We All Fall Down – A morning run
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   A morning run
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Fri Jun 27, 2014 @ 11:28pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   MD01 0900

The cleaners were already hard at work when Yolanthe got to the Box of Delights. She gave a nod to the two bolians who were happily chatting about a parises squares tournament running on Tellar and headed up to the holo-spa. She paused for a moment. This floor had already been done, so was perfectly clean and serene. She glanced at Klia's - no, Edward's - office, and felt her usual pang of sadness, her skin turning a smoky shade of its usual violet.

She moved on, entering a holosuite. She took a few moments to stretch her muscles, warming up. "Computer, load program Ibalin Morning Run." The computer beeped, and then it replied "Please choose options." There were four to choose from, Aztec, Medieval, Industrial and Future. Klia had smirked when she first showed her, but had never explained the reference. "Aztec." Yolanthe had no idea what Aztecs were. But it produced a lush jungle environment that was supposed to be her home. There was no jungle on earth like this, she knew. Trees here were kilometers tall and tens of meters thick.

In the far distance she could see the ruined ziggaurats, remnants of a rival civilisation her own had wiped out centuries ago. She was standing hundreds of meters up in the canopy, on a branch that was comfortably wide enough for five women to walk along comfortably, her back to the massive trunk. Below, the dwellings of her people were jutting out of the trunks, or balancing on branches, raised high off the jungle floor, away from the many predators of the ground.

She closed her eyes. Up here with the sway of the massive branch under her feet, and the scent of jungle blooms in her nose, she could forget everything. Forget all she had lost. Forget she was living in her self imposed exile. For a moment she could believe she was back home, that her life had never changed from the path she had set it. It had been four years. Four long years.

She had ended up light years from home, and then had run to the farthest corner of the quadrant she could find on top. And it had worked out. She had found a new life, a new way. It wasn't perfect. Klia was gone. But she had gathered a whole family. Boys she treasured, women she could respect. Quiet Pelin, snarky Ahjess, the hear- stoppingly beautiful Blake, provocative Vedra, spunky Leila and Jessica who could keep even drunk tongo-crazed Ferengi in-line.

Whatever the coming days would bring, and they could bring anything, she had them to think of, them to protect. There might not be any glory, no-one screaming her name, well, maybe Tharek, but that wasn't important anymore. The hole in her life was being healed over, scar tissue made of a bar on the edge of civilisation. She treasured it more than she ever thought. Life was good. It was time to relax and enjoy it.

She took a deep breath. "Computer, start the clock." She ran. She launched away from the tree trunk, sprinting down the branch and leapt into empty air...


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights