Incommunicado – Exasparation
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Exasparation
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jan 01, 2012 @ 3:18am
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   after "Arrivals"
D'Rek D'Liin was working late again. It seemed to be the summation of his existence since taking this posting on Deep Space Five working for Ambassador t'Khellian. Well, that and smoothing things over after another one of the Ambassador's lunatic niece's stunts. That woman is going to take fifty years off of my life. He thought as he prepared a press release lauding her destruction of the Cardassian pirate vessel, Dukat's Revenge, one where he obviously downplayed the vessel's Cardassian origin.

Sipping a glass of Ale he had needed to steel himself for the task of making Rianni Monteros palatable to the Romulan people and the people of the other nations of the galaxy, D'Rek looked over his work with a not insubstantial amount of pride, reading it aloud to himself to see if it sounded as good as it looked on his screen. "The Romulan government is pleased to announce another victory in it's anti-piracy efforts in the region of Federation starbase Deep Space Five, done in coordination with our Federation and Klingon allies, won when the IRW Dhelan, commanded by erieRiov Rianni t'Khellian, destroyed the pirate vessel, Dukat's Revenge, in a short engagement."

"Not bad." He paused, taking another sip of his ale, thinking back to his meeting with EnRiov tr'Khellian, the man he found the scariest of all of the Khelliana, who had instructed him to turn the lunatic halfling into the Romulan equivalent of an ancient Earth General named Patton. With that in mind, and the dread of having to face him again were he to be dissatisfied with the press release, he reworded the last sentence, "In a quick, glorious victory against the dreaded pirate vessel known by the Empire to be responsible for the plundering and destruction of dozens of ships and the murder of scores of crew and passengers on them from all races of the galaxy." There! That even sounds better for the Empire. Hell, it's almost poetic.

He polished off his ale, adding the last portion of the press release as he did, typing it while he spoke it, "With this victory now added to the already impressive totals scored by allied efforts in this operation the Dhelan returns to it's home base at the Romulan Embassy on Deep Space Five, but will doubtless inspire fear in the hearts of those who would attack the Empire and it's protected allies as it continues on it's never ceasing mission to make the galaxy safe for Romulans and all races under our care."

Satisfied with his work, D'Rek poured himself another drink and leaned back to admire the piece of art on his screen, an epic poem of Romulan virtue. Patton, hell. I made her into Superman. He took a sip of the fine, crystal blue liquid and sighed, "She's still a fracking lunatic though." Laughing off his disdain at Rianni Monteros, he entered the command to send the press release, finished his drink, and stood to leave.

As D'Rek stood to leave his assistant, M'als, entered at a dead run, "Mr. D'Liin, there's a problem, Sir."

"What now?" D'Rek sighed, he did not need this right now, he had a date waiting for him at the cafe.

"It seems a Warbird decloaked off the Cardassian Embassy before asking permission to dock, Sir." M'als replied, her voice shaky, "The Cardassians are flipping out....." M'als cringed a little at her choice of words, words she had picked up from, as her boss called her, 'The Ambassador's Lunatic niece.'

"DAMN HER!" D'Rek screamed, "DAMN THAT INSANE WOMAN!!!!"

"Sir, the Dhelan is still three hours out." M'als informed him, "This is the Ahadi, Sir. Commanded by Riov J'Tar tr'Khellian."

"Oh my God!" D'Rek groaned, though he wanted to sob, "There's another one!" He was going to need another drink.
