Judgement – To Wed or Not To Wed?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   To Wed or Not To Wed?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue May 31, 2011 @ 9:10am
Location   The Bajoran Gardens - Deck 144
Timeline   SD38 - 10.30am

The galaxy class starship with its oval saucer section and sleek majestic lines tore through space at very high and unsafe warp speed, her hull vibrated under the strain of a warp core on maximum power for a long duration of time. Why was this? Because a ship’s Captain was desperate to get back to her son’s wedding before it started, so breaking procedure and protocols the USS Hagnon almost came to, what would seem from someone observing from the docking ring, a skidding stop, as in its halls the Dunham clan ran to the nearest transporter to beam directly to the reception.

Rear Admiral (Retired) Peter Adams and his wife Ellie, together with their daughter, Captain Summer Adams were in the front row at the makeshift outdoor seating in the main garden area of the Bajoran Gardens, the intended location of the wedding of their grand-daughter and daughter respectively, with very little time remaining until the alloted *zero-hour*.

They were all commenting on how sad it was for Rick's sake to see no-one on the *groom's side* front row. His ferrengi friend Krem and his fellow squadron pilots were in the row behind and there were many other station-based friends of both of the couple, seated in the rows behind them. Ushers were beginning to discuss whether they should start to direct some of the rest of the incoming crew towards the front seats, on the assumption that they might remain unclaimed at this late hour.

The bride's side was filled behind her relatives with mutual friends too and just in front of them were chairs put by for the bridesmaids, Isha and Kim and, after he had presented her at the altar and *given her away* as was the custom, a chair for Raedheol to retire to in pride of place beside the Matron of Honour.

The Dunham clan materialized out of the blue haze of transporter energy directly to their unoccupied chairs. Their Captain Dunham gave a nod to the senior officers, then along the line of her family inspecting their attire like they were on parade. She straightened her husband's tie, brushed dust off her daughters dress uniform, frowned at her son-in-law's marine dress uniform just before he scuttled away to find Rick and take up, somewhat belatedly, his duties as Best Man. Margaret then gave her little grand daughter Kim a kiss on the cheek and a proud smile before she too skipped off to take her bridesmaid's place at the archway entrance to the gardens, to await Chelsea's imminent arrival.

Captain Dunham then fell back in between her husband and Krem. Who leaned over and whispered. "Your timing, as always, is impeccable boss."

The Captain scowled, but Mr Dunham cracked into a grin and said "Yeah you would think that being married to a scientist of temporal mechanics that she would learn to keep better time."

Peter Adams appeared to be unimpressed and 'hrmphed' but it was a good-natured sound. He was actually much more put out by the fact that he wasn't giving his grand-daughter away than that the Dunhams had made such a dramatic entrance and upstaged him.

He leaned over the aisle between the chairs and whispered to Eric Dunham, nearest to him. "You cut that fine my dear boy! By the way, do you happen to know anything about this 'Romulan dignitary' that's supposed to be giving Chelsea away?" he muttered, still not sure that Chelsea's description of the man as a 'very special Romulan.....a sort of dignitary' and *my adopted big brother* was something he liked the sound of.

He had, however, been forced to accept that he *did* like the sound of the way this mythical man had apparently rescued her from the humiliation of her previous fiance's public abandonment of her for his *other woman* and it also seemed that he had kept her safe on several occasions when she was in danger.

The elderly Flag Officer had been better inclined to step aside more gracefully when Chelsea's adoration of the Romulan had become apparent but that didn't stop him being curious and he felt justified in asking around, especially as the man had been nowhere to be seen so far.

"No....sorry" said Mr Dunham apologetically but yet totally lying. Something he was not very good at, Mrs Dunham cut in, spotting the lie of her husband, and wanting to cover him but not actually knowing anything about any of the Romulans on the station, she instead changed the subject. "It's good to see you again Admiral. May I say its nice seeing you in uniform again."

"Thank you Captain" Peter was easily flattered into a new subject. "Being retired I'm only allowed to wear it on specially authorised occasions." he explained un-necessarily as Margaret Dunham would obviously know the rules although perhaps Eric and Kim who were also listening might not and at Peter's age, any audience was a gift too good to miss.

"I'd been hoping my eldest son and daughter would have been able to make it today but despite their best efforts they haven't been able to get away. Petra is with her husband on a 5 year tour of the gamma quadrant and Mike is stuck in a high level diplomatic summit meeting that he can't get out of. It's a shame, I know they'd both have loved to see Chelsea again." His wife nodded her agreement behind him, looking over his shoulder into the conversation.

