Incommunicado – Taking on a Life of it's Own
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Taking on a Life of it's Own
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Mar 26, 2012 @ 5:36am
Location   Tasha's Office
Timeline   SD54 07:45
Girauna made a bee line for the CO's office, having to report in anyway she figured she would do it before she even dropped off her things. Walking through Ops without a thought she walked straight up and in to the Commander's office, dropped her gear and said "Hi, David, I'm back." It then only took her about one second to realize she had probably just started off on the wrong foot here, as sitting behind the desk was a human female, one she didn't know, and not the handsome Welshman with the thick curly hair whose eye she had caught on her arrival last time, ~What the frack is it with me? Always walking in to find the boss has been replaced since I was here last....~

"Excuse me, Ma'am." She began, not having yet had the chance to count the pips on her collar, "Can you tell me where I can find Commander Davies? I'm Lt. Cdr. Girauna, the new Chief of Security."

Tasha looked up straight into the Brown eyes of a Deltan and paused as she thought of two responses and decided to go with her latter thought.
"Last I heard," She began as she rose from her seat, "He was heading to Starbase Thirty Three to take command of a Norway class heading to the Argolis Cluster." Her hands went behind her back, trying to force her chest out nearly as far as Giraunas. "As the new Chief of Security, I guess you will be looking for the commanding officer?" She enquired without giving her identity, not just at the moment.
Tasha eyed the slim Deltan down and up as her hand motioned to the empty chair at the other side of her desk and could not help but notice the overly large phaser attached to her hip.

~She's cute.~ Girauna smiled as she looked the attractive brunette over, then answered, "Yes, I would." Pretending to look for the PADD with her orders on it, she found her Special Branch PADD and opened the facial recognition software, holding it up long enough for the scanner to get a good look at the other woman. The match immediately pinged, "Wait a second, wrong PADD...." She smirked, pulling out the actual PADD, "You'll want this one, Capt. Tahir."

Tasha brought one hand from behind her back and accepted the PADD, giving the orders a cursory once over before bringing her attention back to Giruana.
"Please Commander, take a seat." Tasha offered as she eased herself back into her own chair. "From your earlier statement, I take it you have been on DS5 previously." Tasha stated as she read further, a small but insignificant smile came to her face. "And you request quarters not so close to the Promenade." Tasha lowered the PADD and looked across the table to Girauna. "Can I take it also, that you and Commander Davies shared something?" She enquired.

"Well, I think it would suffice to say David and I didn't exactly find each other repulsive." Girauna laughed, "He was pretty obvious, too. That's okay, that was his charm... And, yes, I want to be a little off the Promenade, I value my privacy." It wasn't that so much as it was she didn't exactly want people snooping around, she was still with Special Branch after all....

Tasha responded with an understanding nod. "I am sure we can arrange that for you." She interlocked her fingers and placed her clasped hands onto the table. "Lieutenant, if I may, I'll be blunt. As you are aware I'm sure, Commander Gabriel," She could not use Gabriel without his rank, it just didn't sit well with her, "has been stripped of rank and privileges, but he would still be a very good source of information." Tasha didn't add that that would have to be a two way thing and she didn't feel she had to. "I am sure he would like to help despite everything." She add the latter in a hushed tone.

"That's the main reason I'm here." Girauna added, her tone equally hushed, "And after I'm done with that I'm going to be returning back to Special Branch, Capt. Tahir."

Tasha nodded. "Very good commander. If there is nothing else, I let you get to work." Tasha said as she stood, extending her hand to the new Security chief.

Girauna took the Captain's hand, fighting the urge to kiss it, ~Later, Girauna, later. Business before pleasure...~


Captain Tasha Tahir


Lt. Cdr. Girauna
Acting COS