Unity – Home away from home
by Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Home away from home
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Thu May 06, 2010 @ 6:52pm
Location   Cardassian Consulate
Timeline   Immediately after 'Legion of The Beast'

Denat left Tharek in his office by himself. Re-tracing his steps back through the Embassy, Denat found Sotar as Tharek had promised and called to him "Sotar!" He barked.

Sotar turned to the other Cardassian, a new face. "What?" He replied, looking frustrated. He cradled a PADD in his arms, typing at it whilst waiting for Denat to speak.

Denat maybe old, but being at the recieving end of a bitter reply has always proved to coax the beast side of Denat out of him. "What did you say?!" he barked once more, louder, accompanied with his fist slamming down onto the desk.

Sotar couldn't help but laugh. "Don't try it. You may be the Security Chief, but I'll knock you from here to the promenade you do that again."

Denat wasn't sure whether Sotar understood the ferocity that Denat could unleash, or whether Sotar was just plain dumb. Denat launched himself over the desk Sotar was standing behind and braced him up against the wall with his arm held firmly across his neck, the other pressing his chest towards the wall and he brought his head closer to Sotar's until their noses were pressed against eachothers. Denat gritted his teeth and squinted slightly into Sotar. "You maybe the Chief of Staff, but I am Head of Internal Security, and swear to Cardassia you will be relieved before you can raise an eyebrow." He snarled at the Glen.

"I'm sure the Vi'kar Gul would love you for throwing out his personal officer out the airlock." Sotar snapped back, grabbing onto Denat's wrists, but making no other move of agression.

"On the contrary, without you, he can have comforting nights knowing his work is being carried out properly..." He attempted to tingle Sotar's aggression into a confrontation.

"You've been here a grand total of five minutes and your already threatening your own race. Take it out on the Klingons, not your brethren." Sotar said, trying to get through to the man. "Theres no need for this to turn into a brawl."

"True, brother." Denat's voice relaxed, along with his grip on the Glen. "But don't think I like you" He retorted. "Now, I hear your the guy to go to for quarters."

"More or less. You get level three quarters, bring in your own crap to fill it." He said, straightening his uniform and slicking back a few stray hairs. "You need to report for duty first thing tomorrow morning. Go drink yourself stupid 'till then." Sotar said, tapping a few more things onto the PADD.

Despite his attitude towards Sotar, he agreed with the thought of 'drinking himself silly.' He nodded at the man and spat under his breath, "Your head would look good on my wall." To which he turned his own and smiled. "It will be a pleasure to work with you in the future." He sarcastically said and left the hall.

Jumped up son of a Bajoran slave. Sotar thought to himself, before blowing off the comment and resuming his work. No doubt him and Denat would have trouble in the future. Sotar looked forward to smacking some sense into a soldier that thought he was invincible.


A Joint Post Between:

Gilnn Denat Meran
Chief of Internal Security
Cardassian Embassy


Glen Sotar Telet
Chief of Staff
Cardassian Embassy