Judgement – Arrival
by (G) Uhlan - Jnr Officer James tr'Aimne & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Arrival
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Uhlan - Jnr Officer James tr'Aimne & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Jul 18, 2011 @ 8:34pm
Location   Various
Timeline   SD38. 10:00

A Romulan shuttle dropped out warp a few thousand kilometers from the station and hailed the station
=^= Deepspace Five this Romulan diplomatic shuttle S'lea requesting docking clearance.=^= Came Romulan male's voice over the comm.

Lieutenant Bennet had been monitoring the approach of the craft. Its arrival had also been logged by the Romulan Consulate so it was not unexpected. "We're sending through your approach vector," she said, "Once docked please pass through the arrivals area. The administration office on the promenade will supply you with details of your quarters. After you get that you should proceed to the Romulan Embassy - they will issue you with the necessary communication interface."

"Understood,and thank you." The Romulan voice replied. After he docked and made his way to administrative office he waited for quarter to be assigned and made his directly to the Romulan Embassy.

Nahir i-Orinwen looked the new arrival up and down. He had been through the security checks and if he had got this far then t'Merek must have been satisfied with his credentials.

"You'll have an office here," she explained, "but like most of the staff you'll be lodged among the Lloann'su. Do you know in what capacity you are here?" she asked.

"I do. I am the raihiw'sheh, and as my order of business I need to meet the hru'Llaudh, the station commanding officer, and the senior JAG representative as soon as possible." The Romulan man replied with a cold look in his eyes.

"And do you have a name?" Nahir asked, unimpressed by his tone.

“My Name is James tr'Aimne.” He replied in slightly less chilling tone impressed that this person was not intimated or at least didn’t show it.

"tr'Aimne." Nahir muttered his name as she input it into the system along with the title that he had given her earlier. "The Stelam Shiar appears to disagree with you. You have an appointment with the Ambassador tomorrow morning, however it will be at her discretion as to whether or not you need to meet any of the Starfleet staff at this time," Nahir told him as various snippets of information appeared on her screen.

"You have a decent office assignment at least," she continued. "Room seven. Through there, right then right again. Down the corridor and its on your left. You have use of the Senior diplomatic facilities, tr'Aimne, that means you do not need to eat in the general mess unless you wish to, however the Ambassador does not hold with replicator technology. There is one in the Senior recreation area shared between the ten offices, don't abuse your credits, she will revoke the privilege if she feels that you are. "

"I have not doubt of that, You have been most informative, now if there nothing else I have work to do." tr'Aimne quipped as he headed for his office.

Nahir thought that she would like to have her ear to the wall when that one spoke with the ambassador ... it could be very entertaining when someone else was on teh receiving end.


Nahir i-Orinwen by Louise


Uhlan James tr'Aimne