Time is Fleeting – Making Impressions
by Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Making Impressions
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Oct 26, 2009 @ 7:39pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   BACKPOST: SD13 - 16:00 hrs

Turrel wandered into the sickbay after a rather stressful day. Some of the officers aboard the Rakara were getting restless with inactivity, so he had them run drills for the entire afternoon. It would certainly do nothing for their opinion of him, but it did at least keep them occupied. Turrel smiled from the thought that it wasn't likely that they would tell him if they were bored again after today.

Looking around the corner, he spotted the medical caretaker sitting in her office. He walked over determinedly to the room and knocked on the glass to capture her attention.

Chelsea looked up and saw a Cardassian in uniform and her heart sank after the incident with Vi'kar Gul Getal at the start of her day, now here was another at the end of the shift.

~What did I do to deserve this?~ she groaned inwardly and stood up, going to the office door and opening it. She offered her hand with a pleasant smile and introduced herself, hoping that the fact that she was dreading another confrontation wasn't going to show.

"Good afternoon, I'm Lt. Cmdr Adams. How can I help you?" she said, holding out her hand to shake his.

He took the Doctors hand and shook it, as was the human traditional greeting. "Good day Lieutenant," He said with a smile, "it is a pleasure to meet you. I hope you don't mind my stopping by unannounced, but I was informed that it was policy for newcomers to be cleared by your medical team. I had hoped you might have a few minutes to conclude that business before I finish touring your station."

"Of course, you're most welcome.... er.... I don't think I caught your name?" she replied pleasantly. ~What a nice change of attitude from 'Vi'kal Gul Grumpy'~ she thought.

"Gul G'mar." He said with a grin.

"Well, Gul G'Mar, it's very nice to meet you too. Perhaps you would be more comfortable in one of our cubicles for your medical." she guided him to Consulting Room A and Sally joined her again without being bidden. Chelsea smiled at her friend. This time she wasn't going to be so willing to make special allowances for the foibles of Cardassian sensitivity, having learned her lesson, although she wasn't feeling threatened this time ..... yet!

She chose not to point out to Gul G'Mal that she wasn't addressed as Lieutenant but actually it should be 'Commander'. She figured if he stayed nice she wouldn't need to, but if he got heavy too, she'd save that correction for a shift of tone if need be.

"This is Sally, my Senior Nurse. If you could please just relax and lie back on the bio-bed. This procedure is painless and we'll make it quick." she was polite and reassuring as she got out a mediscan and began to hold it over Turrell.

"Excellent." Turrel responded and he rest his body on the bio-bed. So far he was enjoying this little exchange. He had purposely called her by the wrong rank designation to see how far he could push this one before she snapped back. It was possible that she simply didn't catch it, but it was unlikely. Much like Cardasians, the Federation clings to their titles with an almost maternal possessiveness. ~So she is accommodating to her guests. I wonder how much so.~

"So," He asked while being scanned. "What's the Federation gossip like on this station?"

Chelsea smiled. "Much the same as the Cardassian gossip, Gull G'Mar. Fun when it's someone else everyone is discussing but pretty miserable if you're 'flavour of the day'."

Sally set up and fed in the read-outs from the main panel and Chelsea reset the equipment *not* to find subspace transmitters. She didn't want a repeat of the incident earlier that day with Vi'kar Gull Getal.

"I am required to ask if you have been in contact with any infectious diseases or persons lately, Gull G'Mar?" She read him the standard questions for the regular medical format.

"Hmm, I should hope not. I've been couped up for the last number of months aboard my ship. It is unlikely that any of my crew picked up anything along the way, but I suppose it is possible. If I did have something I would think i'm in the right place to find out."

"If you were actually exhibiting symptoms of whatever it was. If you were just incubating or carrying something, I'd need to look a lot closer, perhaps with a microscope, maybe even at DNA level." she explained.

"Oh my." Turrel exclaimed. "I have doubts that this procedure would be a quick one. Am I wrong?"

"No, I meant that i would have to look at that length if I were to try to find something you were in the earliest stages of. As a routine, when we're not investigating a problem, we don't do that. Unless of course you had declared a recent known exposure." Chelsea explained, finishing off the other tests.

Downloading the results onto a padd, she handed it to the Cardassian. "There we are Gul G'Mar. That's your original. I don't keep a copy for diplomatic personnel, so please don't lose it in case you want it used for further reference in the future. You have a clean bill of health." she smiled.

"Wonderful, it pleases me to hear so. I do have one concern, though. I find that the lighting of this station is too bright, now I know there is little you can do to with regards lowering it, but I was hoping you might perscribe something to calm the stress on my eyes."

"I wouldn't want to interfere with the internal chemistry of your eyes themselves as this might have long-term effects, however I *can* insert some temporary over-lenses with a reflective coating that would act as filters and be removable whenever you choose to rid yourself of them?" she offered.

Turrel considered this for a moment. "The idea is agreeable to me. If not for those I should think I would be walking around your station with those 'sunglasses' I see in all the shops."

Chelsea smiled pleasantly. "Oh, I don't know. I think you'd look very mysterious and fetching in those"

A slight chuckle rose from the Cardassian. "I can appreciate your keen sense of taste, but I should think my crew would think i've gone mad and declare me unfit for command should I walk on to my bridge wearing a pair. The temporary over-lenses you were speaking of would suit me better. After all, a Cardassian with too much time on his hands is a dangerous thing."

"Indeed, but then again, a Cardassian with just the right amount of time on his hands is a very effective one, surely Gul G'mar?" she replied pleasantly.

As she spoke, Chelsea withdrew a small drawer with sample lenses in it and put them before the Cardassian. Each was a slightly different size and thickness and each was a different shade.

"Any preferences?" she asked simply, holding them out for G'mar to examine.

He laughed at the quip. "Sounds like you've shared some time with Cardasian's." He studied the selection for a moment before making a choice. "These ones should be fine."

"An excellent choice - I think if I had some of these, I'd go for that shade... or maybe the greener tint." she commented, getting into the whole idea. It might have been possible to mistake her enthusiasm for someone making a sale but she hadn't fitted these on this base before, although she'd done it elsewhere. It was a nice novel change from having to fix people up or do boring medicals.

She put the lenses he had chosen, carefully into the appropriate fluid-filled plastububble and loaded them into an applicator which easily located his iris and positioned them without fuss or discomfort.

"There you go" she handed him a mirror. "Do you like them?"

Turrel closely scrutinized his reflection in the mirror before handing it back. "I like it, gives me a more sinister appearance." His face held a larg grin.

"More mysterious, wouldn't you say?" she smiled, then remembered later that to a Cardassian, sinister would be preferable. "The ladies will be queueing up. Shall I replicate you a second set, just in case you lose one?" she enquired, helpfully.

"Absolutely." Came the quick response. "I have a nasty tendacy of losing small objects. What would those ladies think if I were to suddenly be without a pair?" He held his arms out in mock distress, accompanied with the earlier grin.

"Oh I think you could play the sympathy card as well as any gentleman I know, Gul G'Mar, and any lady worth her salt would be more than happy to rummage around trying to help you find the aforementioned small items. That could make life very interesting! You're a clever man, Gul. I can see your devious and dastardly plot!" Chelsea grinned conspiratorially.

"HA!" Turrel exclaimed. "I may have underestimated you entirely! Surely with such insight there is no question that you were once employed by the Obsideon Order. I have half a mind to wonder if these lenses are really cameras to spy on me." He made a great show at looking over the tiny object.

Chelsea's grin widened. "Curses, you're too clever for me, Gul G'Mar! And it was such a good plan too!" She was more than happy to keep the joke going. Passing the Gul a small, darkly coloured container to put the lenses into for safe-keeping, she went on: "Do they *have* women in the Obsidian Order? I thought they would all be men?"

"Oh my yes. Some of the most effective agents they had were women. Also, notably, some of the most ruthless. Quite a few of their husbands dissappeared rather suddenly after their infidelities were uncovered by their spouse's. Strange consequence, wouldn't you agree?"

Chelsea's eyes widened. "Wasn't that a little bit obvious? Or was everyone too afraid to do anything?" she asked, fascinated in a macabre way.

"Well let me ask you this, if you knew someone had the person they loved 'dissappeared' would you be overly vocal about it seeing as how you mean nothing to her?"

"Ah, I take your point. No, I probably wouldn't make too much noise until I was at a safe distance!" she nodded, thanking her lucky stars she wasn't Romulan.

"Well I thank you for taking time out of your busy schedual to service my needs." He flashed a large smile.

"It was my pleasure Gul G'Mar, do come back anytime" Chelsea returned the pleasantries happily, she liked the Gul, he was interesting and not at all like his fellow Cardassian, the Abassador.

With a polite nod he turned to walk out of the sickbay. "Good day Commander."

"Goodbye Gul G'Mar, it was nice meeting you." She replied as he left.

~That was a nice change from this morning! He's so much more pleasant than the Vi'kal Gul~ she thought as she went back to her work.

A joint post between:

Gul Turrel G'mar
CO of The Rakara


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams