Interlude – Celebration
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Celebration
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Sep 26, 2010 @ 10:30pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 34 2000

Jana left the Commander's officer with the new pips on her collar saying that she was now a lieutenant...not only was she a full lieutenant now but she was now also the Chief Science Officer on top of all of it. She wanted to tell Chelsea but knew that she was probably busy working and she really didn't need to bother her in sickbay. Jana wasn't ready to face Rick, she would wait and give it some time. She was sure that Krem had talked to Rick, ~I am so not looking forward to that conversation!~ She thought to herself.

Jana made her way to the Promenade and was wondering around. She knew she wanted to celebrate but she wasn't sure where to go. Looking around she saw the Box of Delights, Jana had wandered by it on her travels but hadn't gone in before. Looking down at her uniform she decided to change into something else before going in for a drink.

Returning to the Box of Delights wearing her favourite jeans, fitted black three quarter sleeve sweater and her FMBs. Her hair was loosely tied back and wild curls escaped the ribbon she had put in her hair.

The Box was beginning to pick up the pace when Jana entered. Knots of drinkers in tightest trousers and shortest skirts crowded around tables, or stood at the dabo wheel, talking, laughing, drinking. At the bar itself a sizeable crowd was watching the two bartenders put on a dazzling display of synchronized flair tending, and they threw and juggled bottles, glasses, and garnishes in the mixing of different cocktails. One in particular caught Jana's eye, not for her towering height, which at six-four made her one of the tallest people in the bar, but the gently pulsing colours of blue and violent that her skin changed through. It marked her out as a bokkai, from Cherulan IV, the planet mockingly known in anthropological circles as the Planet of Women.

She walked up to the bar and waited her turn to order something. Jana enjoyed the energy of this place, her gaze wandered, ever the people watcher.

Yolanthe noticed the black haired woman surveying the crowd, and when her turn came to be served, she moved over to her, observing her as best she could with one eye swollen shut. "Welcome to the Box of Delights. What can I get you?"

"Oh...something with vodka." Jana replied.

The Bokkai started mixing. "So," she began whilst pouring. "You're looking about a bit. See anything you like?"

"Perhaps," She said see a man that hadn't seen before. It was a big station and she was still new to it. "I just have a habit of watching people, being an anthropologist I find people fascinating."

"I'll give you that." The bartender tipped some fruit into the glass in front of her and crushed lightly with a wooden muddler. "Bars must be like zoos to you. We get the gamut of sentient experience in here." She waved the bar tool towards the dabo tables, "hedonism," She pointed out more revellers drinking at tables, "gluttony and joy, " her hand moved to a young couple with heads together, "Mating."

She strained the drink onto the fruit and pushed it forward. "All the good things in life."

"Thank you. My...friend used to laugh at me when he would catch me 'people watching'." She laughed. "It is a bit like a zoo isn't it?" Jana said after sipping her drink. "I don't think that I have ever had vodka like this...very intriguing."

"Its mixed with Dresci and Arcturian fizz. Not much, just enough to give it a lift, not enough for a human to start seeing pink elephants." Yolanthe admitted. "So, what brings you in tonight? You don't look dressed for drowning sorrows, so is it a party? gambling? Meeting someone?"

"I like it though. I will have to remember it for the next time I come in." Jana said taking another sip, enjoying the flavour. "I just got promoted and have been made the Head of the Science Department." She was smiling like a girl who just got a pony for her birthday.

"Congratulations!" Yolanthe beamed back. "I bet you have big plans for the department."

"Thank you!" Jana replied, "I haven't quite figured out what I am going to do, the department is in chaos without a DH so I know I have to act quickly. I will have to meet with them tomorrow, thankfully they were already coming to me." She smiled taking another sip of her drink. "I will have to get the recipe for this drink or I will be here an awful lot." She laughed.

"All the more reason not to give it to you." the bar tender replied. Then she beckoned to one of the waiters. "So tomorrow the hard work starts. Tonight, you can relax." She turned to the waiter, a heart-stoppingly attractive young human male. "Blake, this is DS5's new Head of Science...?" Her tone changed implying the question of Jana's name

"Jana, Jana Kasikova." She smiled at Blake.

"As a result, she's celebrating. I want you to make sure she has everything she wants tonight. On the house." Yolanthe turned to the pretty young scientist. "So ask him for anything you'ld like. He'll take good care of you."

"Thank you...but I have an early meeting...perhaps next time?" She asked. "Got to get that department in ship shape." She laughed.

"A rain check then, but when you're ready to really kick back and party, just let me know, and we'll be here." Yolanthe glanced up the busy bar to where the next customer was waiting, "Good luck, Chief Science Officer."

"Absolutely! Let me get through my first week and we will get together." She smiled, taking the last swig of her drink. "thanks for the drink!"


Lt. Jana Kasikova


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner and bartender, The Box of Delights