Interlude – Intruder Alert - Part 3 - Confidences
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Intruder Alert - Part 3 - Confidences
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Sep 02, 2010 @ 4:16pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD33

Isha swallowed her pastry, "I can lend you the cook," she said then turned her mind to Chelsea's next question, "Are Lieutenant Dunham's relatives such vipers?" Isha asked, "Or is it yours? I suppose you might arrange a seating plan for the wedding party itself," she suggested, "everyone who needs to have their status properly acknowledged by their proximity to yourselves ... then simply provide enough other seating and allow guests to choose their own places. How many guests are you inviting?" Isha asked.

Chelsea shrugged. "I was hoping just a few nearest and dearest.... but thinking about it, Rick's mother (she's the one who's the viper!), his sister who seems nice and her husband who's recently back from the dead... or thought to have been dead.... his neice.... yourself, my ira'v'Dianvm, Rick has an ex he wants to invite and her new boyfriend, I'd like to invite Ben (my ACMO), Tasha, and David if he's still here, Yolanthe - I struck up a budding friendship with her that I hope will grow, Sally, and my lovely Ed of course.... Rick will want to invite Rianni and .... " Chelsea was ticking off people on her fingers as she was thinking them through.

Isha took another pastry. There were some considerations that were going to need to be taken into account if that was the core of the guest list. "If its a small group, you might forget the formality of seating arrangements entirely ... maybe you need to look more closely at how many guests you expect, because it will have an impact on the venue, catering, well, on everything," she said popping it in to her mouth.

"I don't know if my family would come. My mother isn't fussed, she let my grandparents raise me. She said I reminded her too much of my dad and then buried herself in her work. Grandfather's an Admiral and spends all his time on or around Headquarters on Earth and Grandmother's the only one who ever writes of wants to know how i am. She might come but she's a little bit frail these days." Chelsea said doubtfully. "I do have to ask tho... it'd be unforgivable not to let them have a chance to say they can't be bothered."

She looked a little sheepish and added. "That sounds horribly bitter, doesn't it? They don't really deserve that..... "

"Chelsea, I had no idea," Isha said. She wiped her fingers on a napkin and reached for the doctor's hand holding it between hers. "Just becuase one has responsibilties it is no reason to ignore those things that are central to one's being like family. Elements know my mother and I do not get on well, but at my request she and half of the family crossed a quadrant to spend an important day," Isha paused realising that her statement might be misinterpreted, "What I mean is that given the invitation, I am sure that your relatives will not disappoint you, even if they have done in the past."

"Isha you're a good friend, thank you for your support. I wish I had your optimism and of course I will invite them but let's only allow for half the number on our seating plan as I'm sure we'll end up with empty seats." she sighed.

"Anyway... 487, 976... shall I ask Ryan. I'd love to...... He was my best friend and he's still very important to me, but would he feel awkward? He's not with Nora anymore and is going through some tough changes, what with turning into a Cardassian before his own mirror....... and if I were Rick, how would I feel to be facing my new spouse's ex?" Little did Chelsea know how that question would come back to bite her soon.

"Like your family, send the invitation, and leave it up to him," Isha advised, it was really the only neutral piece of advice she could give. "Seating can be rearranged on the day, and if that is a concern to you, then accept my advice and apart from the core wedding party leave the decision as to where to sit to the guests. Come here," Isha said pulling Chelsea towards her. She wrapped an arm around her shoulder and drew her close. "Its your day, Chelsea, Rick will understand whatever you choose. Your job is to be unreasonable in the lead up, look beautiful on the day and to be deferred to like a princess by everyone," she said smoothing Chelsea's hair back.

"Oh dear, that sounds horribly spoilt of me" she smiled, returning Isha's affection by nestling against her shoulder and gently squeezing her fingers and holding them in her own. "I have missed you" she said softly. "How have you *really* been, d'Ishaal? Can I take a laser scalpel to that pig Getal yet? I'd take the wrap, it'd be worth it!"

"And if you find him in your infirmary and your steady hand slips, or someone mismeasures his medication, I will see that you are not charged with medical malpractice, and if you are, I will have you broken out of prison, but don't you dare go looking for him," she warned. "I've not been lazy, Chelsea, I have an ally now, I just had to take a step back and get organised. That bastard will have to break every bone in my body before I yield to him, and even then I doubt that I will allow myself to do it."

