Incommunicado – Changing Tides - Galileo's Error?
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Changing Tides - Galileo's Error?
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Dec 17, 2011 @ 12:59pm
Location   The Dunham Quarters
Timeline   Between Judgement & Incommunicado
:: On ::

Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep. Chimed the communications unit with a incoming call. Rick groaned and rolled over, pulling the sheet over his head, next to him Chelsea stirred, poking him slightly to get the call, after all the small computer terminal was on his side of the bed. The communicator chirped again insistently. Beep beep. Beep beep. Rick groaned again into his pillow, he tried to pretend the noise wasn't getting louder and more urgent, instead opting to go back to sleep. He was tired, both of them were, they had been on nights for the last few days. He loved his job, loved flying, he wouldn't want to do anything else.....but the shift work was a pain in the ass. Beep Beep.

"Riiiiiiiiiiick!!" Chelsea scolded and climbed over him, literally, making him groan more than ever with an elbow in his ribs and a knee in his thigh as she clambered to get to the other side. "I'd have gone round but this is more fun" she laughed as he grumbled.

Reaching for the comm button her voice was serious again by the time she said: =^= Dunham =^= with little ceremony. She made sure the settings were *off* on the vid facility so the caller only got her voice and nothing of the nakedness that she was attempting to cover by stealing the sheet off her resisting husband.

=^= Ma'am =^= came the formal yet junior voice of a starfleet officer on the otherside of the link =^= I have an in comming communication from a Kim Anderson for the Dunhams Ma'am =^=

Rick just grumbled again into his pillow, with one hand trying in vain to pull the sheets, most of which were now covering Chelsea's modesty, back over him. The other hand fumbbled around under the pillows, for his trusted life companion 'Ted' the rather battered teddy bear. When his hand found it in the darkness that was now only illuminated by the federation flag on the comm screen, he throw it blindly in Chelsea's general direction. Rick, even with his calm spiritual soul, was not a morning person.

=^= Put her through =^= Chelsea replied with one last tug at the sheet. The material slipped loose and returned to her so she wrapped it around herself and sat in front of Rick strategically spreading herself and it so that all Kim would be able to see of him would be his head and shoulders on the pillow and his feet protruding beyond the far side of his wife.

=^= Hey Baby! =^= Chelsea greeted her neice-in-law. She wasn't a morning person by nature herself but years of waking up suddenly for medical emergencies had drummed into her an ability to put on the 'doctors' face that said everything was alright even if it wasn't. She was secretly hoping fervently that this wasn't bad news.

=^= Aunty Chelsea! =^= came and ecstatic and enthusiastic response from the grinning teenager =^= How are you? =^= sweetly, and trying to invoke that long tried method of 'buttering up.' There was a sudden thud Rick after giving up on grabbing sheets fell out of the bed due to disorientation. With a sigh of defeat he gave up on sleep and decided to do some press ups.

"RICHARD ERIC DUNHAM!" Chelsea exclaimed, shocked as she scrambled to snap off the vid-channel and transfer Kim instantly back to audio only.

=^= Sorry about your Uncle Sweetie, he's half asleep. Anyway to what do we owe the pleasure of this lovely call? Are you okay? How are your Mum and Dad? Is Gran okay too? =^= This barrage of questions was designed to distract the teenager's attention from the sudden plunge to a dark screen with an Icon on it.

If there had been any observer of the situation, they could be forgiven for the assumption that this was to avoid exposing Kim to the view of the toned, tanned, rippling muscles of the CAG on the floor beside the bed in just his boxers, but in actuality there was an element of concern underpinning Chelsea's censorship that her own reaction to this sight might be visible in some way.

Grumbling Rick pulled on a dressing gown and left the room, he returned with a slice of pizza left over from last night, which he promptly started to munch on.

=^= Everything's fine auntie =^= Came Kim's re-assuring voice =^= Mum and Dad are doing really well and taking it easy for a bit. Gran is gallivanting across the galaxy and Grandad is on Vulcan..... =^= she trailed off a bit, as she built up for her big question. =^= I'm on my way to earth to go see GG and was wandering if i could come visit 'en route'? =^=

Rick whispered to chelsea that GG was Kim's nickname for his grand-parents, her great grandparents.

=^= Of course honey. It'd be brilliant to have you come for a visit again. How long can you stay? We'd LOVE for it to be as long as possible! =^= Chelsea answered without hesitation and without even looking at Rick for confirmation. =^= When are GG expecting you? Are they VERY old? If they're Rick's grandparents, they have to be ANCIENT!!!!!!!!! =^= she teased and found herself on the muffled end of a pillow again.

"Its the twenty third century Doctor" said Rick whacking his wife again with the pillow. "Humans can live well past a hundred and still live fully capable lives."

"I am well aware of the life expectancy for humans but even in THIS century it's still all about genes and if they're early versions of you, who can't even get up in the morning in your thirties, I wouldn't be surprised if they're totally 'horizontally-challenged' by now." She laughed, ducking and trying to catch the pillow from him.

=^= They're in their nineties consecutively, but to get them to go anywhere is like trying to move mountains, I can stay for a week before going on to visit them on Earth =^=

=^= Ah HA!!! Horizontally challenged, like mountains! Well, okay, Velocity-challenged.... also like your Uncle! OUCH! =^= Chelsea triumphed, earning herself another cuff round the ear with the pillow.

=^= Hurry and get here please Kimmy... I need you to protect me from the monster I've married! =^= she laughed, still attempting to get possession of the pillow.

Kim giggled =^= You married him auntie its your own fault, I will be on station in a few hours =^=

Rick looked out of the door into their living quarters, he was going to have to tidy up.

=^= Oh Kim.. you're SUPPOSED to be on MY side! =^= Chelsea laughed back. =^= ...wait? A few hours?? I can't change the rotas that fast so I'll be back on duty by then..... oh well, never mind, you know how to help yourself, don't you... and Uncle Monster will be at the docking bay to welcome you." She shot a long look at Rick making it clear this was not a request but a requirement, although she did follow it with a smirk and a quick attempt to escape.

=^= Love to everyone honey. See you soon. =^= she finished off quickly before the Monster's revenge descended upon her. She put up a lot of protest and self-defence plus some more provocation that she was never going to admit to if asked. The rest of the morning until she was due on duty passed with a great deal of pleasurable sparring and some even better 'making up' afterwards.

/.... tbc

A JP between

Lt. Cmdr. Richard Dunham


Cmdr. Chelsea Dunham