We All Fall Down – Deja Vu All Over Again.
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Deja Vu All Over Again.
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Sep 13, 2014 @ 12:02pm
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   WAFD Day 2: 13:20
The moment the doors were closed Isha was on her feet. She ran into the washroom and vomited.

As he turned back to the room Tahhk saw the Commander flee. He was puzzled both at her earlier behavior and at her high speed departure. How could one person flit so swiftly between confidence and complacency. So far he’d developed a grudging respect in her abilities but he had to question T’Varuek's suitability for command if (the admittedly unpleasant) Cardassian Ambassador could damage her composure so assuredly.

What hold does he have over you? He asked himself.

It was minutes before Isha emerged. Her skin pale, and shining with a sheath of moisture. She had been sick, that much was certain.

"I think you had better tell me what is going on," he said as she sat.

"What difference will it make?" Isha replied. "My hands are tied, my government would not risk a diplomatic incident four years ago, nor will they now."

At times Tahhk had a very un-Vulcan ability to be able to make intuitive judgements without the need to analyse each and every fact in a logical process. "Its personal?"

"I don’t wish to talk about it," Isha replied. Was she ever going to be safe in this place?

"In this instance you don’t have a choice."

"If I want advice I'll visit the counselor."

"T'Vaurek, this is an issue fundamental to your command. You need not say a word."

Tahhk was proposing a mind-meld. A technique they already intended to use to allow Isha to prove the sincerity of her words, actions and intentions. This would go beyond that though and into areas of her mind that she kept firmly locked away.

"Has the latest incident not proved that whilst you may exercise an extremely tight grip on your experience it is not unassailable? I can help you strengthen those barricades."

"Why would you wish to help me?"

"Because I see your potential. If truly intend what you claim to intend I cannot allow you to abandon this command in order to hide. That, and I really did not like the attitude of that Cardassian."

Isha forced a very small smile. "Are you sure you're entirely Vulcan?"

"One hundred percent."

"I'm not so sure." He was right though, Isha could not continue in this state of mind. Why not turn her shadow into an ally? It was only logical.

Isha stood and moved around the desk and stood in front of Tahhk. "Very well. Begin," she said.

Slowly Tahhk found the points on her skin that would allow the connection, "My mind to your mind ... My thoughts to your thoughts ... "


Isha t'Vaurek
Commander Tahhk NPC