Judgement – First Shift - Ooh shiny!
by Citizen Min Zhao & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   First Shift - Ooh shiny!
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Citizen Min Zhao & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Fri Feb 11, 2011 @ 3:43pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   1800ish

Min stepped back into the BoD for the second time that day. Looking around she didn't immediately spot Yolanthe but given the events that'd transpired at their first meeting she wasn't even sure if there would be a second meeting. In any event though she'd agreed to meet her here at 1800 hrs.

She hovered for a few moments, and then the impossibly good looking young man Yolanthe had pointed out earlier tapped her on the elbow. "Min, right," he asked with a smile that had butterflies in her stomach fluttering enough to start a storm.

Min glanced at the man who spoke to her. She hadn't noticed him earlier when Yolanthe had pointed him out but standing before her he certainly fit her description. Min gave him a demure smile. "Yes." She offered him her hand. "Ms Ibalin mentioned she'd have one of her staff meet me."

"Right on time." He looked her over. "Would you prefer to pick out a new outfit, or wear what you've got?"

"I wasn't really told what the dress code is so I hope..." She slowly turned around so the young man could see her outfit fully from all angles, "This is acceptable."

"More than," he said. "But we need to do something about those shoes. You'll cripple yourself before you're half way through your shift. Come with me."

Min followed the man towards the back of the BoD, towards what she assumed was the office area. Stepping into what appeared to be a dressing room of sorts she was surprised by the varied assortment of clothes Yolanthe had available for staff. Everything from the skimpiest of Dabo girl's outfit to some pretty conservative dress could be found on racks & shelves.

"If there's nothing here you fancy," Blake told her, "Then we can go upstairs and get something from the wardrobe replicators in the holospa." He opened a small cupboard, filled with dainty, yet flat and well padded shoes ideal for long shifts on your feet. "Take your pick."

Min pointed to a small black set with a small purple flower on each that matched her dress color. "I think that pair would be good."

"Then that pair it is." He held them out to her.

Min took the shoes and put them on. She took a couple of steps, getting a feel for the shoes. She was pleasantly surprised just how comfortable they were in comparison to her own. The man was right, she would want these to finish her shift.

"Now all you need is one of these," he gave her his ordering padd, "and you're set." He stood at her side and showed her how it worked. "Punch it in, and then you press transmit to send it to the bar, or you take it up yourself and the Boss-" he stopped. Yolanthe wasn't there any more. "Or someone - will fill it in and call or ring the gong when its ready. Any questions?"

"I think I'm pretty much up to speed. I've done a gig or two like this so unless the Box of Delights has anything extra they ask of their staff, I'm pretty much set."

Blake laughed and shook his head. "Not really, just have fun." He held up his arm to guide her to the door. "Go get 'em, tiger."

Min smiled. "Rawr." She made her way to the door. "By the way, I don't think I caught your name."

"Blake." A strand of hair had escaped from his pony tail and he blew it out of his eyes. "Though quite a lot of customers think its 'Oi' or 'over here'."

Min offered Blake her hand. "Good to meet you Blake."