We All Fall Down – Meat Puppets
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   Meat Puppets
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Fri Oct 17, 2014 @ 9:26pm
Location   Deck 1043
Timeline   MD02 2200

Akamu leaned against the wall, heart beating rapidly, sweat pouring down his face. It was true that he could work out in a holodeck, no problem. But there was something about just running. He liked the feeling of working, of never knowing what was around the corner. He could run into a work crew, or meet a pretty lady on the promenade, or maybe find a view of the star's he'd never seen before. Things that could never happen in the safety of the holodeck.

Currently, he was lost. Sort of. He knew he was somewhere on deck 1043, deep in the industrial section of the station. Most of this area was reserved for long-term storage. There was a repair dock for Federation Runabouts a few hundred meters behind him, but nothing else really. Except for lots and lots of storage bays.

At this time, the lights were low, reflecting the artificial night time cycle of the station. It cast long shadows from every bulk head and every passage and service tunnel. And in the darkness not ten meters ahead of him, a red point flared and faded, dark and dull, and then bright, and then dark again. A ring of smoke floated in front of it, gaining an eerie blood red back light.

"Nice night for a stroll, Colonel."

A trill woman stepped out in front of him from ehind a stack of crtes left outside a storage bay, and leaned on the bulkhead. She pulled on the cigar in her left hand, casting thick stark shadow onto her face. Her hair was pulled into a thick plait that draped over one shoulder, and under the leather jacket she wore was the bulge of a disrupter.

"Long time no see, Makani. "

Ka'er's hand strayed down to his longknife at his hip as he turned. It only took him a moment to place the face.

"Hex, right?"

"And there I was thinking you'd forgotton me." She raised her chin at the hand on the knife. "Relax, big guy. I just want to talk. You left me hanging on a business offer. Its been a year. I need to know if you're in."

"A business offer?" Akamu scoffed. "I'm afraid you're going to have to find some other poor sap to bother, Hex. I'm not interested."

"Seriously?" Hex scoffed. "You're a mercenary. And you're not federation. Your type always needs some cash for lifes little luxuries."

"Sadly, getting seen taking money under the table from some criminal lowlife scum is about the last thing on my list right now," he shot back.

Hex made a theatrical face, "Scum? I'm wounded. Wounded deeply." Then she was all business. "No one will see you take my money. Its in my interests is untraceable too."

"Untraceable money?" Akamu said. "No such animal. What's the job, again?" He remembered, but he needed to delay her long enough to come up with a truly good excuse. He couldn't lay in this nest of vipers and remain in his current job. That much was certain.

"The same as it was a year ago. I want a blood sample from this studly piece of eyecandy." She flashed him a padd with the picture of the trill dabo boy at the Box of Delights. "And I need it done subtly, I don't want him to know its been taken. How you get it is your own affair. No one has to get hurt."

"Someone always gets hurt, Hex," Akamu said. "Like I said, find some other sap. I'm not strapped for money right now, so I get to pick my jobs. Yours? I'm not interested." He turned his back to her. If she'd been Telian, she would've understood that for what it was, an insulting and concrete dismissal.

Sadly, she wasn't Telian. He didn't get two steps up the corridor.

"Someone like Shi'enna?" Hex asked.

Akamu halted. What did the Duchess, hundreds of lightyears away, have to do with any of this?

"Excuse me?" he said. Was Hex trying to imply what he thought she was?

"now before you get all righteous, understand that I've taken precautions. If something happens to me, something happens to her."

"Are you threatening her?" Akamu said slowly.

"You do the job. You get paid. You don't do the job, some terribly...competent... freinds of mine will pay her a visit. an extended visit. They'll rape her until she's too torn and loose to be any good, and then kill her. Then they'll put the body somewhere nice and public, and probably send out some nice pictures of her being a slut for them."

Ka'er whirled, growling in such a way, it was suddenly obvious that he wasn't human. And the look in his eye was positively feral.

"Why?" he growled.

"Because events have moved on, and a backburner project I was happy to let stew has suddenly become urgent. " Hex inhaled on the cigar and blew smoke into the telian's face. "And a man of good standing at the Box won't raise anyone's suspicions."

Ka'er growled. His gaze hardened as a plan formed in the back of his mind.

"Alright, Hex," he said. "Meet me outside cargo bay 16 in sixteen hours."

"Sixteen in Sixteen." Hex confirmed. "Don't let me down, Makani." She puffed one more smoke ring at him, and then turned and vanished into the shadowy depth of DS5.

Watching her leave, Akamu rolled his shoulders, wishing he could just bury his longknife between her shoulder blades. Well, maybe he would get his chance eventually, but not tonight. Tonight he had some calls to make.


Colonel Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
to Telian for his own good

An 'entrepeneur'
NPC by Notty