Cascade – Of What May Come
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Of What May Come
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Jan 26, 2013 @ 6:04pm
Location   Pradai, Cariel III. Unspecified location within Romulan space
Timeline   In parallel with a.m. of SD71
"Summit? What summit?” Isha asked.

She had listened to the messenger with polite disinterest, her gaze moving infrequently between the document she was reading and the guest who sat on an overstuffed sofa beneath the window. For the first time in his well-rehearsed speech she was interested. As she raised her head to look at the official she raised her hand to shield her eyes from the soft orange tinged sunlight that seeped through the window of her study. The uniform of the Praetorian guard looked incongruous here, the only uniform that was worn here was the understated black and green livery of the House of Vaurek and then rarely outside the military bases that circled the Cariel system.

“Following a summit between the major races of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants the Senate has voted to enter into a an exchange program with the Federation’s Starfleet. We will enter into a shared operation of one of our starbases bringing in Starfleet personnel. We will also grant a safe corridor through the Neutral Zone and sundry exploration rights to planets along the border. In return a Starfleet facility will come under joint operation of the Stelam Shiar and Starfleet.”

“I have retired from public and political life, I only follow current affairs in as much as they relate to the taxes levied on my colony, and of course the issues that my advisors bring to my attention from time to time.”

Isha turned her guest, a heavy set man the messenger would know to be the Head of the Special Ops Division of the Tal’Shiar, "Affieke, were you aware of this motion? I’d appreciate your opinion of course."

His jowled cheeks quivered as he drew a breath, “Ihhei Vaurek, I really didn’t think you’d be interested to know until all the business was concluded,” he said breathing out gently, “It does after all involve that space station you were earlier appointed to. The Senate sees an opportunity to gain direct unsupervised access to Federation technology, and I’m sure that they believe that they will receive similar access to ours.

"Of course we have had people in that place for years so we know that it really is state of the art technology, whereas the intrepid Starfleet crew who will be sent to man the outpost Delevhas will be non the wiser for several months until their spies verify that they are indeed serving on a mothballed station.

"There is value too in the exploration rights we will grant them, note, exploration, not settlement or exploitation rights. The Senate has long wished to make ingress into those border worlds, even with the minor impediment of the Neutral Zone. The one thing that has not been forthcoming is the funding, What we will have is several curious teams who will do the work for us and share the results of their toil. When the treaty breaks down, as it inevitably will, the Stelam Shiar will be the clear winners from the deal.”

Isha nodded, and as the sunlight dimmed she dropped her hand into her lap. “That’s all very interesting but really, what has any of this got to do with me?” She noted the glance that passed between Latasalaem and the messenger, it confirmed her suspicion. “I’m retired. I work neither for the Senate nor the diplomatic corps. I no longer represent or carry the influence of a Great House. I wish to remain here, with my fields, vineyards, cattle and fisheries – I pay a not inconsiderable burden of tax, and I house the troops of a division of the Tal Shiar, integrating them and their families with my own people. The Empire have had my blood for forty years. I say, no more!”

“Isha, you are not done with the Empire until the Empire is done with you,” Latasalaem reminded her, as she had known he would. She had to be very careful here. The scheme as outlined could disrupt and destroy everything she had worked for. “Starfleet have stipulated their requirements and one of them is a known quantity. You.”

“Then they are fools,” she said sharply, “I am no more their puppet than I am the Senate’s. No, I will not leave here.”

Though her protest was vehement, there was an opportunity here, not least to keep her own interests cared for but also to finally put a nail in the spoony forehead of that Cardassian.

They were offering her what amounted to joint command of Deep Space Five.

Isha had plans that she had shared with few, some of those ambitions she had shared with no-one, though all her efforts were guided to that ultimate secret goal. No, she could not appear to be enthusiastic at the prospect that was put to her; indifferent and reluctant would serve her aims better, then when the Elements were aligned she could act.

But could she really return there, not as an ambassador but as part of the command team ...

Isha exhaled, loud and dramatic to dispel the silence, "I cannot agree yet, and such an endeavour should not be undertaken but with full agreement. I will consider the proposition," she said finally, her tone one of measured resignation to duty, "I have never yet refused any request the Stelam Shiar has made of me, and I am loathe to do so now, even in my retirement."


Ihhei Isha t'Vaurek (NPC)
hru'Hfirh of the Noble House of Vaurek

aka Louise
Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer