Interlude – Advice
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Advice
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Aug 01, 2010 @ 5:58pm
Location   Observation lounge
Timeline   SD29 - late night

His arm resting over his eyes, Maiell could hear Amalia's soft, even breaths and could feel the warmth of her body next to him as she slept. Sliding his arm off his face, he turned to look at her. The content, peaceful look on her face was a stark contrast to how her new lover felt. While she probably felt their night together was thrilling and very passionate, Maiell hadn't felt worse in a long time. While he had, of course, enjoyed it physically, once the afterglow subsided and Ma'erlit had snuggled up to him to fall asleep, his mind wouldn't let him have the same luxury.

He felt selfish and guilty. This wasn't how he'd wanted this to happen. He wanted them to experience this event without any burden or agenda, but he'd ruined that. After the stir of emotions the fight with Arrienye brought, Maiell just wanted to forget it, to focus on something else to make him feel better. And Ma'erlit was there, completely innocent, at his disposal. He'd used her and she deserved much better than that.

Feeling closed in and disgusted with himself, Maiell slowly moved the covers off himself and slid out of bed. Careful to not wake Amalia, he got dressed in his House uniform and left her a message saying he had some work to do. A blatant lie, but, being Tal'Shiar now, he had no doubt she'd believe it.

Running his hand through his hair, he left his quarters and walked to the Observation lounge. It was deserted, not unusual for this time of night. He walked inside, going over to the large window on the far side. Staring out, his arms crossed over his chest, he stared out into the Abyss of space.

R'Vek had actually been in the Observation Lounge for some time before Maiell arrived, having briefly stepped out for coffee before returning to find his new protege in the previously empty lounge, "Maiell, my boy, what brings you here this time of morning?" He asked, "It's not a fit time for man nor beast, nor Klingon for that matter."

Maiell turned to look at the newcomer. He bowed politely to the older man. "Admiral," he said, then shrugged in answer to his question. "Just have a lot on my mind," he added after a moment.

"I've been in that situation before." R'Vek nodded, "But I wonder what it is that weighs so heavy on your young mind. I mean, I usually reserved expressions that dour for times of war. We're not at war, Maiell. That is to say, the Empire is not at war. What of you? Are you at war, Maiell?"

"I'm not sure yet. I have had a confrontation with my cousin that didn't end well," he finally revealed, actually saying the words making him feel a little worse, as if it confirmed that it was true.

"Arrain t'Merek." R'Vek nodded, "She is indeed a formidable woman, one that seems to enjoy combat as much as any member of a civilized species can. Might I ask what brought this on? Perhaps I can offer a strategy with more intelligence at my disposal."

"Against Arrienye? No offense, but I doubt it," Maiell gave a slight smirk. "Then again, with that in mind, I suppose there is not much harm that can be done by telling you. She found out that I have been seeing this enlisted Starfleet officer. A Bajoran. And she didn't approve." It wasn't the whole truth of course, but enough.

"Ahh, that would be the lovely Crewman Ma'erlit, I presume." R'Vek laughed, Ma'erlit had told his daughter, his daughter had let it slip to him in her joy, "And she disapproves because Ma'erlit is Bajoran, because she is enlisted, both?"

"Both," Maiell nodded. "But, I know it isn't really personal on Arrienye's side. She's just...protecting me," he explained.

"In spite of the fact that you're a grown man. Commendable, though unwarranted." R'Vek replied as he digested the information, "Now, is there a reason why she feels to compelled to protect you, a grown man with an impressive record for valor in combat? Or does she simply suffer from a super hero complex and think the galaxy can't be safe without her intervention?" From what he'd seen so far of t'Merek R'vek realized either possibility was worthy of strong consideration.

"She feels that a relationship with an alien won't end well and she's trying to save me from the hurt it would inevitably bring me," Maiell said.

"Hmmm." R'Vek shook his head, "That's a very narrow minded approach to it. From everything I've heard Ma'erlit Amalia is a wonderful young woman with a lot to offer any man, in short, quite a catch. I could talk to her, tell her that not all interspecies relationships end badly. Look at myself and Eleni for example. Yes, there were obstacles, but nothing insurmountable. A good woman is a good woman, regardless of whether she's from ch'Rihan, Greece, or Bajor. She'd be well advised to be happy for you, a lot of people spend their lives in the fruitless, heart wrenching search for love, let alone a second chance at it like you've found, my boy. I have to say she's being a bit selfish here, even if her intentions are pure."

"It's not just Arrienye's opinion. My entire House would not find this relationship to be a good thing. When I married S'anra, the reaction to her was neutral, mostly. She was a fine girl, from a very good House. But she wasn't very do I put it...genetic stock."

R'Vek raised an eyebrow at that last comment, "Will you clarify, Lieutenant?"

Maiell smirked, a bit bitterly. "Her family doesn't practice D'sora, and we, the Merek House, take that practice seriously."

"D'sora." R'Vek shook his head in disdain, "An exercise in barbarity, in my opinion. If I had my way it would be banned outright and those parents who killed and refused to acknowledge a child they viewed as defective would be up on murder charges. That raises S'anra and her family greatly in my eyes. What's your opinion of it, Maiell?"

"I'd rather not discuss it at this time, Admiral," Maiell admitted. "I was raised to see it as normal. Necessary," he simply added. "All in all, my family would not accept an alien polluting their blood line. A Vulcan, about three, maybe four generations ago entered the family, but because of similar biologies, it didn't have a big effect. Arrienye is one sixteenth Vulcan, so I can vouch for her in not being as xenophobic as people see her. As I said, it's not personal, the way she feels about Ma'erlit."

"No, it's merely a bi-product of ignorance." R'Vek replied, "I mean, has she even attempted to have an actual conversation with Ma'erlit?"

Maiell sighed. R'Vek didn't understand. "There's no point in it. She may be Ma'erlit's best friend, she still wouldn't want me being with her," he explained. "In Arrienye's eyes, she sees me and Ma'erlit getting serious, maybe even getting married. Having children, which would make them susceptible to D'sora, something that, being only half-Romulan, they wouldn't live through. She get's ahead of herself." He shook his head saying the last.

"Then perhaps it's time for you to stand up against this brutal practice." R'Vek offered, "I mean, it's too late for my generation, but your generation can still save a lot of innocent children from being butchered because they had one bad day. There's no way you can tell what someone will offer in the future based on one damnable test performed on a scared child. Perhaps you should be the one who helps bring it to an end?"

"That's a lot of pressure, Admiral," Maiell told him. "And, I need to face reality. As much as I like Amalia, we've only been seeing each other for a little less than a month. I have feelings for her, but I can't guarantee it would last." He sighed heavily. "I don't know. I just want to focus on getting Arrienye to talk to me again. She's too important to me to let something like this get between us so easily."

"Maiell!" R'Vek exclaimed, getting right in front of him at far less than arm's length, "Listen to me, my boy, because I know that of which I speak. There are no guarantees in this life, not in anything at any time, so you have to take your chances when they present themselves. You'd not pass up a chance to break your enemy's lines in battle would you?"

"Arrienye is not my enemy," Maiell replied.

"I'm not talking about Arrain t'Merek, focus!" R'Vek sighed, "I am talking about opportunities. You're an officer, and a damned good one, a man of action, you'd never pass up an opportunity in combat, and you shouldn't in life, either. My boy, trust me when I tell you that you're going to see a lot more combat than you ever are love, so the opportunities are fewer and thus the rewards greater, but only if you take the chance."

"I am taking a chance. I'm not going to break up with Ma'erlit just because Arrienye or my family don't agree. She deserves better than that," Maiell explained. "And no, I'd never pass up a chance I get in combat. All I want, at this time, Admiral, is some peace of mind."

"Then find it with your woman, my boy." R'Vek advised, placing his hand on Maiell's shoulder, "There will always be conflict on some front, in the galaxy and in our lives, so we should take peace on the fronts where we find it. And, in my experience, there is no greater peace in the galaxy than the peace we find with the woman we love. Arrienye will come around, Ashara did. She hated Eleni, now she calls her Mother Eleni and loves her dearly. Time fixes everything, my boy."

"Time doesn't fix Arrienye," Maiell said. "I can testify to that from experience. She's like a void in time. She never changes."

"Everything and everyone changes, my boy." R'Vek nodded, "We can't fight change, not matter how long or hard we fight. We must simply accept it, and she will."

"Perhaps," Maiell allowed, though he was far from convinced. "Thank you for your advice, Admiral," he nodded sincerely. Though he was still at a loss about what to do, he found having someone to listen to his arguments a little soothing.

"That's what I'm here for, my boy." R'Vek smiled, "After all, what good would the wisdom of elders be without the young to accept it?"

"Not very good, I agree," Maiell nodded. "How is Rianni settling in to her new position?" He wanted to change the subject, to talk about anything other than his own problems.

"Well, as you probably know she's planning on going on the offensive against the pirates in this sector. She's looking to make a big splash." R'Vek nodded, "I think she'll do well. Especially if you give your best efforts, as I already know you will."

"I'll do the best work I can in my position," he said, rather neutrally. After all, the Admiral couldn't ask him to show favoritism in his new position. While he was grateful and loyal, his loyalty to the Empire was beyond any loyalty he might hold for Rianni or her father. So he would work to the best of his abilities, of course, but wouldn't cut corners.

"I knew you would, my boy." R'Vek smiled, "Else I'd not have chosen you for the post in the first place. Men of action are becoming harder and harder to find, Rianni and I were both blessed to have found you."

"Thank you. Your support means a lot to me," Maiell nodded, standing up a little straighter. "Now, Admiral, I'm afraid I should get back to my quarters for some unfinished business," he said, wanting to go back to see Ma'erlit.

"Indeed." R'Vek nodded, "Just remember what I've told you. Thank what gods there be that I had someone who gave me this same advice when I was a youth, and hopefully one day you'll pass it on to some other troubled young man and remember the old man who first gave it to you."

"I will, Admiral," he nodded back respectfully before wishing him a pleasant day and going to his quarters. Ma'erlit was still asleep but she had moved from the position he'd left her in. Reaching for the PADD he'd left her, he deleted the message there and, kicking off his boots, he climbed back into bed with her. He pressed a kiss to her lips to wake her up. It would be time wake up anyway soon.

"Mmmmm." Ma'erlit cooed and smiled before opening her eyes, "Oh, morning, baby."

"Morning," he replied, his lips still close to hers. "Did you sleep well?"

"The best I've slept in years." She answered, propping herself up on one elbow and looking at him lovingly, "And this was also the best wake up I can remember in years."

"I'm glad," he said with a grin, kissing her again.

"Me too." Ma'erlit grinned, "Are you hungry?"

"No, I can't eat this early. Would you like me to make you something? Word of warning, my roommate is in the living room," he told her, not wanting her to be surprised.

"I'm good, I can find something later." Ma'erlit smiled nervously, looking down on her very naked body, "And thanks for the warning."

He smiled, kissing her neck. "No one is forcing you out," he told her coyly, nibbling on the sensitive part of her neck he'd discovered.

"Ummmm, and nobody said I was leaving." Ma'erlit moaned softly in ecstasy, "I could stay here all day if need be."

"I bet you could," he teased, kissing over her shoulder.

"Say the word." Ma'erlit cooed, kissing him gently, "I got nothing but time for you, baby."


Crewman Ma'erlit Amalia
2nd Lt Maiell tr'Tahn