Things Past – The Nelvana Excursion (Part 3)
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   The Nelvana Excursion (Part 3)
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Fri Nov 09, 2012 @ 3:31am
Location   Nelvana System
Timeline   SD58, 1500h

David and Saria arrived at the edge of the Nelvana System and started to do recurring sensor sweeps of the outer planets for any energy signitures or life signs on the planets. Nothing suspicious so far. They approached the 3rd planet and did a detailed sensor sweep and found a small structure that seemed Romulan in origin but didn't register as anything exactly Romulan. David, Saria, and the 2 marines beamed to the surface to further investigate this structure.

Saria lifted her sniper rifle up, trough the dense rainforest. She wiped the moisture from the visor, and aimed at the compound in front of them. "So far, no signs of any guards or defense yet. Is there anything else notable you've found from those scans?"" Saria asked.

David had his tricorder out and was tapping keys to see if anything unusual was showing up. "The structure is 100 meters that way and there seem to be no life signs, yet." David said as he pointed. David kept focused on the tricorder, hand ready at his phaser. The marines followed closely.

"Stop, David." Saria ordered, and moved her arm in front of the Ensign. She raised her sniper rifle and scanned the top of the trees. She knelt in the open, and held her weapon firm. She shot, and apparently hit. The target fell down, not far from where she stood. She swung the rifle over her shoulder and ran to the object, which seemed to be some kind of device.

David pulled out his phaser and held it ready to fire. He also has his tricorder in the other hand. He briskly walked over to Saria's position while signaling the marines to cover his back and front. He knelt down next to Saria and examined the device. "It's some sort of telemetry tranceiver with a fully operational sensor. We were just out of it's secondary scanning range. It didn't transmit any telemetry to it's source about our presence. I'll configure the tricorder to mask our heat signatures. Wait a second... it's showing an energy signature similar to Romulan technology and yet it's not Romulan military. Seems like possibly some rogue Romulan militia or even civilian technology..." David continued to scan while he tapped some more keys. The marines stood in a tactical position above David and Saria kneeling down and examining the device. The tricorder beeped. "Two Romulans approaching from 200 meters behind us. Let's get moving toward the structure."

The structure was nearly covered in roots and vines, and felt metal-ish. She looked around nervously, but tried to concentrate on the Romulan energy signatures that came closer each second. She walk toward the direction of where the signatures came. She knelt on the ground again, and pointed her rifle in the right direction. "Tell me when you see something unusual, David." Saria said, focusing herself on the rifle's visor.

"Let's try to get some scans of the structure and get outta here." David said. "What do you think? Stay until the Romulans leave and try to infiltrate the building?" David pulled out his phaser and set it to stun as he saw the tricorder showed the life signs at 50 meters and closing.

"Depends on what's inside it." Saria said, looking back at David. "Who knows, there might be some pretty valuable information inside. Think about what Starfleet Intelligence could do with that."
She was alerted by rustling leaves not far from her, and inmediately focused on the source.

David typed into the tricorder to mask anything that could reveal their presence. He whispered into Saria's ear, "I'll stun them if they get too close. We don't want any complications with Romulans." He signaled the marines to crawl into a tactical position surrounding the approaching Romulans. Two figures came from the trees. Two males in typical Romulan civilian clothing. One held a disruptor rifle and the other had a science kit while holding a scanning device. The Romulans looked around cautiously. Both groups, Starfleet and Romulan were completely silent. David could hear his own heartbeat, his breathing, Saria's breathing, the trees, and the slight breeze blowing through the forest. The silence was deafening.

"Drop your weapon!" Saria shouted from out of the bushes. The Romulans looked around, trying to figure out where the sound came from. "Again, drop your weapon!" Saria said. The Romulans didn't react and looked for the source of the sound. Then, the disruptor rifle got struck by a phaser beam, and flew a few meters away. Saria came slowly out of the bushes, holding the Romulans in sight.

