Interlude – See Nothing, Admit More
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   See Nothing, Admit More
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Tue Aug 24, 2010 @ 1:31pm
Location   Strategic Operations Department Office
Timeline   Immediately following "See Nothing, Admit Less"
"That's the last of them," the man reported to his superior as he sealed the container. He was still looking with disgust at his shoes and carefully avoiding going anywhere near Vincent.

"Need a hand?" Vincent asked before giving a teasing cough. As usual there was no reply. His arms were still crossed and the cigar was held loosely in his left hand, the pungent smoke slowly rising from its tip. It was madness, but he knew that if these men would become very suspicious if his snide behaviour was to stop, so Vincent blew some it across into the man's path.

The bait was not taken. These men were clearly professionals and more than one person had tried to provoke them. Vincent guessed it would take more than spitting on a shoe and blowing smoke into their faces. But he was not to have the pleasure of being more abrasive. With a few short formalities the men took the crates with them and left the shuttle bay.

Whilst several of his crewmembers looked around in confusion and instantly began voicing their thoughts, Vincent simply shrugged, put out his cigar and calmly walked out the shuttle bay. With a quick look up and down the corridor to make sure the coast was clear, he quickly sprinted to the turbolift.

Out of breath he reached his office door.

The door opened. Standing there looking at Tan with a worried frown on his face, was Dunham. He was chewing thoughtfully on another stick of gum, "You all right Mr Tan?"

"I think that burger I had for lunch isn't agreeing with me," Vincent said, tapping his stomach. "I can only guess at the reason why you're here, Dunham. And if I guessed right and you and I are thinking the same thing, I think we need Wallace up here, too. And given that I'm "out of uniform", would you please give me a hand?"

Dunham nodded in agreement =^=Lieutenant Dunham to Lieutenant Wallace. Could you please meet me up in the Strategic Operations Office? Thank you=^= Dunham leaned against one of the desks and folded his arms. "We're gonna need something they won't recognise if we want to follow them"

"You haven't done this before have you, Dunham?" Vincent asked with a bemused look in his eye. "We need a *signal* if we want to follow them. That badge has an effective range of "not very far" and I have a feeling they're not just going to hop a few parsecs down the road. I've got to find a way to either boost the signal or enhance the scanners of whatever craft we're using to follow them."

"No. Funnily enough all this spy stuff and sneaking around, is not my idea a good time, now stick me in a fighter craft, and kicking someone's ass, but this.." he shrugged. "...Not a clue. But..." he raised his finger to, make a point "I can get us a ship with some special modifications, it has long range sensors."

"Admit it Rick sneaking around and all the cloak and dagger stuff was worth it." Jarred said as he walked through the door, "Now tell me that those sensors have a few band widths worth using?"

"Of course they do, I designed them myself." Dunham said proudly.

"A personal craft, eh? You could be in a lot of strife if they ever trace it back to you," Vincent said, wary of leading his friends into unwarranted danger. "Wallace, can you think of any alternatives? You must do this cloak and dagger stuff alot. It is your job and all..."'

"We're in the wrong uniforms if were going to go on that monster." Jarred mused his next answer "And we're going to need some different toys if we go anywhere with it." Jarred was already thinking about what hardware to bring along.

"Looks like we're taking Dunham's ship. I'll see if I can patch in DS5's strategic operations sensor feed to your ship, Richard, and then I think I can boost the signal from the badge by sending short pulses along the comms frequency, see if I can ping it hard enough for it to respond. Estimated battery life would drastically decrease but I'm hoping the private ship of a fighter pilot is fast. Wallace, I'm sure we can use your toys. Is that all boys, or am I overlooking something here?"

"Yeah, side arms!" Jarred said with some enthusiasm. "I'll round up some goodies from the lock up in the office. I'll signal you when I've got all the good stuff." With out a second thought Jarred took off in a full sprint.

Dunham slapped his hands together enthusiastically. "Excellent! We can finally see if she flies," he grinned gregariously.

"Wait a minute," Vincent said, turning around just as he was entering his office. "You mean you don't know if your ship flies or not? Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into. I should have just left those bloody artifacts alone. I don't give a damn about them anyway..."

Dunham reassuringly patted vincent on the shoulder. "Don't worry she'll hold together.....I think?" Dunham winked. THen he paused as he had another thought. "You know what were those artifacts anyway? I think we should take our very own Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist, Lieutenant JG Jana Kasikova, to help us track them down, she may well come in useful...."

"Sure, why not? She's the leggy brunette, right? Or is that the botanist, Hale?" Vincent shrugged. "Hell, why not ask them both along to make the ride more, er, enjoyable. Now, I'll see what I can do about that communicator and then you'll need to help patch in that sensor link. Do you think we can do that?"

Dunham shook his head and let out a sigh in mock exasperation of the old man's chauvinistic comment. "Yeah I'll get down to the ship and start working on connecting the sensor link. I'll meet you in the lower main docking bay in half an hour."

Jarred walked into the intel office, he turned to his left and opened the wall cabinet that was hiding the small armory he kept. He grabbed a long grey case and started to load it. He grabbed four phaser rifles, two shot guns, a roll of a dozen throwing knives, night vison goggles, four type 2 phasers, a half dozen stun gernades, K-bar knives for everyone and a gernade launcher and Line gun. Jarred looked at the small cache of weapons, and thought something was missing he looked around, this was a small group action not a full blown assult he thought that there was a need for something when a dull metallic shine caught his eye, he lifted the odd looking shotgun pulled on the butt of the shoulder stock it revealed eight shotgun shells and eight regular rounds, now he felt ready."

Jarred loaded the case onto a load assist along with one other case containing uniforms and boots, and a black duffle bag, Jarred pushed the cart out of the way and closed the lock-up. Jarred made his way to the cargo lift, it was time to get a move on."


Lt Richard Dunham
Acting CAG

Lt Jarred wallace

Lt Vincent Tan