Incommunicado – With Age Comes Wisdom (?)
by Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   With Age Comes Wisdom (?)
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Sun Aug 19, 2012 @ 10:42pm
Location   Promenade - Qe' Klingon Restaurant
Timeline   SD58, 2200h
Rakka was almost regretting coming here. Almost. The only thing worse than this would have been to not come, and prove to him just how weak she was. But she wasn't as weak as yInchu' thought, and facing him had been her first step toward proving it. Still, based on how he had been so far, she wasn't sure she would ever prove anything to him. Unfortunately he still made the best Klingon-style chocolate desserts she had ever tasted.

After keeping her waiting far longer than was reasonable, yInchu' finally stalked out from behind his counter and dropped a deliciously fragrant bowl onto her table. With a flourish he produced a dainty dessert spoon, which she figured he must have replicated--such things were not to be found in Klingon kitchens.

"Normally I wouldn't offer," he sneered, "but sometimes I take it upon myself to humor little girls who can't handle themselves."

With a growl the Nausicaan smacked the spoon from his hand, sending it sailing end-over-end to finally strike the opposite wall. "You can shove that spoon up your ass, yInchu'!"

The Klingon laughed heartily. "Crude Terran insults? Really, Rakka?"

"I'd offer more interesting unpleasantries, if you only spoke the Nausicaan language," she shot back.

"Nausicaans don't have language--they grunt and snarl like beasts." He turned to stomp back to his counter, but paused on the way, turning back for one more shot: "And they snivel like infants."

Rakka turned her face from his retreating back, fighting an urge to draw a weapon. She turned her focus staunchly to her dessert and dug in with her fingers. Ah--how could such an objectionable creature create such a fine dessert?!

"So, Klingon pudding?" A voice left from Rakka said. The young Trill woman leaned on the table with stretched arms, watching the Nausicaan enjoying her meal. "And I guess this spoon is yours?" She held up the bent spoon that was thrown away by Rakka a few moments ago.

"Not that I'm a great fanatic of that shabby Klingon either. I've known enough of his kind." Saria said, looking up to the cooking Klingon in the kitchen.

Rakka rolled her eyes at the spoon and then turned them back to her bowl. "He's not always so bad," she admitted. "He just... has a particular dislike for me these days."

"Well, the Klingons are a prideful race. See themselves as the best of both quadrants. But you know, every race is practically the same when it comes to other aliens." Saria said, grabbing a chair from the table behind her and attending to Rakka's table.

Rakka looked sideways at the woman. She didn't usually take kindly to random people stepping into her personal space, but in this case she decided it might be helpful to have someone with her--it might discourage yInchu' from continuing to bother her.

"I know what Klingons are," the Nausicaan replied. "I have no problem with their sense of honor and perfectly justifiable cultural pride. But, like any other race... some of them are just... jerks."

Again, Saria looked to the shabby Klingon in the kitchen. "Reason for me why I usually don't hang out with them." Then, Saria looked at the Nausicaan. "But I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Lieutenant Saria Rex, Chief of Science. I'm fairly new here, so I'm usually seeking for contact with the rest of the crew. You are... Commander Rakka, am I right?"

Rakka gave a single nod. "My reputation precedes me..." she muttered.

"Well, my reputation in the past wasn't really of what I am now. What you see here, is the outside. But the beast lives in the inside. In my abdomen, to be exactly. Not that itself is the beast, but the person that added it's bestiality to it." Saria said, looking around her. "However, it's nice to meet you though. I usually don't spot you that much on the promenade."

"Well... I have only recently arrived myself... though I served here previously as Chief of Security," Rakka replied. "Though I don't spend much time on the Promenade regardless. I don't care for... busy places."

"So, you're more of that isolated kind of person, I see?" Saria asked. "No worries with that though, I accept nearly everyone." She smiled upon the Nausicaan.

Rakka mumbled unintelligibly, never sure what to make of these aggressively friendly types. "'Shabby Klingons' being one of your exceptions?" she added.

Saria looked around, before coming any closer. "I never was too keen of Klingons anyway, but yes, shabby Klingons are my exceptions. Especially if they annoy... fellow colleagues. To be honest, I'd feel more comfortable around Cardassians." She said.

Rakka shrugged. "Well, people don't come here for the service," she said, digging deeply into her indulgent dessert. "You here to eat or just talk?"

"Depends on what they serve here..." Saria said, looking at the menu on the wall. "...but I think I'd rather talk." She looked back at the eating Nausicaan.

Rakka narrowed her eyes, somewhat baffled by the woman. "I am not so good at... 'chit-chat'. And you will insult the chef by coming in and not eating. But... he is already in a foul mood anyway."

"I can handle Klingon chefs. As long we both are unarmed or armed. However, my skills with the Bat'leth are not that fantastic... I prefer shooting, from a long distance." Saria said. "What about you? Or aren't you very skilled with weapons?"

The Nausicaan's jaw shifted. Was this humor? She could never tell. "I'm... in Security..." she said carefully. "Combat is, perhaps, my ONLY skill."

I know you're Security, but not even every Scientist can handle his equipment. An alternative for you would be... unarmed, maybe. That's just what some people are good at. Look at me, I'm 1200 years old, and I can't even handle a Bat'leth." She said, spying on the Trill crewman at the table next to Rakka's.

Rakka unceremoniously licked her bowl clean, caring nothing for what the science officer might think of her, and drew her sleeve across her mouth. "It only takes the right training," she said. She tensed suddenly as yInchu' approached the table, snatched up her bowl, and plunked down a steaming mug, thereafter wordlessly returning to the kitchen. Rakka inhaled and groaned happily.

"Raktajino yuch--chocolate," she said. "His apology, I suppose."

Saria looked down dramaticly at the brown steaming substance in the mug, drank by the Nausicaan. "Raktajino with chocolate? I didn't knew those two would even combine that good."

"In the right hands," Rakka replied, sipping, "it is... perfect." She glanced over at yInchu' with an almost imperceptible nod. He glared for a moment, and then sent a large cleaver-like knife swinging down on his chopping block, swiftly depriving a still-squirming bokrat of its head.

"You know, Rakka... If you don't mind me calling you like that..." Saria said in all sudden, "...maybe you should talk to somebody. You know, dropping the weights you're walking with from your shoulders. Like me, I rather have someone where I can get rid of my story, than seeing a... counselor..." she said, saying the word "counselor" like it was a curse.

Rakka straightened sharply, her even dark expression turning stormy and frigid. "What are you, an empath or something?" she snarled. "Who told you I have... burdens? What the HELL makes you think you can talk to me like that?!"

Saria raised her eyebrow, remaining calm. "You think, after a millennium of a lifetime, I'm still too stupid not to notice when someone has burdens? I'm only wanting to help you, everyone deserves to live happily."

Rakka snorted. "You think because you are old, that you are wiser than everyone else? I am not interested in the 'help' of someone who talks with me for ten minutes and thinks they know what's best for me! I am not a child, I am not your friend, and I am not helplessly in need of someone to guide me on the road to happiness! And since you brought it up... I do mind you calling me that. It's 'Commander' to you, Lieutenant!"

Saria frowned. "Well, Commander, would you rather hear the opinion of Chief Medical, or another officer? I think they would like to help you as much I want to. And indeed, because I'm in fact far older, I'm a little wiser than anyone on this station. I'm not forcing you to do anything, but I'm only suggesting things you might think about."

Rakka leaned over the table. "You, Lieutenant, are entirely too presumptuous. And as long as uninvited advice is being handed out, I would suggest to YOU to get off your damned high horse and BACK... the HELL... OFF."

Saria stood up, and pushed her chair to the table. "I don't want to lose my temper near a superior officer, so I quit this conversation now, Commander. If you need anything from the Science department, or want to resume this conversation, you know where to find me. Good day to you, sir." She said, turning around and walked to the exit.

Rakka snorted again, emptied her mug, and grumbled quietly. "Wiser. Pff."

She glanced at yInchu', who was grinning a wide, toothy grin, clearly amused by the whole situation. "Everyone deserves happiness, Rakka," he mocked. "If you want to talk, I have ears."

Rakka flung her mug at him, but unfortunately, he caught it before it could shatter against the wall.
