Interlude – Awkward Questions
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Awkward Questions
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Tue Sep 21, 2010 @ 8:23pm
Timeline   SD 32 - After The hardest Thing To Do
Klia needed time to cool off, and they were both soaked in cocktail, so Yolanthe left Pelin to close up and accepted Tharek's invitation to return to the Cardassian embassy to get cleaned up. They rested in his huge bath now, water gently steaming round them, the Cardassian lieing back against her whilst she soaped the sticky drink from his hair.

For a while they lay in silence, Yolanthe brooding, turning as Grey as Getal whilst she massaged his scalp. Lots of people, not just Klia, seemed to be unimpressed with her friendship of Tharek and she wasn't sure why. He had a few rough edges, but no-one was perfect, and apart from his outburst at Klia - understandable since he'd just been covered in Risian mai-tai - to her he'd been charming, warm and generous.

And yet more than one person seemed to think it was their business to disapprove, or even downright threaten her over it.

She dropped her hands from his hair and put her arms around his shoulders. "Tharek, can I ask a question?"

"Of course." He replied, relaxing more against Yolanthe. "What's on your mind?"

"A lot of people seem to dislike you. Not just Klia." She left the actual question, the why of it, unsaid.

"Stereotyping." Tharek replied quickly. "They stereotype me as a 'typical' Cardassian male. Agressive, brutish and completely evil. The Dominion War for example. The Federation think that Cardassia sold out. We had a statistical certainty of winning if we sided with the Dominion... Of course, no Cardassian could've forseean the turn of events... Nor could any Founder. Am I making some sense?"

"Yes. And I'm pretty sure that explains Klia, but t'Merek seems to personal. I called her on the racism, and she said she was getting on with Sotar just fine. She wouldn't say why, but she doesn't approve of us at all."

"t'Merek is xenophobic. Barely gets along with Sotar because he's a male, Cardassian version of her."

She rubbed his shoulders thoughtfully. "I'd disagree. Sotar has a sense of humour." She was silent a few moments. "Does it bother you that people are so against you?"

"They follow my orders, whether they hate me or love me is of no importance. What is it the Jem'Hadar say... 'Obedience breeds victory' I think it was." Tharek said, relaxing more into her.

She rested her chin on his shoulder, "That may work for your people, but I was thinking more of everyone else. The station XO looked ready to kill you the other night. And Gabriel, well... I think he'd cheerfully carve your heart out with a spoon."

"Simple racism. People dislike me because I'm Cardassian. The only other people who see past those racial boundries are you and Rh'vaurek." Tharek said, making to swap positions with Yolanthe.

She wriggled around, splashing water everywhere until he was behind her. "I'd heard about Cardassians, but having met some I don't see why you have the reputation. You, Sotar, Meran, none of you seem to be the baby eating monsters people make out." She settled back into his arms. "Where is the erie'Khrein? I thought I'd see him at the Ambassador's party, but he wasn't there."

Tharek enveloped his arms around her. "Rh'vaurek is on Romulus... ch'Rihan... Whatever. He's there. I think its family business." He lied.

She nodded, then looked back at him over her shoulder. "So, right now, I'm the only friend you have on the station?"

"Well you and Turrel, Denat too I think."

She stared down at her grey hands, fingertips beginning to prune. The antagonism people felt towards the Cardassians could well spill over and affect her bar, It already had done in a way, with t'Merek suddenly making all the romulans drink elsewhere. And Whitlock had said the graffiti calling her a cardassian's whore had been organised by a yridian, and then a Yridian beats up her old friend.

But she'd be damned if she let anyone, not mysterious Yridians, not t'Merek, not Gabriel, not even Klia, dictate how she lived her life, and who she lived it with. And she wasn't yet in such desperate trouble with the Box that she'd give up a good customer to survive.

"In that case, I'd better take good care of you."

He turned her to gaze into her eyes. "How good is good care?" Getal asked with a wide grin.

Incorrigible rogue. But with everything that had happened in the last few days, with voles, and Schrödinger, and now Klia, she wanted the comfort. She smiled back, "Why, nothing but the best, of course."

Getal enveloped her again. His warm flesh caressing hers. She melted against him, soothed by his touch, nuzzling against him whilst the water lapped around them. One hand slowly stroked his skin, smooth, not quite lizard, not exactly mammal. She savoured the feel of him for a long moment, then let her hand dip beneath the water.

Tharek flinched in mild surprise. Surprise was soon replaced with a large, passionate kiss though. She returned it in kind, pausing occasionally to touch his lips with small soft kisses, warm and gentle. Tharek himself slid a hand beneath the water, and smiled intently as he lent in for another kiss.

At that point, all thoughts of Klia, Schrödinger, and why everyone hated cardassians evaporated, and red tones seeped over her body. Splashing in the water, she slid onto his lap and put her arms around his neck, nibbling at an ear between shallow, excited breaths.


A JP between
Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of The Box of Delights, and terrible friend

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator