Things Past – First for everything.

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Title   First for everything.
Mission   Things Past
Posted   Tue Jul 31, 2012 @ 1:24am
Location   Starfleet Academy, Earth.
Timeline   5 years ago.
David scrambled in his room for his things. He wasn't about to be late for his first day at Starfleet. He grabbed his 1st year cadet uniform and it was barely looking neat. "Ah, screw it." He said. He threw on the uniform and tried to look as best he could while fixing his hair in the mirror. He grabbed his PADD and went out the door. He ran down the street to catch the public shuttle craft going toward Starfleet. He barely made it before the departure.

On the craft, David checked his PADD for his course schedule. Astrotheory 101, Astrophysics, Basic Warp Design, Early Starfleet History, and Astrosciences were his classes for the first semester. David got off the shuttle and stepped out. The academy was beautiful. The bustling of cadets everywhere of many races from numerous Federation planets. David was caught up in the moment when he realized that he was almost going to be late for class!

0800 hours was the time of his first class, "Basic Warp Design." Well that's going to be easy, David thought. He had just built his first warp engine 3 years ago and it has been sitting in storage at home ever since. It would occasionally be brought out to be tuned up and improved upon.

David showed up right as the professor started the lecture. The professor paused and looked to the back of the classroom.

"Mr. Straggard, glad you could join us." The professor said. "Would you like to teach the class or can I?" He remarked sarcastically.

"Sorry, sir. Won't happen again." David apologized.

"Right, well let's get started. Warp engines one of the foundational components of Starfleet as it has been the main reason that Starfleet was formed in the first place. On April 5, 2063...." The professor continued with the lecture.

David looked off to the side as the professor lectured. He knew all about the history, he was already thinking about serving on a vessel. The professors voice faded out and David was lost in his imagination. Captain David Straggard, he thought. exploring the galaxy. This classroom was only the beginning.