Chelsea's expression darkened. "He'd better not break any more of your bones. I've held back because I respect you and I don't want to step on anything you feel is important but I'd be too incensed and filled with misery if he did any more hateful things to you.... i just couldn't think of the consequences..... her slight bajoran ridges scrunched together and made her scowl look more angry. "I stood up to Raedheol once you know. I was terrified I was going to die but I stopped him doing something horrible to a woman who was nearly dying... I would stand up to Getal if you let me.... even if i were only as ineffective as a spitting kitten. I'd try." she protested.

"I know you would, and that's about as effective as you would be," Isha had not told Chelsea of his earlier abuse and she did not plan to now. Brave words and a defiant glare would only get her beaten at best. "Despite himself, Rh'vaurek has scruples, or at least the semblance of a moral code," Isha said, not sure that she could really explain Rh'vaurek, even to herself. "Chelsea, if Colonel Darson should ask you about this situation, please avoid mentioning Rh'vaurek to him." She left Chelsea to add the pieces of information together and to work out who she was working with to fight the reptile.

"If you say so, but why would Darson speak to me? He never even acknowledges I exist!" Chelsea replied, curious.

"Because he happens to know that you know about what happened and that makes you part of a very select circle. He may not even say anything, just if he does, don't let him know you even know Rh'vaurek," she said. "Please."

"Of course I won't. I'd rather cut out my own tongue than jeopardise either of you!" She reassured her best friend. "Your word that it's important is enough. I've trusted you before with even less to go on than this.... and I would again."

"Have you.... I mean, Darson? Isn't he really weird? Do you trust him?" Chelsea
was asking a question in words but another in meaning.

Weird did not even begin to describe him. "I trust him to do what is necessary," Isha said, "I'm not asking you to hide anything, just to be honest, and not to volunteer information to him."

"I've already promised not to tell him anything. As far as he will know I just attended as a physician and I never met Rh'vaurek.... he's off the station so how would i? He need know nothing of the past and it's not relevant." Chelsea was clear on her boundaries.

And Isha had thought that they were talking about weddings not assassination plots! But, she reflected, Chelsea didn't know that. "I'm sorry, I do make things complicated, don't I? Very soon all this nastiness will be behind us," she said.

Chelsea smiled sheepishly "I always come to you thinking my life is complicated but i leave having realised how beige my 'dramas' really are! I'm sorry to have troubled you with the trivia of weddings when you have all this to deal with, lovely friend"

"Troubled?" Isha exclaimed, "Quite the opposite. I would trade a lot for a simple life, but that doesn't seem to be what the Elements have in mind for me. So let me help where I may."

"Your help is more than welcome, I am most grateful both for the useful nature of it and more for the opportunity to spend quality time together, plotting!" Chelsea grinned.

"Well, our next step is to make an appointment with my couturier, that way I can bully you into buying a dress that I could never wear."

"Do I have to put up some pretence of reluctance?" Chelsea grinned.

"Only if it amuses you, or you balk at her prices. But really, she is very good," Isha said, "and actually very reasonably priced. We'll look at fabrics first then we will see what we can build from it."

"Okay. Tomorrow? Or do you have other engagements? It isn't urgent, of course." Chelsea suggested.

"One of the benefits of keeping a busy diary is that it is always possible to make room in it. I keep several hours each day free so that I can accommodate anything urgent that arises, such as this. I will make the appointment for you. I'd rather not have other people coming in and out of the shop, and I know that if she knows it is me coming she will close up for as long as we need."

"Wow! I really love hanging out with the rich and famous! You get all sorts of perks!" Chelsea teased, hugging her friend.

"But seriously though, Thank you SO much Isha. I was dreading it earlier.. it had really lost it's magic for me. Now I'm really getting into it. You're a doll!" Chelsea stood up but not without one last hug.

"I should let you get back to your day. I've intruded long enough. Take care Isha. Lots of care!" It was partly a medical instruction but much more an affectionate parting request.

"You have never intruded, Chelsea," Isha said as the doctor moved towards the door. Now she had to find out who was screening her calls, and why.

"Until tomorrow.... will you send me a message to say what time?" Chelsea checked the details before she left.

"Of course, I wouldn't dream of asking her to close if she is expecting customers. I'll let you know by this evening," Isha told her.

"Thank you..... for everything" Chelsea gave Isha one more hug before sailing out of the Consulate on a cloud of contentment, so much happier than when she came in, for many reasons, not least that she had finally managed to make contact with Isha again.

A JP between:

Isha t'Khellian
Just Isha


Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams