Interlude – 'Press' ure
by Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   'Press' ure
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon May 31, 2010 @ 3:28pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   The day after 'If War is What it Takes...' ~ SD19
Thomas looked over his shoulder for about the hundredth time as he walked through the corridors. He'd done similar assignments before but this was different. The political situation on the base had everyone on edge and that always led to misunderstandings. He managed to find the right place without incident and let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He was far from being safe but the chances for a 'misunderstanding' dramatically decreased as he entered the Romulan consulate.

He paused and looked around for a moment, not quite sure who he should speak to. He was eager for the story but he was reluctant to make a mistake and escalate the tension that was already too high for comfort.

"Whitlock?" Nahir i-Orinwen said looking the visitor up and down. Her gaze did not pass comment but merely assessed that he was who his profile said he was. Nahir knew that t'Merek was not on duty at the moment and would probably be annoyed with her for letting him in, but the Ambassador had been insistant and Nahir wanted to get back on the right side of t'Khellian. She had asked one of Rh'vaurek's people to check him out and the reply was satisfactory.

Thomas turned at the sound of the woman's voice. He smiled brightly as he stepped closer and said, "Yes. Thomas Whitlock. I believe the Ambassador is expecting me."

"Indeed," the young woman replied, "this way. She led him round the curved partition and down the wide hallway to the open doors that led to the Ambassador's office. The consulate had been redesigned to cater for the comfort of one person, Ambassador t'Khellian who currently sat behind her desk doing nothing to acknowledge that Nahir had said anything. "Thomas Whitlock, Ambassador," Nahir said before withdrawing.

"Have a seat, Mister Whitlock," Isha said waving toward the chairs at the opposite side of her desk. Behind her the twinkling vista of stars looked on as she continued to study her padd.

Thomas nodded at sat in the indicated chair. He didn't want to disturb the woman until she was ready so he busied himself by studying the view outside the window.

The padd contained the details that i-Orinwen had forwarded to her. Isha has already absorbed them but was taking a moment to observe and to wonder what a journalist wanted with her. As she lowered the padd she raised her bright green gaze and offered the slightest smile of welcome. "How may the Stelam Shiar be of service," she asked him in unaccented Federation Standard.

Thomas was a little surprised by the flawless accent but pushed it aside for later as he said, "There have been certain...rumors floating around the base and I was hoping I could get a little clarification so we can put the rumors to rest."

Isha raised a perfectly arched eyebow, "Rumours?" she asked linking her fingers together on the desktop, "I do enjoy a good rumour ... so what have you heard, Mister Whitlock?" she asked.

Thomas paused for a moment. This was either going to make his career or get him killed. He looked at her again and said, "There has been talk of....'unrest'...within the consulate and it's starting to make people nervous."

Isha knew very well what rumours were going round, and others had joined the list since Rh'vaurek had been unexpectedly recalled to ch'Rihan. Things never went well when he was 'recalled', it usually meant that something was about to happen, she reflected, choosing not to dismiss the man's questions. " Any people in particular, or is this a guessing game?" she asked him tracing her fingers over a deep gash in the surface of her desk - were the fingerprints of that Cardassian Faelirh ch'susse-thrai all over those rumours? she wondered.

"It's just something I picked up in passing," Thomas replied noncommittally. "I simply want to help clear the air and do what I can to help ease the tensions that seem to be everywhere at the moment."

"Well, if this is an informal discusion rather than a press interview lets continue it over there," Isha said rising smoothly from her chair before gliding towards the comfortable seating area near the door of her office. "Will you take a drink?" she asked pleasantly.

"Kali-fal, if you don't mind," Thomas said as he stood and moved to the other area. "Most of this can be off the record if you wish but I would appreciate an official statement when we're through."

"Do sit," Isha said as she poured two glasses of bright blue liquid. She placed one of them on the table in front of him before taking the sofa opposite and tucking her legs beneath her, her own glass resting on her knee. "Entirely off the record I think, Mister Whitlock. After that I will consider whether or not I wish to make an official statement or to leave you to rely on 'official sources'," she said. "You're new here, I think."

"Yes, I just arrived recently," Thomas replied as he sipped the drink. "The fact that a new arrival should hear of the issue so quickly is a testament to the severity of the situation I would say."

"I would not disagree," Isha said with a smile though her eyes lacked the humour that might normaly have joined it. "I find it odd that you mention unrest within my Consulate. I would have thought that it would be conflict that reaches beyond my walls that would be more disturbing," she suggested.

"It's true that there is a greater issue," Thomas acknowledge. "I believe that trying to resolve the big picture while there is....discontent...within the smaller factions is an exercise in futility."

"There are those who might take offence at being named a smaller faction," Isha observed in the same pleasant tone as she reached to place her glass aside. And of course I am perfectly content," she continued smoothing her skirt across her knees. "Who sent you here?"

"I meant no offense, Ambassador," Thomas said to her. "By 'smaller', I merely meant in comparison to the larger picture. I did not mean to imply that the Romulan consulate is a small or insignificant presence." He paused to sip his drink again. "And to answer your question, no one sent me. I'm here as an independent and impartial party. I simply want to help in any way I can."

Absently Isha rubbed her left wrist with the fingers of her right hand. She really should have gone to the doctor or to her own medical facity, but medics asked questions - even more questions than t'Merek. Still, despite the unpleasant encounter after her talk with the Counselor Isha was feeling somewhat relaxed about having shot Getal the previous afternoon. She was quite sure that one was not supposed to feel that way about shooting someone, even if was only a heavy stun but Isha had faith in t'Merek's new precautions and finally that bastard, if he had a rational bone in his body, would understand that she was not going to be pushed around and leave her alone.

"You are with the Federation News Service, no?" Isha asked but continued before he could answer. "I am not averse to speaking with the press, indeed the Stelam Shiar's interests here are peaceable. You will have seen for yourself how open this consulate is ... the Praetor seeks to engender trust by showing more openness than has been shown at time in the past," she told him, "that you may quote."

Thomas nodded and made a note on a PADD he pulled from a pocket. "I may be affiliated with the Federation but I'm not a puppet of that organization. I'm not a diplomat or a politician. I don't add political bias to my stories. The truth knows no politics. That's what I'm after."

Isha chuckled softly, "Truth is subjective, Mister Whitlock. If you ask me what the truth is I will tell you one thing. If you ask one of my ambassadorial counterparts you may hear something entirely contradictory, yet both will be the truth," she said.

"The truth doesn't change, Ambassador," Thomas replied. "One's perception of the truth does. The trick is to look past the perceptions to get to the true story."

It was unusual for lloan'su to grasp that simple fact but Isha did not remark on it. "What a shame i am not the sort of woman who just blurts things out," Isha said implying that there might well be a story. "As it is I do not give away secrets for a kind word and a friendly smile," Isha did not give away secrets at all though she might be induced to share them if she found it to be in her interests.

"What would you suggest?" Thomas asked, smelling a story but not wanting to push too hard.

"I would not presume to suggest," Isha said watching him demurely from beneath lowered lashes. "Why don't you ask me what it is that you want to know?" she asked raising her gaze to his, "If I know what you are looking for I might be able to point you in the right direction."

"Everything I've heard is rumor and hearsay," Thomas said to her. "I guess the biggest question at the moment is whether or not it's true that there is unrest and discontent within the consulate."

"Oh no," Isha said with a laugh, which was quite true, because Rh'vaurek had gone and so was no longer around to undermine her. "Of course from time to time disharmonious elements enter from outside, and as this is sovereign territory, they must be dealt with. That is off the record of course," she added examining in her mind how the journalist might be of use to her in her ongoing conflict with Getal.

"So it was true but is no longer," Thomas said thoughtfully. "What do you feel could be done to relieve some of the tension between the Romulan consulate and some of the other groups throughout the base?"

"The Stelam Shiar have had a presence on this starbase for two years, apart from an external attack from certain misguided citizens we have worked with the station in peace. I enjoy cordial relations with command team, and with the Klingon embassy, as much to my surprise as to their ambassador, I believe," she smiled. "I dislike the vulgar, Mister Whitlock, those newcomers who are ill bred enough to believe that shouting and boasting will get them their way," she told him. "The empire wishes for peace in this sector and as the highest representative of my people I and my staff are allied to those who share that interest."

Thomas noted the absence of the Cardassians from that list and decided to test the waters a little. "I haven't met the Klingon ambassador yet. I also have yet to meet with the Cardassians."

So he was reading between her words, Isha thought. "Ambassador Toran has a surprising sense of humour," Isha said referring to the Klingon, "And Ambassador Getal has a surprising sense of his own superiority. Another drink?" she enquired noticing that his glass was empty.

"Please," Thomas said, handing her his glass. "What exactly do you mean by 'surprising sense of his own superiority'?"

Isha rose and returned with the bottle poring him another generous measure before placing it back in the cabinet and returning to her seat. "I have observed that Cardassians frequently have an overly developed sense of their own importance, in the same way that my people are often perceived to be arrogant by lesser species, its part of the cultural psyche, but Getal ... he takes it to a whole new level," she told him wondering how she could intimate to Whitlock that Getal was planning to attack the station without actually telling him.

"Thank you," Thomas replied as he sipped the drink again. "It sounds to me that you have a less than flattering opinion of Ambassador Getal," he said to her. "Is that personal opinion or do you have a concrete reason for feeling that way?"

She did not think that she would ever get an other opportunity to take a shot at Getal, indeed Isha would be happy if she never had another encounter with him. However Isha had cut her teeth in the senate courts and she knew that there was more than one way to damage someone. Whitlock might just give her the opportunity to undermine the reputation as a diplomat he had been building around the station. She spoke very softly, hesitantly, as if suddenly unsure of herself, "May a reason not be both concrete and personal?" she asked.

Thomas looked at her more closely as she spoke and smiled to himself. She was an attractive woman and getting personal with her had it's appeal. He wasn't sure it would be wise to try though. A moment later he shook himself out of his reverie and smiled at her. Perhaps it was the drink that had him distracted. "It's certainly possible," he said to her. He'd noticed a slight shift in her demeanor and had to restrain himself from moving closer to her. "Do you have a concrete reason for disliking him? Personal," he said, glancing at her body briefly, "or otherwise?"

He was just a man after all, Isha thought seeing both his smile and his indecision and the route his gaze took. "Off the record, Mister Whitlock," Isha said in the same little voice as she sought to express her vulnerabilty and appeal the the sense of chivalry that so many Lloann'su males seemed to possess, "I am not fond of Tharek Getal," she left it there, knowing that it invited him to reiterate the question 'why?'.

Thomas stood up and walked around the room for a moment, looking at the various items spread throughout the area, giving himself a chance to think. He turned to look at her again then moved and sat on the couch beside her. He sipped his drink for a moment, waiting for her reaction, then asked, "Can you tell me why? Off the record."

Isha tilted her head round to look at him. "He is an aggressive bully, Mister Whitlock," she said, "Quite needlessly savage," she told him.

"How so?" Thomas asked, placing his hand on her knee without truly thinking about it.

"He attacked me, Mister Whitlock," she said, resting her fingers on the fabric of her sleeve, "right here in this room."

"Attacked you in what way?" Thomas asked, sliding a little closer to her. "And why did he attack you?"

"To intimidate me," Isha said, "and to show that he could. He suspects me of interfering in his business," she added rising to her feet.

Thomas watched her stand up and he began to wonder if he'd pushed too far. "Are you?" he asked, deciding to take a chance.

Isha paused by the stand that held three very fine examples of Rihannsu metalwork, "that top sword was my late husband's," she said, "He bequeathed his House to me. Please do not be under the impression that I will dishonour his memory," she told Whitlock softly; Isha did not like her personal space to be invaded.

Thomas looked at her for a moment then nodded. "I understand fully," he said to her.

She turned back to him, "Off the record, I will not have an overbearing Cardassian with a misplaced superiority complex swagger onto this station and interfere with what I have built," she said.

Thomas noted that she hadn't denied the interference and filed it away in his mind. "Do you have proof of his interference?'

How could she give him proof of a conversation that both she and Getal would deny had ever happened? Sharing it with the Klingon had been too much of a risk ... she needed to hook his interest some other way. Isha returned to her original seat. "I have reason to believe that he plans something against this station. He knows that I will stand in his way so he wishes to frighten me off. But I can be very stubborn, Mister Whitlock, and the harder I am pushed the more determined I become."

"What do you want from me?" Thomas asked.

Isha placed a hand gently over his, quite aware that the action conflicted with the message she had given him a few moments before, "You can make discrete enquiries. Turn a former member of the Obsidian Order upside down and give him a good shake and something of interest will fall out," she suggested, "You will get a story, and you will get a friend in this Consulate."

Thomas looked at her hand on his and thought about the possibilities. Pushing the thoughts out of his mind, he looked at her and said, "Talking to the Cardassians after coming here will be a little tricky. Having a friend here would certainly be useful, though." He paused and sipped his drink again. "I should remind you that if I do find the story it will be written objectively and without bias toward one side or the other."

"I would expect nothing less," she said with the slightest twist of a smile on her lips, "I am trusting you not to incriminate me, Mister Whitlock, or should I call you Thomas if we are to be friends?" Isha asked artlessly.

"I keep my sources anonymous," Thomas said to her, "And Thomas is fine with me." He paused for a moment and looked at her again, "Is there anything else you would like to tell me about your current situation?"

"No, Thomas," Isha replied drawing her hands back into her lap. She was quite cynically manipulating him into doing what she wanted, appealing not only to his professional curiosity, but to his sympathy for the vulnerable and conflicted woman she allowed him to glimpse through the mask she had purposefully set askew. "Nothing more at this stage. You hoped that I would provide you with an official statement, did you not?"

"Yes," Thomas replied straightening up again. "An official statement would be greatly appreciated."

Isha thought for a moment before she spoke, "The Rihannsu Stelam Shiar is increasingly optimistic about the cordial nature of relations on Deep Space Five. We have come together during the recent terrorist threat to preserve what has been created and we seek to build upon it in bringing our peoples closer together. I am pleased to announce that on Captain Tahir's return we will host a banquet for senior representitves of the major powers in our embassy to underline this new stage in relations between our worlds and the growing spirit of unity. How is that?" Isha asked.

"That's perfect," Thomas replied, making another note on his PADD. "I guess I should get going so you can get back to work. I look forward to speaking to you again."

Isha inclined her head slightly, she did not rise. "My consulate is always open to friends," she said with a smile as he turned to leave. No doubt t'Merek would give Isha another talking to for entertaining a visitor while she was out at lunch. The ambassador could live with that because if she had read t'Merek correctly, her new head of security would not approve of her methods, and that would have made for an even more troublesome discussion.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Thomas Whitlock