Interlude – Between Gorgo and Andromeda pt 2
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Between Gorgo and Andromeda pt 2
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Aug 02, 2010 @ 5:44pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 29 Before Little Box of Horrors

Klia took Rianni to her own office by the holosuites. It was much less decadent and much more minimalist than Yolanthe's baroque tastes. Klia pulled a square bottle and two stubby glasses from a drawer and brought them over. "Something from back home." She poured the syrupy green liquid out. "I don't want to think about how Lani gets hold of it, but I'm just glad she does. Bottoms up!"

Fumes of eye watering intensity wafted up from the glass in front of Rianni, hinting art tastes of rum, aniseed and coffee.

"Smells good." Rianni smiled, after all, she was used to pounding Ouzo and Romulan Ale, this wasn't as tough as some might imagine it would be for her. Downing the drink quickly she smiled, "Good stuff, nice and smooth."

Klia wheezed as the strong spirit hit the back of her throat. She took one look at Rianni's empty glass. "Hard case." She refilled.

"This is usually the point where I try and pimp you the holographic version of our mutual friend. But you said you weren't after meaningless, so I won't bother. And don't take it personally. She rejects everyone. Or she should, Count yourself lucky she's got her taste back. Her lapse was truly appalling. If it was her fault. I have my suspicions." Realising she was waffling her brain switched gear sharply. "That doesn't sound fun?"

Rianni didn't know whether or not to be offended by that comment about Yolanthe getting her tastes back, not wanting to upset Klia. However, it wouldn't leave her mind, causing her to ask, "So, you don't think much of Romulans do you?"

The Orion sniffed. "You have to admit they don't have a good reputation. Xenophobic, scheming, unwilling to get involved with anything until they know which side will win. I'm used to people looking at me funny and making assumptions, but no-one makes me feel like something you'd wipe of your shoe than the Romulans." She shrugged. "On the other hand, you're not spoonies, so you do have some saving graces."

"Well, I'm a little, no, a lot different from most Romulans." Rianni nodded, "I mean, I'm only just now learning anything about my Romulo side, but the way I was raised will never change. Besides, from what I've seen of my family we're all a lot different than the typical perception of Romulans. Though, with fear that I might seem xenophobic, I'm not crazy about the spoonheads, either."

"Slimy megalomaniacal reptile thinks he can have whatever he wants," Klia growled, more to herself than to Rianni. "Would love to see them all shipped back to Cardassia. preferably in pieces."

"Would it make you like me more to know that I killed seventeen Cardies in the Dominion War?" Rianni offered, "More than any other pilot against any one enemy."

"Yes it does." The Orion stared at the green sludge left at the bottom of her glass. "Though I'd probably like you a lot more if you could get shot of the festering vipers nest downstairs. Remove the temptation before Lani does something insanely stupid."

~So that explains why I got blown off so fast!~ "I hope you don't mean she's getting involved with one of the Cardassian Embassy staff."

Klia blew out a noisy sigh. "Better bloody not be." She downed the rest of her Hidaq, "I don't know what’s got into her. I warned her, but she didn't listen. One day she's the ice queen, and the next she's scuttling back in at 4 in the morning minus her clothes. Never touched a man in all the time I've known her, one week here and she's having a one night stand. Swears blind it won't happen again, but she takes the first opportunity to go back and see the slimy git"

Klia shook her head sadly, "Honestly, you think you know someone, and then some asshat with a funny forehead comes along and they lose whatever common sense they were born with."

"Well, men can have that sort of effect on women." Rianni sighed, "I know, I married three asshats. None of them had funny foreheads, but still."

"Three times?" Klia made a face. "That sucks. What happened?"

"Well, husband one was an enlisted man who thought I was too career focused, so he divorced me after about five months when he met a more old fashioned girl. Husband two was a member of some elite groundpounder unit who was more focused on his career than me, so I left him." Rianni sighed and took a deep breath remembering husband number three in all his nightmarish fury, "Husband number three, he was just a son of a bitch and I hope he's dead somewhere. Hell, for all I know he and I might actually still be married, since after I filed and signed the papers I never saw or heard from him again. I doubt it though, he was looking for someone who didn't fight back."

"Nasty. At least you recognised they were idiots." Klia stirred the gooey residue of the drink with a finger. "You'd think that she'd be able to figure out Getal was a menace, since he's able to look her in the eye and all."

"Tharek Getal? The Cardassian ambassador?" Rianni asked, horrified, "You have to get her to listen to you, Klia! That man is dangerous!"

"I'm open to suggestions, but I suspect that's part of the attraction. It’s not something she's familiar with. Normally she looks at men and just sees naughty little boys." Klia sighed. "what is it the humans say? None so blind? I'm just hoping that it’s an infatuation that will pass now she’s had her end away. I just have to keep her away from him until she gets bored."

"Good luck with that." Rianni sighed, "The man is dangerous, and to be honest I don't think he'll just go away when she gets bored."

"Then what do I do? Pack her in a box and ship her off the station?" Klia looked utterly miserable. "I can't take on the ambassador."

"Well, you'll just have to keep an eye on her until we can figure out something." Rianni suggested, "Right now I haven't got any better ideas. I don't know, maybe if Isha talks to her?"

The Orion shook her head. "Lani would never forgive me for interfering. I'm going to have to be sly about this. I'll follow her. If I find she's not leaving Getal alone, will you help me with her? I know it’s a big favour to ask a stranger, but I won't just leave her to him."

"Of course I'll help." Rianni promised, she'd do anything to keep anyone else from falling victim to Getal, "He's dangerous and needs to be stopped." ~He did something to Isha, I just don't know exactly what. When I find out....~

"Then I'm going to watch her, and try and keep her safe. I just hope I don't need to take you up on the offer." Klia reached across the table and squeezed Rianni's hand. "It's not exactly my idea of a date."

"It'll be okay, we won't let that Spoonhead get her." Rianni smiled, squeezing Klia's hand back, "It'll be fine."

Genius holo-programmer and Interfering busybody

Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Only been a Romulan one day and already scheming