route, the fighter wing was completely rotated off the station save for a small number of the crews and 12 pilots, that left them at one third capacity he was going to raise hell over that one, then he learned that the Marines were still on exercises minus the supply company.

The new chief engineer left a mountain of maintenance requests to be authorized, many he did the proverbial rubber stamp on to get the station up and operational. The operations center was minimally staffed on the night watch, no commercial traffic, and few starships came during this time of the night. An engineering crew was doing a series of retrofits to older systems that had outlived their service cycle, another crew was moving the Dawnstar to the secure docks, the night shift had things under control.

there was something missing, in all of the events of the last 18 hours, a reason behind it all.


Lt Jarred Wallace
Executive officer
Deep Space Five