Judgement – Defense strategy
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Defense strategy
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Tue Nov 16, 2010 @ 6:38pm
Location   Main Security - Brig
Timeline   SD 34 - 17:00hrs
Dorian waited until he was sure that Darson was out of the facility for him to begin speaking to his attorney.


He never appreciated the purpose in the past. They were merely out-dated relics of a time when justice was much more indefinite and malleable. What was the purpose of having a representative other than to obfuscate the truth.

Now he found himself relying upon one to assist him in this sham of a trial. A sham that was nothing more than perverted version of a system he had fought for years to uphold.

"Make yourself useful" He said as he faced away from the woman sent to represent him.

"Excue me?" She sat up straighter but didn't look up at him. She was busy looking through the information in the PADD in her hand. Admiral Llewelyn was right...Dorian had something stuck far up his ass. ~Perhaps it is some Admiral's boot.~ She thought to herself and smiled.

"What I mean is that the person who is leading this persecution has a vested interest in attacking the Federation. There is a blatant conflict of interest in her being involved in this side-show." he said as he finally turned around to her.

"I want you to file an Injunction with the Court to have that damn Romulan removed from this case due to her involvement in the fatal attack on Deep Space 5. You can talk to Commander Davies for the full details." he said.

"I already have all the information on that front." Adaya waved another PADD in front of him and smiled. "Most JAG have a research assistant but I like to get my facts on my own."

"Additionally, I want to schedule a meeting with Thomas Whitlock." He added as he sat down on the cot behind him.

"And what precisely would that accomplish?" Adaya asked.

"I want my story to be heard loud and clear, but more importantly, I want it to come directly from me." he said as he stood up. "He is merely a tabloid journalist, but he also has the ability to broadcast my story to the widest audience possible. If that damn desk-jockey is going to be an accomplice to this farce, then I want everybody to know about it. Perhaps the court of public opinion will have an affect on this circus." he stated.

"I will not allow it. Anything you say, the prosecution will spin to fit their story. No, sorry Commander it will not be happening."

Gabriel sat up straight and cocked a brow and looked at the woman. "I wasn't giving a *request* I was giving a directive as your client." He said standing up.

"If I want to speak to any particular person, then it will be your job to facilitate that event. I don't need you questioning my judgment." He said in a firm tone.

"I will not be dictated to sir." She said sitting up straighter. "If you want to speak to him, then we will go through what you will say and I will write up questions he is allowed to ask. I will also be here with the two of you to protect your interests and make sure that whatever it is you say will not be twisted around to be used against you."

Adaya shook her head, "That is the only way I will allow you to speak to him. "

"Fine, set up the meeting." Dorian said in a dismissive tone. He was not in the mood to argue.

"I also want a list of every witness she is calling." he was more curious than anything else of how the hell her government was able to try a case that was almost 10 years old. The original witnesses were either dead or scattered across the universe.

Adaya nodded and went through her stack of PADDs she had with her, "Here...you can go through this if you like. Tell me what you know about those there and I will do some more digging on my end."

He sat back down. "Good, I don't think there is anything else I can think of at the moment."

"Oh good! I can't wait until our next meeting." She replied sarcastically. Adaya was going to have a nice little chat with the Admiral about this one...He owed her and he owed her big! Adaya got up taking all the PADDs with her and left without another thought.


Lt. Adaya Talloc
NPC'd by Jana

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security