Judgement – Reporting for Duty
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Reporting for Duty
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Oct 28, 2010 @ 8:25pm
Location   Deck 12 - XO's Office
Timeline   SD35. 08:30.

It was his big day. With a stretch and a yawn, Lt.(jg) Vincent Kramer prepared for day 2 aboard the Starbase – Deep Space Five. With his gold accented uniform in proper order he headed out for a good breakfast in the officer’s mess. To his surprise, there were not as many here as he expected. He later realized that most Starbase personnel prefer to eat at the many hundreds of eating establishments about the station.

Kramer made his way to Deck 12. Based on the information in his PADD, that is where the Executive Officer’s office is located. Entering the suite, he stepped up to the desk where an Ensign was sitting. After a quick glace as his PADD for confirmation, “Excuse me, I’m here to report to Cmdr Karen Villiers.

He glanced at his screen. "Lieutenant Kramer?" he asked and waited for a nod of affirmation - the man had had the rare sense to make an appointment. "In that case you may go in, Commander Villiers is expecting you."


Compared with some of her duties on this Starbase welcoming a new officer aboard was high on the list, just a line or two below conferring a promotion whether in rank or position. Karen was pleased to note that rather than risk just turning up Kramer had made an appointment; and, it seemed he was on time.

"Come in," she said as the chime sounded.

Kramer walked up and stopped in front of the desk. Behind the desk sat a beautiful woman with fair skin, gentle eyes, and long curly dark brown hair. “Sir, Lt. Vincent Kramer, reporting for Duty.”

Karen raised one eyebrow. Why did people seem so insistant on ignoring her obvious gender?. "It was Ma'am when I looked this morning," she said with a slightly inappropriate wink - still, it was better to make light of it than to cause tension. "Lieutenant Kramer, no? Our new engineer," she said.

Kramer handed his PADD to the XO which displayed his transfer orders and other files that she might want to look at already open.

"You made an appointment, Lieutenant, I've already had the chance to peruse the documentation," she said laying the padd on the desk. Karen leaned back in her chair and touched her fingertips together beneath her chin. "Was there something bothering you?" she asked.

“Ma'am?” Kramer with hesitancy in his voice and probably in his posture too. “I’m not sure how to mention this.”

"Speak freely," Karen suggested, "a space station is not everyone's idea of an ideal posting, we tend to lack the attention we deserve as starships randomly traversing subspace seem to draw the attention of more easily than a static base; if it bothers you I'd prefer to know now, or was there something more specific?" she said leading him to elaborate.

After a moment he continued, “It was just slightly odd, but it may have just been me.”

"Tell me," Karen shrugged as she dropped her hands and sat forward, "I'm no Betazoid."

After a breath, head up, Kramer spoke confidently, “Yesterday, just a couple hours after arriving, I was summoned to the Main Security office by Lt. Si'Lar Trellis. During the course of the conversation he said he was going to be implementing a change to the security protocols throughout the station, beginning with Main Engineering. He said nothing wrong, nor asked anything inappropriate of me. It . . . well . . . the situation just put me on the defensive. Sir.” He ended it with a tone of respect, very much hoping that he had conveyed the information appropriately to this senior officer.

Karen sucked a breath through her teeth, "Commander Gabriel has been temporarily relieved of duty," she said - no need to say that quite soon that arrangement might become more permanent. "Stress. His former deputy is naturally cautious in his approach," Karen said. She may have sounded a little dismissive, but she noted what Kramer had told her and would follow it up. "The sudden burden of increased responsibility," she added.

In an effort to change the situation, Kramer recognized a plaque on the wall from Univ. of Cambridge. “Did you attend Cambridge?”

"I did, Downing College."

“I submitted an application to Harvard School of Music there in Cambridge, but decided to attend Starfleet Academy instead.”

Karen chuckled, "I attended the ancient University in England, not the younger college located in Cambridge Massechussets (sp?), though it is undoubtedly a good school. What do you play, Lieutenant?" she asked.

“Yes Ma’am. Me and my brothers were schooled on many instruments as a boy. The ones I fully developed were piano, violin, and harp.” Kramer explained, “After moving away from home I also taught my self guitar.” With a curious thought, “Do you play?”

"I don't," Karen admitted, "I can dance to music, but that's about as far as it goes. Still, that sounds like quite a talent you have there. Funny, I don't automatically connect engineers with the arts."

Kramer hesitated a moment, not wanting to open up and say too much at this meeting. He simply replied, “Yes. I have heard that before. But, to me, at times, I see power systems operate very similar to music. There is an expected rhythm and when something isn’t quite right, there is a bad tone to track down.”

"Interesting analogy," Karen said. "So, Lieutenant Kramer, did you come aboard today or have you had a little time to get to know the station?" she asked

“I came aboard yesterday.” Kramer replied. “I walked the promenade once and looked out into the central part of the station. It is so massive. Like I mentioned, I have met Lt. Si'Lar Trellis and a very nice Doctor, Commander Adams.” Kramer paused for a second then standing up straight, “ I’m very much ready to get to work.”

"Then I shan't take up any more of your time," Karen said. "I'm sure they're waiting for you down in Engineering. Welcome to DS5," she said.

With a formal welcome from the XO, many emotions went through Kramer’s mind; pride, patriotism, duty, honor. He replied smartly, “Thank you, Sir!” Then neatly turned and exited her office.

As he made his way down the passage way, he had great hopes for his time serving aboard Deep Space Five.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer


Lt. (jg) Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief Engineer