Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Checking In
by Colonel James Darson

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Title   Checking In
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Sun Jan 11, 2009 @ 11:28pm
Location   Deck 72 - Marine HQ - Administrative Offices
Timeline   SD6 - 0900

Alan straightened out his shirt as he entered the turbolift. He had always preferred the tactical uniform to the standard uniform; hopefully his new CO wouldn't mind it. But knowing him, a uniform was the least of his worries. Alan loved carrying a knife on him ever since the war, when it got him out of more than one jams. Back then he was a forward scout, which he loved, but it was better when he linked up with the Special Forces. Now those were boys that knew how to rock. Shaking his head, he cleared his old war-time memories and rang the door bell of the Marine CO's office.

Lt. Flynn entered the Administrative section headed for her office. As she walked through the room, she saw a tall Marine waiting outside Major Darson's door. She detoured over to him and said, "Sergeant, Major Darson is at a senior staff there something I can help you with?"

Turning sideways, Alan looked at the Flynn, then realized her rank and snapped to attention. "Yes Ma'am, I am Sergeant Alan Williams, reporting for duty." He knew from the roster that the only 1st Lt. on this post was the XO. "I was supposed to check in with Major Darson, but I'm sure you'll work just as well."

She briefly appraised him, then said, "Very well, follow me Sergeant and I'll get you squared away," She walked quickly to her office and waved him inside, and bade him to take a seat. She sat behind her desk and called up his service jacket.

"It says here that you were wounded in action during the Dominion War. Multiple times in face. Scout on the front lines...highly recommended. Considering the limp in your leg, I might be inclined to put you in some sort of instructor position...any complaints about that Marine?"

"Permission to speak freely Ma'am." Alan asked. He knew this day would come, that he would be taken off the front lines and thrown into a desk job. He had been a marine for years, and even after his injury, he continued to serve in the front lines, mainly because they needed the experienced troops.

Flynn frowned, but nodded anyway, giving the Marine permission to speak. She could understand the frustrations he must be feeling. No Marine wanted to be regulated to a desk job, no matter what the circumstances.

"If you checked my record, I received this injury early in the war, and still fought the rest of it. I have learned to fight with it, and it is a very minor limp. In my option, as well as any medical officer, I am completely fit for duty. If you do decide to have me just be an instructor then so be it, but if I have a choice, I'd like to fulfill the job in which I was trained for, Ma'am." Alan said and it almost sounded like he growled the ma'am out.

Flynn leaned forward and considered him in silence for a couple of seconds, "Well Sergeant. Considering that we are not on a front line outpost, I feel compelled to honor your request. However, you will submit to a mandatory fitness evaluation every three months, to be carried out and examined by a certified medical official."

She handed him a PADD with his new orders and bunking assignments, "Here is your new assignment, although you're not officially on duty until tomorrow, it might be best for you to start getting used to your shift schedule before hand...dismissed."

Alan snapped back to attention. "Ma'am yes ma'am." Then quickly spun around and walked toward the door.

Flynn called out to him as he was preparing to leave, "Sergeant! One more thing. I don't know if you've heard, but our new MCO is a little bit...different...than normal. I suggest you take care and watch your step about him."

"I'll keep that in mind Ma'am. And I do look forward to working with you both." With that, Williams walked out the door.


1st. Lt. Miranda Flynn, MXO
Played by Major James Darson

Sgt Alan Williams, Marine