Captain Summer Adams, sitting between her mother on the one side and her Bajoran step-daughter on the other, checked the time and looked back over her shoulder towards the entrance to the gardens. "I realise it's a Dunham thing to make a grand entrance but where's Rick? Isn't he cutting it TOO fine. Chelsea will be here any minute." she commented with a frown.

The Dunhams looked at their chronometers too (Mr Dunham senior checking four or five different watches on his person), as did the Station Commander, Captain Tasha Tahir who was at the front, waiting to conduct the ceremony.

Tasha, in her resplendent White Dress Uniform, had greeted most of the family and friends as they had entered and finally decided it best to leave the meet and greets to the Ushers who had taken over, allowing Tasha to stand back from the proceedings.

She now stood on her vantage point, upon the raised platform behind the lectern and was happy to watch as the remainder of the guests filtered through, or as in the case of Ricks Mother, transport directly.
It did however, give her cause to grin, especially as the high warp approach of a Starship vessel had aroused the suspicion of the Ops team and felt the need to both inform the Captain and to seek advice.
Tashas' hands had become a little damp as she signalled one of the attendants to approach.

"Tissue?" She urged in question.

The crewman nodded and disappeared, only to return a few seconds later with several.
Tasha thanked him as she took them, stuffing the majority into her pocket and the remainder, after wiping her palms, tucked it up her sleeve.

She glanced at her watch for the third time in as many minutes, wondering what was keeping both the Bride and Groom and if she had to, she was going to throw protocol into the bin and call them herself.

Chelsea, Raedheol and Isha had arrived, but they were being held at the arch by the ushers who were frantic not to allow them to walk down the aisle without Rick there first. Chelsea greeted Kim, hugging her with much relief to know that the Hagnon must be back just in time.

There was a lot of muttering going on as people began to realise something wasn't going to plan.

Chelsea looked at Isha and then at Raedheol. "Should we just take a slow walk down. I'm sure he's just a bit delayed. That'd give him time to get here. He's probably had the sense to come in from the other direction and will beat us to the front." She smiled. She trusted Rick completely. She would have lain down her life on that trust.

"Is that normal?" Rh'vaurek muttered beneath his breath to Isha.

"How should I know? When I married, my husband's male relatives came to my Mother's Estate to escort me to his. " She shook her head, "Chelsea seems to think its the right thing to do, so let's follow her lead."

They began to walk slowly, Chelsea smiling at all the people. She couldn't believe how many had taken the trouble to come. She was grateful to see them all and it helped her feel less nervous. Up ahead she could see Tasha at the Lectern, beside her as she walked she was so proud to be on the arm of her *big brother* and she could see all the turned faces looking back at her as she walked towards them all, her grandpa looking as if he was going to cry, her grandma already dabbing at her eyes.

It was clear that Rick wasn't there yet though, so she walked more slowly than ever. Gradually as she got closer and closer to the front her blissful smile began to fade.

"What if something awful has happened to him. He might be hurt...." she began to worry and her fingers tightened around Rh'vaurek's as she looked at him, whispering her concerns as they began to take root.

Tasha could only smile as the Bride and her entourage appeared at the doorway, but she was also confused, there was no groom. ~Surely she is not..... yes she is....~ Tasha thought as Chelsea began to walk ever so slowly up the aisle that led to the altar.

The same thoughts must have been going through every persons mind as they turned, almost in unison to look around to see the Bridge begin her walk and some looked at the Captain, perched just above them, to do something.

Tasha was not sure what to do. Her heart skipped as she stepped down, firstly glancing around to the eyes that were not upon the Bride, but on her, the Captain. Her eyes set forward, trying to will Chelsea to stop, or at the very least, wait until Rick arrived.
Her one hand went to the air as she scrambled for something to say, the excuse was pathetic as she spoke.

"Your a touch early!" She stammered as she approached Chelsea and as she stopped her, her throat tightened so that she could hardly speak.
Her hand went to Chelseas arm. "Back." She squawked, easing the Doctor to make an about turn.

Back at the arch to the wedding reception Erica's husband, Paul, stood in his marine dress uniform he was wiping perspiration away from his brow with the back of his sleeve. He had been running around like a mad thing, trying to find Rick, this was one of his duties as best man. He looked pained and very apologetic, but there was no doubt that he had bad news on his lips. "i've checked his quarters, his office, and the sick bay, I can't find him, and the stations computer says he is not on the station."

Chelsea allowed herself to be guided gently back to the arch, looking pale but attempting to stay dignified because she was with Rh'vaurek, instinctively tightened her grip on his fingers but kept her fixed smile.

"Sorry...." she muttered to the Romulan at her side.

"We're too early....." she put on her Doctor's *It's alright, you'll be fine* face and tried to joke it off to the guests sitting closest to her as she retreated as slowly as decorum demanded.

"...too early!!" she repeated to the next set of rows, pulling a comical grimace. Some laughed it off, for which she was grateful.

"oops.... too keen eh?" replied one of her Corpsmen affably.

"I know! But can you blame me?" Chelsea kept it light, in a frozen state of panic inside but professionally trained to such a level that she was able to try to be positive even in the face of death, surely one false start at her wedding walk was nothing in the scale of things - she dragged the Doctor in her to the front and hid the panic behind it.

~If someone got him drunk or this is a stag night prank gone wrong... ~ she thought. ~But it can't be.... Paul was on the Hagnon so the Stag Night was cancelled. Much to Rick's relief if I remember rightly....~ Chelsea's mind was trying to process this. The one thing she did NOT think of was that he wasn't coming. Rick wouldn't do that to her. If he had changed his mind he was enough of a gentleman to tell her to her face.

As the Doctor, Raedheol, Isha and Kim arrived back at the Arch shepherded by Tasha, they found Paul there looking distressed. Kim ran to him.

Chelsea listened to his words but only absorbed the last few. " ...the station's computer says he is not on the station."

"Is his Valkyrie there? What about the 'Chelsea'? If he's broken down somewhere out there, how much of an air supply would he have? Wouldn't he have been in contact with Ops?" Chelsea asked. She looked up at Rh'vaurek and tried to pre-guess what he was thinking. Her eyes flicked to the others one by one. "It has to be the Chelsea.... she's an old ship and he did all the repairs and mods himself... she's broken down....can anyone find out how long ago he took her out?" She tried to convince them all.

Chelsea herself had no idea if this was true or not but it was the only thing she could think of that could explain anything. She saw sympathy in the eyes around her and just seemed to make everyone all the more sorry for her the more she tried to deny that it could be anything else.

Isha nodded very slightly as Rh'vaurek whispered something in her ear whilst Chelsea's attention was diverted elsewhere. She moved away from him then to collect her own thoughts on the matter, and to formulate a plan.

"Rick wouldn't do this..... " Chelsea's voice began to waiver, not because she doubted Rick but because they didn't seem to believe her. Some of the guests nearest to the Arch for whom there had been standing room only, patted her arm whilst others clicked tongues and shook heads compassionately.

"Oh move aside," Isha said a little irritably to those guests who were too close by. "Someone go and fetch the seamstress! I can't think how we didn't notice it sooner," she said pointedly for the benefit of those who had jumped to the obvious (and likely correct) conclusion as she fussed with the back of Chelsea's bridal gown. "How could I have let you go out with the seam in this state?" she grumbled, confident that the suggestion would leave at least sixty percent of them swearing that they had seen anything from a loose button to a frayed seam to a gaping hole in the fabric of the gown. "Someone screen off this area so we can have a little privacy," Isha said then with an imperious wave toward the archway.

If this had been another time, another place, Tasha would have laughed aloud to see Isha fuss about with improvisation around Chelsea, but this was now a matter of the utmost severity. Dunham was not to be found and the family and guests were all assembled for a wedding that looked like it was not about to happen and poor Chelsea was trying to fathom a reason as to where Rick would be.
As the Captain, Tasha felt she should be doing something constructive, but no matter what happened in the thirty minutes or so, would remain with Chelsea for the rest of her life and Tasha did not want to be seen as the wicked witch who put logic before emotion. It was far easier to hold her hand and offer attention without saying a word, not yet.

"No, you don't understand..." Chelsea tried to say, looking desperately up at Rh'vaurek and then across at Isha, her eyes begging them to believe her.



The Dunham family
as played by
Lt Cdr Rick Dunham


Commander Chelsea Adams
2CO and CMO - DS5
The Adams Family NPC's


Captain Tasha Tahir
Minister of the Ceremony


Iehei hru'Hfirh Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i'Ramnau t'Illialhlae

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol

By Louise