Incommunicado – A plan starts to come together
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   A plan starts to come together
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Sun Jul 08, 2012 @ 5:24pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD 57 1130 (back post)
Lance peered through the viewer into the containment unit, inside the parasite that he had removed from the Benzite floated and bobbed in the amneotic liquid Lance had provided. "Uurrrg you're an ugly bugger aren't you?" He said out loud. He was alone in sickbay after an eighteen hour surgery to remove the mass of tissue he was staring at from the digestive system of an unfortunate Benzite.

His description wasn't wrong, the parasite resembled a tumour, an unshapely mass roughly the size of a grapefruit. Whenever he approached it with an instrument several spike ended tenacles would emerge, the ones closest to the object would attack it, the rest would latch themselves onto the surrounding intestinal tissue and pull the creature away from danger. That is what had made the dammed thing so hard to remove.

In the contaiment unit it continued to exibit the same behaviour, an almost precognition as to what he was going to do next, and a tough outer shell that had resisted his surgical lasers, and medical scans and the damn thing was FAST. To fast to try and lock on with a transporter. The first time he had thought he had it cornered it had ripped through the intestinal lining into the thorasic cavity. Lance had been forced to repair damage before hunting it down in the unfortunate patients second stomach. Eventually he had managed to isolate and remove three of the mans small intestine and the parasite with it.

"Tough little bastard, arent you!" Lance said as the creature conitued to attack his probe. He administerd a mild electric shock, no reaction. One of the Betazoids on the staff had said she didn't detect any form of sentience from the creature, which made its behaviour that much more perplexing. Well Lance would study it as long as it survived outside a host, and when the Benzite recoverd maybe he could find out where it came from. But for now....

He upped the voltage and tried again, "Interesting...."

"Sir?" Said Drull's voice at his shoulder.

Lance jumped with fright. In the tank the creature sloshed and splashed.

"Dammit Drull!! Don't ever sneak up on me like that!" He snapped.

"Apologies sir, but I thought you would like to take an early morning coffee and peruse some photographs that have recently come into my possession."

And when Lance turned, the Bolian was standing there with a coffee mug and a small padd on a tray.

Lance extracted himself from the control apparatus he was operating and accepted the coffee and PADD.

He sipped the coffee, "Very good Drull, see that we are not disturbed."

"Yes, Sir," Drull moved off as directed, setting the tray down on Lance's desk as the surgeon took a seat, and then moving to lock the door and frost the clear glass of the walls of the small office.

Lance began flipping through the pics on the PADD. "Sonofa..." He muttered,squinting harder as he read.

"That... THAT!!! WORM!!!" He spat, hurling his coffee mug accross the room, it sailed past Drulls left ear and smashed against the bulkhead behind him splattering the wall with coffee.

"Indeed, Sir." Drull began to retrieve the smashed pieces, "I believe the good doctor does posess a certain amount of flexibility both morally and regrettably, in that it cannot be unseen, physically." The bolian produced another padd from somewhere, and switched it on, so that the first of the more interesting of the night's pictures was on display.

Lance took several deep breaths to calm himself. "What's that you've got there?" He asked.

"Plan B."

Lance took the PADD from the Bolian and began smirking as the images flashed accross the screen. "How the Hell did you get these?" He asked.

"I do not recall," Drull replied smoothly, "Hopefully, merely the revelation of his professional misdeeds should be enough to temper his manners towards you. Do you have enough to prove that Dr Templeton has perloined your past research?"

Lance massaged his temples as he regarded the PADD's in front of him. "I don't know." He replied, "Besides, it's not enough to merely expose him. I want that theiving swine humilated!"

"Did you keep that invite to the graduand dinner dr Templeton offered you?"

Lance frowned, "I think it's here somewhere..." he began sifting through the contents of his desk, "Yeah, here it is."

Drull looked at the gilded card, and raised a suggestive eyebrow. Surely the young Surgeon didn't need it spelled out.

Lance smirked "Mr Drull... put on your shiney shoes!"


Merigor Drull
Lab tech, lackey and general minion

Doctor Lane Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Deep Space 5