Unity – Unity - Conclusion (part I)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Unity - Conclusion (part I)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Tue Sep 14, 2010 @ 5:57pm
Location   Throughout the station
Timeline   SD 16 - 17:00
Before Flynn could take the necessary steps, the room's main viewer crackled to life.

=^= "This is Elliot Hartsfield, the controller of the station and I am demanding that you cease and decease your actions or suffer the consequences." =^= He said into the viewer.

It only took several moments for the look of shock to fade away from the face of Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel as he looked onto the view screen and so the face of his former superior officer. His mouth was dry as he tried feverishly to think of a logical explanation for all of this.

But the only words that could come out of his mouth were simply. . .

"You. . . ."


Elliot's face remained stoic. "Don't tell me you are actually surprised to see me again Dorian. But then again. . .when you sold me out onboard the USS Camelot all those years ago, you probably assumed that you'd never have to pay for what you did." the man stated in a level voice.

Gabriel cut a glance to Flynn which seemed to almost scream ~ trace his location. . .~ he turned back to the main viewer and tried to get a hold of the situation.

Flynn was flabbergasted when the man appeared on the screen, and even more when he began to speak. “So the final boss just ups and shows himself,” She shook herself out of this, she didn’t have time for this. She turned to the one of the technicians and made a gesture with her hand. A quick glance at the screen behind her with the lights still doing their psychotic dance revealed about a minute had passed by.

"You've been behind all of this!? You've been responsible for taking over this station and nearly getting all of us killed just to settle some petty vendetta!?" Gabriel asked in disbelief.

Elliot simply shook his head. "It makes sense that you still can't see beyond your own existence and recognize the big picture. We are here to save lives, not ruin them. We will fix everything that the Federation has failed to do for the past decade." Elliot said with a rising sense of righteousness in his voice.

"I know that you and the Marine Detachment onboard are trying to take back this station, but I can assure you that you are wasting your time. By the time you do manage to gain access to primary systems the rest of us will have completed our mission." he said as he continued to coordinate with the Main Engineering team. "You would be best to join us then to try to prevent the inevitable." he added.

Gabriel looked towards Flynn as Elliot continued to talk. Obviously the man wasn't working by himself. There had to be another team working somewhere within the station otherwise he wouldn't be so confident in his mission going through.

= = Main Engineering = =

So'Ran could hear the combined Security and Marine officers attempting to penetrate the blast doors to access the Engineering Bay.

"Let's go people! We don't have all damn day! Get those charges going or the Fleeties are gonna ruin our day." So'Ran yelled as he grabbed the various Engineering officers and forced them to kneel in front of the entrances as a deterrent from any attempted breached entry.

“Get over there!” Ryouske shouted, butting the end of his shotgun into the back of one of the hapless Federation whelps, pushing them over by the door, “Kneel! Unless you want to die!” There was couple of gasps, a little crying. As soon as Ryouske made sure that they were all obedient and in order as meat shields, he turned to the Klingon responsible for the explosives and said in a frantic and exasperated tone, “Are you finished over there?!?!?”

"Ready" Grunted the huge Klingon, standing up after he had set the last fuse. ~Now, the isolinear chip for the detonation remote.... is here!~ Tan'Rek pulled out a small leather pouch and fumbled around inside with enormous fingers for the 'trigger' settings chip to load into the computer to set them all off. His fingers jabbed around in the tiny pouch, searching for the even tinier microchip.

He swore in Klingon under his breath at the delay and glanced up at the impatient face of Ryouske. "Wait!!" he growled, still stabbing with his stubby, unwieldy fingers into the tiny folds that had been designed to protect the technology.

Ryouske was quickly losing patience, “Hurry up! If you take to much longer, I’ll shoot you myself and then loot the body for that chip! We have do this now, the Commander is counting on us…the whole quadrant is counting on us!”

Tan'Rek growled back an obscenity in Klingon and struggled on, tipping the tiny pouch on the nearest console and tearing it open. Finally the piece fell out and he held it aloft, glaring at Ryouske.


Lieutenant Trellis observed as the Marines worked on deactivating the security features that had enabled the doors to Engineering Bay to remained sealed despite the repeated security overrides.

The Marine Assault Commander moved over to Trellis, “Here’s the deal,” he said, “They’ve shut the doors pretty well and good…we’re not going to be able to get them open normally…not without control of the station at least. We can blow the doors and go in blasting, but take a look at this,” he showed Trellis a PADD, “We’ve been monitoring them from the outside with sensors. According to the readings, they’ve placed their hostages in front of the main doors in our line of fire, while they have elevated firing positions. It’s the worst possible tactical situation for us. And it looks like they’ve been going around and setting explosives too…I have to call this in. Do you have anything you’d like to add?”

"We need all of them alive." Trellis stated. "Whatever you have planned, it needs to be a non-lethal tactical breach." Trellis said as he continued to direct the various Security Officers who had taken position around the primary and secondary entrance.

He nodded, then turned around to make the call.


Flynn was looking at the results of the trace, when she lifted her hand to her ear, a call coming in on the tactical frequency. She listened for a moment, then stood up and motioned for the technician to mute the microphone for a couple of seconds,

“Don’t react Commander. Apparently this madman has holed himself up in Secondary Ops. He also has a team in position in Main Engineering, which has taken hostages and appears to be prepping explosives. My assault squads can’t get in without risking the hostages, but we can’t afford to waste any more time here.”

She moved to the rear of the room and turned her back on the screen. She began inputting commands into the terminal, which displayed that about three minutes had elapsed in total. She knelt over it after inputting her security codes, allowing a retina scanner to confirm her identity, and then hit enter to confirm. There was a renewed bout of wailing of the sirens, and the first Security interlock opened with a hiss. The computer exclaimed, “ ALERT! LEVEL 3 SECURITY RELAY HAS BEEN DISENGAGED. AWAITING NEXT CODE TO CONTINUE OVERRIDE SEQUENCE!!” The screen reset the timer to display an additional two minutes.

Flynn turned to Gabriel and said hurriedly, “Commander! Hurry up, its all on you now!”

=/= "You actually think you can stop what has been started?" == Elliot stated thru the viewscreen as Gabriel walked to his corresponding panel.

=/= "By the time you figure out where I am and how to get to me, it will be too late. You cannot change the future, but I'm about to change the past." == he stated as Gabriel finally entered his code.

"Flynn, do it." Gabriel commanded.


So'Ran smiled as he finally positioned the last hostage. "Alright, activate the countdown sequence!" He yelled from the upper level of the Engineering Bay.

"Once the countdown starts, we'll just need to hold off the Bay until the "big boom" happens and sends us all on our marry way back to the past!" So'Ren announced to the others as he grabbed his phaser and charged it.

"Time to hold the line!"

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Marine Captain Miranda Flynn
Acting Marine CO
NPC'd by Colonel Darson

Ryouske, NPC’d by James Darson

Tan'Rek, Terrorist Quartermaster
NPC'd by Jools