Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Informative Discussion
by Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Informative Discussion
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed Oct 15, 2008 @ 1:14pm
Location   Deck 72 - MCO's Office
Timeline   Station Day 3 - 0930 Hours
Darson leaned back in his chair as he contemplated the move he was about to make. Releasing this information to the…eager…Lieutenant Gabriel was a gamble. However, it was an extremely thoroughly calculated gamble. He knew that he had covered all the bases, and there was an almost 100% chance that Gabriel would move in the way that he intended him to. And on the extremely slight chance that he did do something un-expected, Darson would roll with it and reevaluate his options as time went on.

He lifted one of the PADD's off the table and tossed it from hand to hand, before spinning it around. He had sent out a request to Loki for the relevant classified intelligence reports, and asked him to expedite their transfer. Loki had proven reliable as always. Inside an hour, they were sitting in the Communications Buffer, in encrypted file packets, just waiting to be downloaded.

Dorian was making his way down the darken halls of the station that led to the Marine Command Office. He never could understand why the Marine detachment on the station needed an entire wing to themselves. It did not provide enough transparency for whatever it was that they were involved with. Back during his days on Qo'nos the Klingons did not treat their Marines any different than the soldiers within their Navy. Everyone had the same job; everyone had to report to the same powers that be. Giving the Marines too much freedom could lead to certain . . . complications in the future.

Dorian wasn't concerned with Darson, per se. He was more concerned with the information that he had gained on t'Khellian and what he planned on doing about her. It would not take Isha long to realize the involvement of Starfleet Marines in surveillance of her. In fact, Dorian was hoping that Isha would notice. It would force her to run towards the safety of her own kind, specifically Raedhol. As long as Raedhol kept his end of their bargain, Isha would no longer be a problem for Gabriel and Raedhol would have the woman whose affection he had pinned away for so long.

Dorian eventually arrived at the desired location and pressed the chime on Darson's door alerting him to his presence. Knowing him he was probably cleaning his rifles with a toothbrush or doing 1000 push-ups or whatever Marines did when they weren't shooting someone.

Darson sat up sharply, placed his hand on the butt of his pistol, and laid the PADD back down on the table as the chime rang at his office door. A quick check of the computer confirmed immediately that the person on the other side was in fact Lieutenant Gabriel, right on time.

He made one final check on the status of the white noise generator, and made sure it was active and disabling all active bugs and recording devices before saying, "Come!", as he leaned forward and placed his elbows softly on the desk. He had turned on the lights in the office for this particular encounter, and the brightness was competing with the darkness of his cloak for dominance. However, he had kept the temperature the same as it was, so it would undoubtedly be a little…frosty…for Gabriel.

The first thing that Dorian noticed as he stepped into the room was how cold it was. Why was it always COLD in this damn room? Dorian hated temperature extremes. Ever since he was a child, he could not tolerate being in rooms that were extremely cold or hot, he could tolerate the otherwise inconvenience for so long before he would start to become light-headed and have to leave the location. His condition had forced him on frequently to threaten the life of a hapless Klingon technician to adjust the heat within a particular area.

Darson's love for extreme temperatures was not putting Dorian in a pleasant mood. However, the Marine possessed information that he required, therefore he would tolerate the annoyance for the time being.

Darson eyed the tall man through his helmet's sensors, and nodded his head towards one of the seats in front of his desk, "Why don't you come in and have a seat, Lieutenant…we have much to discuss."

He walked into the room and took a seat in the rather uncomfortable chair and looked around the room. To call it sparsely decorated would be an understatement. Dorian supposed that there was some wisdom in not keeping a lot of "stuff" laying about one's office.

Darson watched closely as Dorian sat down in front of his desk, and locked eyes with him, giving him a cold glare. He stayed like that for several more seconds, and then leaned back and said suddenly, "No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution…who is it that said those words, Lieutenant?"

~. . . Another clown with worst fashion taste than yourself? ~ Dorian thought to himself. "Niccolo Machiavelli, if my ancient Terran History is correct." Dorian responded aloud.

"Correct, Lieutenant. Obviously, that quote forms the basis of one of the most fundamental and important foundations of the military intelligence tradecraft…the action one takes to protect an ongoing operation from the eye's of the enemy…especially the Intelligence Services of the enemy. I have here," He said, picking up a PADD from the bunch and sliding it across the expanse of the desk to the Lieutenant, "The results of a level 2 Passive Scan of my Command Center. Allow me to draw your attention to the name of the officer who requested it…I took the liberty of highlighting it at the top of the page."

Dorian smirked as he looked at the Padd. It confirmed something that Dorian had wondered for a long time. Darson's access extends to more than what it should. To know about AND receive the results of the scan would require Darson to have remote access to several surveillance systems that did not extend to this portion of the station. In fact, he would have to access to certain systems that even Rakka herself did not possess.

Dorian looked at the Padd and cocked a brow as he raised his eyes back towards the Marine. "Yes, I initiated the scan." Dorian said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I don't appreciate being spied upon, Lieutenant," Darson said in a dark and icy tone, "And it stops now. I know that you're…curious…about what I've been doing secluded down here, but I'm keeping you in the dark for a very good reason. All you need to know is that I have received authorization from my superiors to conduct all necessary operations as I see fit. You want to know what's going on, then you come to me, and me alone…am I making myself clear?"

~ . . . He doesn't like someone looking over his shoulder . . . ~ Dorian thought immediately. Dorian had learned early on in his career that the mark of a true professional is someone who can do any and everything in plain sight. However, he had also learned that some people become agitated when they have an audience. Whatever Darson was working on, he did not want anyone else to know about it until he was complete. Obviously the project must be in a vulnerable stage if Darson was willing to access Fleet Intelligence reports. He would have to remember for future reference what exactly would get Darson's attention.

He picked up one of the PADD's on the table and waved it in the air, "Allow me to make one thing perfectly clear before we proceed and get down to business, Lieutenant. What I'm about to reveal to you is heavily classified information. It has not been sanitized or redacted in any way, shape or form, and will not be disclosed or discussed outside this room with anybody lacking the necessary clearance. To do so will result in the immediate revocation of your security clearance, as well as other…disciplinary measures. Is this understood?"

Dorian smirked as he listened to the Marine mention 'disciplinary measures'. "Sure Darson, lock and key" he replied.

Darson stared silently at the Lieutenant for a few more seconds across the cold desk, and then placed the PADD he was waving around in front of Gabriel, and looked into the distance.

"I want to tell you a story Lieutenant. This story begins a little over a decade ago, during one of the lowest points of Federation-Romulan relations. Have you ever heard of Operation: EMERALD CAVE?”

"No, we were in the final legs of the Dominion War. I was serving in Security Investigations at Starfleet Command during that time, so I wouldn't be aware of different Intelligence operations." Dorian replied.

Darson shrugged, "Well, that's not surprising really. It was more than a decade ago, before your time. EMERALD CAVE… was a collections network, comprised of several agents, recruited from within the Federation-Romulan Community, specifically within Federation territory…but with a couple of agents dispersed in Romulan territory as well."

"EMERALD CAVE's focus…was on Romulan immigrants and travelers, who were trying to discreetly 'obtain' intelligence and weapons technology from the Federation for Romulus…you understand what I mean by 'Obtain', don't you Lieutenant?"

"They're Romulans, of course they were stealing." Dorian said as he leaned back and crossed his arms over his head in a relaxed fashion.

"Quite so. And, for a season, EMERALD CAVE was considered… successful. SI used their agents to misdirect the others, and protect all the technology but the pieces we wanted them to have. We traced it back up the food chain, and were rewarded with a large quantity of evidence. These of course lead to a string of quiet arrests, and Starfleet Intelligence feeling very proud of itself."

"I thought the purpose of this meeting was to provide relevant information in regards to our Romulan "guests" and Major Monteros." Dorian said as his patience was beginning to wear thin. "Aside from that, if Starfleet was able to stop Romulan thieves from taking information, then why are we sitting here discussing this instead of reading about it on some history Padd?" he asked.

Darson nodded, "Yes, I did say that. The Operation was considered successful…right up until all of it agents, disappeared…one after another. In little more than a week, the entire operation had already been completely and systemically destroyed. Even the case officer in charge of the Operation disappeared."

Darson trailed off and stopped momentarily and looked at a dubious Gabriel and said softly, "Now, before I go onto the second part of the story, I need to know one thing."

~ . . . the name of a decent tailor? ~ Dorian opined to himself as he listened to the Marine put on the melodramatic display. "What do you need to know?" Dorian responded.

Darson said calmly, "Why, the depths of your conviction of course. How far are you willing to go to protect the interests of the Federation?"

Dorian wasn't foolish enough to say aloud the exact extent that he was willing to go in the name of the Federation. He did not trust Darson any further than he could spit the station, and he certainly wasn't going to say anything that could be recorded or used against him.

He looked directly into the man's eyes and responded. “I will do whatever is necessary, Darson." he replied.

Darson let out a low chuckle, "That's what I thought you'd say. Alright Lieutenant, here's the second part of the story."

He reached down and grabbed yet another PADD, "After the operation was disrupted, Starfleet Intelligence devoted a large concentration of resources to discover exactly how it had been compromised. Eventually, it was discovered that there was a mole present in the organization. The mole was immediately apprehended and interrogated. After a short period of time, it was revealed that he was a Tal-Shiar agent."

"Now, what happened to that agent is not important, but what is important was that buoyed by that discovery, and the desire to pay the Romulans back with interest, Starfleet Intelligence in conjunction with SpecOps units, entered into a joint operation, classified at the highest levels…Operation: COLD MIRROR."

Darson leaned back in his chair, "The operation was quite simply to get an agent inside the Tal-Shiar. Of course, this was easier said than done. They only took Romulans, and were very, very picky in their selection. So, a task was set to either create the perfect double agents, or find one already in place and turn him.

Darson rubbed the top of the desk with his hand and said quietly, "In the end, there was really only one way to identify any viable subjects necessary for the operation. Black Ops teams were recruited, and sent over the line, through the Neutral Zone, and straight into the heart of the enemy."

“They were tasked with using any means necessary to find information that could be used to our advantage, or in the best case scenario, an asset that could be used against them.”

Dorian rolled his eyes and gave an exacerbated sigh. Again with the conspiracy theories involving Starfleet Intelligence. If it wasn't the omnipotent "Section 31" then it was something else involving contra-legal tactics from within the department. Dorian's patience was wearing thin with the man in the funny costume.

"Darson!" He said in a less than controlled tone. The lowered temperature was beginning to affect him and he wanted to be gone sooner rather than later. "You said that the information you had would be relevant to the current situation involving one of your fellow Marines and the Tal'Shiar. Not to listen to fantasies about Rogue Agents and secret missions!" He said as he began to take deep breathes in order to control his respiration.

"Now what, in the blue-hell does any of this have to do with the Romulans that we have gallivanting about this station?" He asked.

Darson glanced at the hyperventilating officer on the other side of the desk, “It has everything to do with the Romulans,” Darson said calmly, “What if I told you that the mission did succeed, and that an agent was in fact turned?”

Dorian leaned in closer. It intrigued him to know that at "loyal" Romulan solider had been converted to the side of the Federation. Such an occurrence let Dorian believe that Romulans were a redeemable race after all. "Then you would also have to inform me where the agent was and what information he possessed." Dorian responded.

Darson placed his elbows on his desk and said in a conspiratorial tone, “The agent is coming here. To Deep Space 5. And when it arrives, I have no doubt that the agent will be able to shed some light on any number of things...especially related to Isha t'Khellian, and Major Monteros.”

"What makes you so sure?" He asked in a lower tone.

Darson leaned even closer and said vaguely, "Many things Lieutenant...many things indeed...things that I don't feel obligated to disclose at this time. However, rest assured that when the agent arrives, I shall immediately direct it to you for...debriefing."

Dorian was taking his time responding, he was more interested in getting out of here than anything else. However, Darson's offer did appeal to him. If the "agent" was aware of Romulan-Federation matters, then there was a good chance that it was aware of other pertinent information as well.

Darson leaned back and went over Gabriel with an experienced eye, taking note of the stress on his features and his labored breathing, "Was there anything else...Lieutenant?"

He was satisfied with what he had heard so far. It was obvious that Darson got a kick out of remaining in control of all things around him. It was interesting to know, for future purposes. Dorian had also learned to not underestimate the Marine's Intelligence capabilities. Takin a deep breathe he watched Darson as he responding. "No, you've been quite helpful James." He said as he turned and begin to exit the uncomfortably brisk room.

As Gabriel stood to leave, Darson leaned forward in his chair and said in a cold voice filled with veiled humor, "I'm sure I have been Dorian...I'm sure I have been,"

After the Lieutenant left, he remained still for a few seconds, then stood up. Picking up one of the PADD's and examining it, he deleted all the information on it, and tossed it aside. He proceeded to do the same with all the others on his desk.

Most of the information he had shared with the CIO had been true...mostly true at least. But he had also lied to Gabriel. A good part of it was entirely fabricated... specifically the parts about the methods involved in the second operation, COLD MIRROR. As damaging as it was if it got out, if the real truth was ever revealed, the blowback would be enormous. Better to let Lt. Gabriel think that it had been a Joint Operation with Starfleet Intelligence.

On the other hand...the meeting had gone well. He had played his part perfectly, from his fake outrage over the scan of the department to the reveal of the information concerning the agent. If he was lucky, then Dorian would be distracted trying to figure out what he was doing down here, and he could proceed with his primary mission with one less obstacle. If not...then he would only lose an advantage that he didn't expect to have in the first place.


Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5