We All Fall Down – The arrival of the new Chief of Security
by Ensign David Harris & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   The arrival of the new Chief of Security
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Ensign David Harris & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Sep 15, 2014 @ 6:06pm
Location   Captains Office
Timeline   WAFD: Day 2. 08:00
David had arrived on the station at 2.00am. He got through security at the docking bay and he was impressed with his new team. He knew that it was going to busy as the station was huge, with a large population, Starfleet and civilian.

David had done his homework and new that the Federation Marshall Service was on board as well as the Marines so he knew he would have great support. He was going to ensure that he would have a good working relationship with everyone on board. He already had a good start with the Federation Marshall Service as he had been one a few years ago on Earth.

David had been shown to his new quarters and was impressed, separate double bedroom, living area and a window, being Chief of Security will have its ups. He unpacked and started to prepare his uniform for meeting the boss first thing tomorrow.

David went to bed but could not sleep, he was to excited. He got up put on his pressed uniform and polished boots and headed to his new department. It was still early and he knew that night shift would be finishing soon and the last thing they would want is the new boss turning up but he could wait no longer. He entered the reception error and was greeted by a cheerful and wide awake crewman, "How can I help you this morning, Sir."

"Ensign Harris, new Chief of Security. I have just come to have a look and see my new office."

"I will get someone to show you through Sir."

"That won't be necessary, I have studied the blue prints for the last four weeks, I think I know my way round." The crewman let David through and he took a look around and then entered his office. It was a big office and well equipped, he also had a view to the squad room. He was impressed and the office is probably bigger than most Starship Captains.

David settled into his office. At 7.30am he left to go and present himself to the Commander.

The Captain's Yoeman met him on the way and led him to the door.

A short time later he pressed the bell to the commanding officer's office.


David marched in and stood to attention. "Ensign Harris reporting to duty as your new Chief of Security."

"You're very prompt," Isha observed. In the absence of an Executive Officer it was only right that a new department head reported directly. "Tell me, was your journey smooth?"

"Yes Ma'am, journey was long and smooth. Glad to be here and the station looks great, I suspect I will be very busy."

"You'll have your work cut out, that's a given. But, there will be some assistance. Given our growing civilian population the Federation Marshal's Service are establishing a presence here. You are to work with them. There are areas in which they can assist your department which keeps general responsibility for Station security. On the promenade and in civilian areas the deputys will take primary jurisdiction unless the matter is of wider import to Starfleet," Isha told him. She had not yet met the Marshal, but when she did she was keen that everyone knew what was expected.

"Understood Ma'am. I am going to make certain that we have a great working relationship with the Marshalls. Together we are stronger." David was firm believer in Security being everyone's responsibility.

Isha nodded. "Do you have any questions, Ensign?"

"Not at this time Ma'am. Better get use to the station and also the tactical station." David smiled at the Commander, happy that he was given this responsibilty and challenge.

"Then take your place, Ensign. And don't let me down. Dismissed."

"Yes Ma'am." David straighted up and marched out of the Commander's office.


Ensign David Harris
Chief of Security