Interlude – Dressed to kill
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Dressed to kill
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Jun 05, 2010 @ 3:29pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   Afternoon SD 19
Lemat sighed. "You see, I like this one... But is it really me?" She said toward an Orion woman. Lemat was here for only a few reasons. The first being that she liked to go shopping every once in a while. The second was that several men she had seen were more than attractive. Some of them Romulan, some of them Cardassian, even some Humans caught her eye.

"Well, I think we should go with the blue dress. See how that looks?" The woman replied.

Nahir had been about to leave when she recognised the woman who had admitted her to the Cardassian consulate the evening Rh'vaurek had disappeared. She was one of the few people outside her close-knit embassy circle who had shown any empathy with what her job entailed. Nahir shrugged, about to continue on her way then paused. Why not?" she thought, turning back.

"Lemat, isn't it?" she asked casting a glance at the garment the women were examining before raising an eyebrow.

Lemat turned on her heel to face the person. It was the Romulan receptionist that shared the same gruelling job as Lemat. "Yeah, that's right. You're... Nahir?"

"Correct. Were you planning to buy that?" Nahir enquired with polite disinterest. "I don't really think its your colour."

"I'm not sure... I'm not really good at colours. I normally stick to brown and beige, so this is quite a big step for me." Lemat said, laughing lightly.

Nahir sighed and took the garment holding it at arms length up to Lemat's face. "No," she concluded handing it to the Orion, "Would you like me to help find you something a bit more ... fetching?" Nahir offered.

"Oh, I'll accept any and all help." Lemat said with a shy smile. "Thank you."

"Where do we start?" Nahir said aloud. She could not really tell if she had much to work with, but she was thinking something to lighten Lemat's appearance, something that would give her a bit of a lift and a bit of confidence. "You don't really bother with make-up, do you?" Nahir said as she led the way down the aisle. It was a neutral observation and not meant unkindly.

"No, not really. I never really use it, there isn't much point around the embassy." Lemat said with a smile as she followed Nahir.

"Were you not taught that your appearance, as the first thing that a visitor sees reflects directly on an outsiders perception of your people?" Nahir asked in surprise, "You have a unique position," she continued with a shake of her head. "Do you want to scare people away?"

"Well... I never thought of it like that..." Lemat said with a light ruffle of her hair

"Please don't be offended, Lemat," Nahir said continuing to speak in Lemat's language. "You're pretty, but you don't make anything of yourself."

"I guess you're right... " Lemat said. She knew deep down that Nahir was right.

Nahir reached for a creamy coloured tunic,she thought that the level of the wide beaded neckline would be perfect for the cardassian but she doubted that Lemat had ever worn anything cut so low, "If you think I'm being rude or unpleasant you should tell me," she said as she held it up to Lemat as though dressing a doll.

"You're practically a saint compared to the Vi'kar Gul." Lemat said through a laugh and a squirm. "I much prefer you to that piece of shit."

Though she was a little taken aback Nahir hid it. She was not keen on her ambassador who seemed to loathe her, but she would not have blurted it to a veritable stranger. "I've had the dubious pleasure of meeting your ambassador," Nahir said, "and I can't say I am eager to repeat the experience, but should you really be saying that in public? You never know who is listening," Nahir warned having been raised knowing that the Tal'Shiar were always there; she doubted it was much different for Cardassians.

Feeling that this new friend wanted to talk Nahir grabbed a few more items from the rail, "Lets try these on," she said. A few weeks with Rh'vaurek had made her cautious, he always seemed to know what she had been saying.

"Okay." Lemat agreed with a smile and a shift into the direction that Nahir was headed.

Somehow Nahir did not think that the Federation would spy on women's changing rooms, nor would it be worth the while of either of their embassies. After she closed the door Nahir sat on the little stool. "Try the cream first, I think it'll look great," she said, "and tell me what you mean about your ambassador being a piece of shit, mine's an arrogant witch but she's mostly harmless," Nahir offered.

Lemat started to undress, removing her bland and tasteless shirt and skirt she had on already. "Getal's the kind of man who thinks he's always right and everyone else should know it. He pays me no respect and expects me to pick up every bit of mess he makes. The amount of paperwork... It'd make anyone angry"

Nahir grimaced, "I'll see your paperwork and raise you random hysterical hissy fits, and the way she looks right through me as though I don't exist," she said holding out the tunic to Lemat. "She fired me from her staff for no reason, you know and the only reason I got my job back is because her chief of staff reappointed me as part of his staff."

It was nice to be able to talk without someone like Arrain t'Merek glaring at her for talking too much, Nahir thought as she continued. "This posting was meant to help me get into the Kiith Mrevhoqq`ghi once my Serona is done but all I seem to have done is gt caught in the middle of something weird and I'm not even sure what."

"Political secrets, diabolical motives and work that never ends? Oh, I've been there." Lemat said, sliding into the dress.

"And that's a good day," Nahir said with a laugh. She saw an opportunity here to get herself on better terms with her ambassador, there were rumours that something was going on between the embassies and Lemat seemed happy enough to talk. Nahir might just pick up something useful. She got to her feet and helped adjust the waistline, "I think the colour brightens you up," she said turning Lemat with a friendly arm toward the mirror.

"Thanks. I've never really been good with anything flamboyant. I usually stick with those sorts of clothes." She said, pointing to the small lump of clothes that she was wearing.

"Well, there;s not much that can be done when we're stuck in uniform, but what is the point of being drab when there's an alternative? You have to buy this," she said sincerely and you have to wear it to dinner. We're witty, charming and devastatingly feminine ... lets turn some heads," Nahir suggested.

"That sounds like one hell of a plan!" Lemat said, obviously looking excited now. "Are you going to buy anything?"

Nahir sifted through the items that she had grabbed and held up a short rusty coloured sleeveless dress. "Lets see how this looks," she said pulling the one she wore over her head and shrugging the new dress on. It barely reached the middle of her thighs she noticed as she turned from one angle and then to another in front of the mirror so that she could see how it hung behind. "You don't think this makes me look too much like an amton’wi-kha nvaihr do you?" she asked.

"I don't speak Romulan, but if it means what I think it means, then no. It leaves more than a little to the imagination."

"That's a relief" Nahir replied with a grin, "My father would lock me in a closet if he thought I was going to wear this," she said with a smirk. "I'll buy it."

"Great!" Lemat exclaimed in delight. "We could go for a drink later, if you feel like it?" Lemat suggested.

"Sure, it would be a waste of latinum otherwise," she agreed. "Let meet up at 20:00."

"Sounds great. Box of Delights?" She asked quizzically.

"Why not," Nahir agreed as she removed the new dress and changed back into her own clothes. "I'll see you there."


Nahir i-Orinwen
Receptionist and girl about town.

Lemat Berok
Receptionist, going flamboyant