David got up slowly as well. He put his tricorder away in it's holster. He held up his phaser. If it wasn't for Saria's superior rank, David would've handled this situation differently. David asked in a calm voice, "What are Romulans doing in a Neutrla Zone star system?"

"What are Starfleet officers doing in a Neutral Zone star system?" The one who had the rifle before asked.

Good question, David thought. "We detected a cloaked ship in Federation space and traced it back to here. We found that this was the only artificial thing we detected in the system. Is the Romulan military setting camp in the neutral zone?"

"Preposterous! We are part of a small group of Romulans who had left Romulus due to persecution because of out beliefs in Reunification. Some others had scattered to other star systems all over the quadrant. The RSA found our capture to be unworthy and left us here in the Neutral Zone." The Romulan said.

David lowered his phaser a bit. "Show us what's in the structure. I'm assuming you have a dampening field that is scattering our scans. I'd like to trust you. Can you trust me?" David asked.

"I'm not sure. Would your colleague like to lower her weapon? It would make it a bit more comfortable for the others..." He replied.

David got the impression that the Romulan could be trusted. He looked to Saria.

Saria didn't hesitate anymore and lowered her weapon. "I'm sorry, gentlemen, for the trouble. We didn't know what to expect on this planet, and assumed you were militia." She said. "I'm Lieutenant Saria Rex, and this is Ensign David Straggard."

The Romulans looked to each other for a moment and then back to the officers. They nodded slightly and walked toward the structure gesturing them to follow. They pressed a button on their shoulder which turned off a force field. They entered and saw some computer control panels with some maps and communication terminals. There were 2 doors leading to rooms with a locker between the doors.

David put his hand to his tricorder, "Do you mind?" He asked the Romulans.

"I do, actually." One of them replied. "We would prefer our structure be hidden."

"You do know I am obligated to report this to my superiors, my colleague here and I are doing an investigation as I told you before." David said.

"Visual inspection only, please." The Romulan gave a fake smile to hide his frustration.

David and Saria took a quick look around while the marines stayed at the entrance. Well this is awkward, thought David. "How do you think we should proceed?" David asked Saria.

"Off the record, David" Saria said. "I don't want to start an interstellar fight because of critical information. And yes, I know it's not allowed, but if it's the only way, so be it." Saria entered the building after the Romulans, waiting for David to follow.

I guess I'll just have to over generalize some of my report then, David thought. He stepped in and slowly walked around the inside examining all the equipment. It was somewhat outdated and cannibalized technology, nothing that could do much damage. After he had completed his look around, he gave Saria a "look" signaling her it was probably a good time to go. This investigation seemed unfruitful to getting answers about the anomalies on the ship. An incident of pure coincidence.

Saria gave a quick nod to David. "We haven't found much here either." She said. She turned toward the Romulans. "I bid you farewell, gentlemen. Thank you for your time." She looked back at David once again, checked her equipment, and headed toeard the exit, back into the jungle.

David started to walk back toward the direction they had come. His commbadge chirped. It was the computer from the ship. "Incoming subspace message from Deep Space Five." The computer said.

"Computer, 4 to beam up. Play message upon our arrival" David said. They stood upright and dematerialized. As they materialized, David stepped to the control panel and accessed the message.

=^= This is Ensign Cori-Anne DeRoot Strat Ops, DS5 to Runabout Nile. Please respond --- the line crackled for a moment or two as the Officer waited for a response, none forthcoming she continued --- Runabout Nile, please respond. You are the last vessel to check in following the communications disruption around Deep Space Five. I repeat, Runabout Nile Please respond =^=

"This is the Runabout Nile, we are receiving your transmission DS5. We are glad to hear that the anomalies have dissipated. We are just about to head back. See you in three days?" David replied.

"Contact confirmed. We'll see you then, Runabout Nile."

David tapped a few key, setting a course. "Setting a course heading 138 mark 9. Warp 4 to DS5. Engaging warp." David said. The ship went to warp. They wer eon their way.


A JP between:

Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer

& Ensign Cori-Anne DeRoot
Strategic Ops