Incommunicado – Cardassian Memories
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Cardassian Memories
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Sun Jul 15, 2012 @ 2:05am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD62, 1300 hours

It was afternoon. The promenade was filled with an average amount of people, for what was average here. Tekor did not like big crowds, especially with different races. It was not that he hated other species, but that he merely was more familiar with Cardassians, and other-human alike species. His years on Ylos Prime made him get used to the presence of humans.

Tekor accidentally hit a civillian with his shoulder. "Excuse me." He said, and turned to the person. It was a Bajoran man, looking at Tekor like he never saw another Cardassian. "Gul Madra..." the Bajoran mumbled with fascination, while picking up his fallen PaDD.
"That's me, yes." Tekor spoke in a formal manner.

"You... you saved my father's life on Free Haven!" the Bajoran exclaimed, his mouth turning into a smile. "If it wasn't you, he would be executed."

Tekor looked at the Bajoran, which seemed to be the first one that didn't roughly ignore the Cardassian like he was worth nothing. "Who was your father, if I may ask? Maybe I'll remember his name."

"His name is Mala Dann..." the Bajoran said.

"Mala Dann..." Tekor mumbled. He knew the name, but he wanted to match the face. Then, he knew it again. It was a grey-haired man with light brown eyes. He was a simple farmer that joined the Resistance on Free Haven.

"Anyways, I should get going. Thank you so much for what you did!" the Bajoran man said, walking away hastily then. Tekor nodded politely, and resumed his stroll across the Promenade. He was satisfied with the thought that he left his uniform in his quarters, so people wouldn't just stare at him. He was however, surprised by not having seen any other Cardassian on the station yet. Not even Gul Getal had showed up, but he was glad. He didn't want a bad exchange of words right in the middle of the promenade with him.

Tekor had actually imagined the promenade of Deep Space 5 resembling the promenade aboard Terok Nor, but this was almost as big as a whole shopping street. "Like the Lener street in Lakarian City..." he thought. Despite being a Cardassian, Tekor was surprised by the hospitality that the people around him gave. They wished him a good day, or smiled at him. For once again, he didn't feel like an outcast anymore. He went further, searching for anything in his taste, when he spotted a sign above the entrance of a "building". "Cardassian Consulate", it said. Tekor didn't hesitate and walked inside...

(If anyone wants to do a JP with Tekor, PM me or create a JP.)

Gul Tekor Madra