Small Things – Kitties From Heaven Part One
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Kitties From Heaven Part One
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Wed Nov 06, 2013 @ 2:39am
Location   all over the place
Timeline   One Hour after Lonely Hours
With the kitten fed, Rianni picked her up and set out to find out where her new roomie, now named 'Mittens' for her little white feet, had come from. As she stood in the corridor, Mittens cuddled against her chest purring, she wondered aloud, as much to herself as to the kitten, "Now let's find out who gave you to me." She ran over the usual suspects in her head, the first name to pop to mind was so obvious she could kick herself for not knowing it was him, "What a sweet thing to do."

When Rianni walked into her Grandfather's docking bay she found him, as ever, working on his ship, Diana's Arrow. Taking a seat beside where his feet hung out of an overhead duct, she laughed, "So, what's wrong with that old hunk of junk now? Blow another warp coil?"

"This old hunk of junk built the Monteros fortune, child." Gregori lovingly scolded, "You should show her more love."

"I do love her, Papa." Rianni protested with a smile; she had learned to fly on the Arrow, "That's why I think you should maybe put her out of her..."

"Not. Another. Word." Gregori cut her off, he heard enough of that crap from her mother, "Now, when is that lovely Aunt of yours coming back? Who knows, a nice Romulan minx like her might add years to my life?"

"Or kill you in the first night." Rianni snickered, that crazy old man thought he was a teenager or something.

Gregori slid from the duct with a smile and a thud, "What have I always told you, child?" He started, "Life is not lived without risk."

"I know, Papa." Rianni smiled, lifting Mittens, "Oh, and thank you."

"For what?" Gregori raised an eyebrow, "Surely not for that tired old saying."

"No, for her." Rianni replied, shaking her head, he was clearly trying to play dumb, a Gregori hallmark.

"Her?" Gregori replied, genuinely clueless, "Your little friend there?"

"Yes, Papa." Rianni answered, "Wait, you didn't give Mittens to me?"

"I'm sorry, my little lamb, but I've never seen your precious little friend before in my life." Gregori smiled, lovingly scratching the kitten's head, "But you're both welcome to come and see me any time."

"Okay, Papa." Rianni smiled, "But right now we're a little busy, I guess."

"Busy you guess?" Gregori asked.

"Yeah." Rianni nodded, "I still have to find out who got Mittens for me."