Interlude – Well Earned R & R - (pt 2) The Actual *Do It* Day
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Well Earned R & R - (pt 2) The Actual *Do It* Day
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Tue May 18, 2010 @ 1:35pm
Location   Docking ring/USS Hagnon

After much excitement and a little stress too, finally the cases were ready and their owners were as close to being ready as they would ever be. Chelsea went around the quarters trying to spot things they'd forgotten but wasn't able to find anything so Rick had put his foot down finally and insisted they really *must* go now!

Kim, Chelsea and Rick headed towards the docking ring finally, a sense of *at last* in all of their step as they walked along chattering about what they were going to do first and who was looking forward to which part the most.

Chelsea slipped her hand into Rick's. "I bet you're thinking you wish you could just fly us there in one of your Valkyries, am I right?" she grinned at him, nudging him playfully, daring him to deny it.

Dunham smiled mischievously, to Chelsea’s statement, “Oh I think the other travel arrangements I made will be much more...... interesting.” Dunham had been given the responsibility of making the travel plans to their holiday, while Chelsea had worked on their itinerary for when they got there. Dunham had yet to reveal how they were getting to the holiday destination; he had kept it as a surprise.

Possibly not the wisest move he had made considering what they were travelling on and with who. As they passed a window in the docking ring looking into the stations dry dock, Dunham pointed to the large galaxy class starship hanging their attached to its moorings and air locks. “Were going on that.” He said with a smile pointing at it through the window. Leaving out the important fact that the ship’s captain was in fact Mrs Dunham, his mother.

"What??" Chelsea's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "You idiot!" she cuffed his arm. "Stop fooling around". She didn't believe he wasn't joking. Yet.

“I’m not, she’s practically flying past the system on her way to a survey mission, so were hitching a lift. We even get the V.I.P suite” said Dunham with a smile. He took her by the hand and led her to one of the airlocks. They passed through several security check points before crossing the threshold onto the vessel, two more security personnel were waiting for them in the hallway of the galaxy class starship; its bright light corridors and creature comforts a pleasant change. “Lieutenant Dunham, Lieutenant Commander Adams,” said the security officer with a polite smile “we will take your bags from here directly to your quarters, the Captain gave orders that she wished see you in her ready room.”

"oooh! dinner at the Captain's table? This is a truly first class cruise ticket, hardly a hitch-hike!" Chelsea commented lightly, having no idea how little she realised about the truth of the matter. Yet.

Soon they were in the turbo lift; unaware of the calm before the storm, with them was Kim. She had a sparkle in her eye and a little smile on her face of somebody who knew something. To the observant eye, people would have noticed that she seemed to know exactly where she was going on a galaxy class star ship. Odd for a thirteen year old girl, not odd though if that thirteen year old girl’s grandmother was the ship Captain and who had spent many hours touring her grandmother's command as a child enthusiastically pulling her grandma in tow.

As they crossed the bridge the young adolescent moved with confidence. As they approached the door to the Captains ready room Dunham hesitated only slightly before pressing the announcement chime. A female voice responded saying “Enter” As the door opened a women in her mid fifties got up from behind the captains desk. She was wearing a Starfleet uniform, and her black hair was going grey in places. But she held the same familiar features of both Rick and Kim.

Kim rushed up to the older women shouting “Granma Dunham” in an enthusiastic tone, and being picked up by the Captain in a massive loving hug. “oh Kimmy you're getting so big.” Said Granma Dunham, after her embrace with her granddaughter and still holding her in one arm, she hugged Rick and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Good to see you kid” she said with a smile, “and who’s this?” she said quizzically but with a smile. “Mum may I introduce Lieutenant Commander Chelsea Adams CMO of DS5” said Dunham.

Chelsea stood there like a statue of a troll; turned to stone as the daylight caught it out of its cave. She was stunned in every sense of the word. She had some vague memory of Rick mentioning that his mother was a starship captain but now she cursed herself that she'd let that slip her mind.

Struggling to un-freeze herself, automatically remembering her protocol and manners after a horribly long pause, Chelsea snapped to attention instinctively. "Ma'am" was all she could utter.

Mrs Dunham dismissed it with a gesture of a hand and a smile; “please call me Margaret,” she said giving Chelsea a hug. “can I get you a drink?”

Chelsea returned the hug in an automatic response but she didn't seem to have regained control of her vocal chords.

"I.... um... no..... no, thankyou" she spluttered, dying of embarassment. She *did* want a drink. A double! Preferably of something very strong but right now she couldn't even trust herself not to make a mess of asking for tea so she went without.

Professionally, the CMO could have, and *had* in fact, dealt with Senior Fleet Admirals, Vice-Chancellors, VIP Diplomats, Ambassadors of the highest importance and even a Cardassian with Diplomatic Immunity who had threatened her with assault and blackmail. She coped daily with situations that knife-edged literally between life and death.

She was level-headed under pressure, cool and serene in her bedside manner and well respected as a senior officer in her own right but......

.....faced out of the blue with the 'Deity' that took the form of the mother of the love of her life, Chelsea was as unprepared and blind-sided as a child caught by the Headmaster of her school in a compromising position.


A JP Between

Lt. Richard Dunham


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams