Interlude – Nature's wonders
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Nature's wonders
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Jun 22, 2010 @ 7:07pm
Location   Arboretum
Timeline   SD - 21 (Around 20:00hrs)

There weren't many things Ai'lani lacked any enjoyment for the way he did for sitting around his quarters. Many objected and criticised him for spending very little time with his son, but in truth, neither of the men minded, since that was how it had always been between them. Even more so as Dominic grew older. The boy was very self reliant and, while he enjoyed time with Ai'lani, he valued his privacy to a point that drove his adoptive father crazy.

As for Ai'lani, he often found it difficult to communicate everything to his son, so he was happy to provide him with the privacy he wanted while trying to maintain a good idea of what he was doing in his life so he didn't stray.

Ai'lani took the opportunity of the free night to get some plant photography work done, knowing that nature always had a very special glow then. And the artificial lighting in the Arboretum, while not nearly as romantic as the moonlight, was sufficient to make his art form look presentable.

"Its poisonous, you know," Nahir said as she passed by the man, "when it is in bloom, anyway," she added as she paused. The flower was native to ch'Rihan and an odd specimen to find in a public arboretum. Nahir had no way to know that Isha had made the same observation several months earlier when she had walked the same way, only then, the plant that resembled the terran impatiens had been in bloom.

Ai'lani turned at the sound of the voice, curious to see who'd approached him so openly. "Really?" he asked unnecessarily as he eyed the young woman. "That's good to know," he nodded in appreciation. "It's good to know Delta isn't the only planet with poisonous life on it," Ai'lani admitted, letting his camera fall on it's strap onto his hip.

"Many people say that everything on ch'Rihan is poisonous," Nahir replied, "though they're usually speaking metaphorically," she said with a slight smile. "Its very beautiful when it flowers, my uncle is a botanist and I've seen his collection ... I'm not sure why they grow it here though ... maybe they just don't know, and, well, who eats flowers anyway."

"Well, they grow it because it's beautiful," Ai'lani said. "And I'm very sure not everything on Romulus is poisonous. You're not, are you?" he teased lightly, giving her a smile.

Nahir shook her head, "I don't think so, but who knows." Though Nahir spoke several languages Deltan was not one of them so she stuck with Federation Standard. "What are you doing?" she asked him, "You're not secretly planning to poison someone are you?" she asked fairly sure that his answer would be no.

"Damn, and I thought I was being so discreet," he shook his head in mock-anger. Then smiled, "No, of course not. I'm taking some pictures for a botany magazine," he explained, then said, "Would you mind if I take one of you? Promise you can keep it afterward," he offered, wondering just how creepy she'd find that he wanted to take an picture of her.

"Why?" Nahir asked. Thousands of images of everyone were taken each day, so many that they ceased to even be aware of the constant covert surveillance that was part of life everywhere. What was peculiar was someone asking.

The Deltan blinked, just as surprised that she would ask that. "Well...because I like the way you look right now and I like taking pictures of people. I add them to my portfolio," he added, not wanting her to think he took pictures just for fun and that there was a purpose.

"Shouldn't you have taken it when I wasn't looking if you wanted to catch the moment?" Nahir asked, "Now that I know, whatever you thought was there may have gone," she said.

"Well, it would've been difficult to take it while you weren't looking since you were the one who sneaked up on me and not vice versa," he pointed out with a soft smile. "And besides, any picture of you is capturing a different moment. So, am I allowed?" he asked once again, holding up his camera.

"I suppose so," Nahir agreed with some reluctance. "But if I don't like it you'll have to delete it," she told the Deltan, "and I didn't sneak!"

"I'm sorry, that came out wrong. I meant you noticed me before I noticed you," he said, giving her a respectful nod, hoping she'd accept the apology. "And of course I can delete it if you want," Ai'lani said, taking a few steps back. "Whenever you're ready," he said, looking through the camera and moving slightly to the sides to adjust to the light. In the end, he knelt down on one knee.

"You were quite hard to miss, and a bit preoccupied," Nahir said, "Now what should I do? Stand here looking gormless or gaze longingly at the distant stars?" she asked.

"Do whatever comes naturally," he replied. "And I doubt you could look gormless if you tried," Ai'lani smirked, adjusting the camera settings quickly.

"What is a gorm anyway? I've wondered that ever since I learned the word," Nahir told him, "nobody has ever been able to tell me. . In fact I think they think I might be a bit peculiar for even asking the question," she continued. Talking was, after all something that came very naturally to her.

Ai'lani smiled. "Gorm is an alternation of an old word for sense or intelligence," he explained. As talking and language came naturally to Nahir, communication as a whole came naturally to him. "So, gormless means lack of intelligence, obviously," Ai'lani finished, then looked up at her with a smile. "I got a Bachelor's degree in Federation Standard before going for a Master's in journalism," he explained. "Figured it would help me communicate easier.

"Is it really? Well I never knew that. I studied several languages before I began Serona as I wanted to get a position with the Kiith Mrevhoqq`ghi it made sense and should give me an advantage when it comes to applying, that's if I survive five years in the embassy here," she added stopping when she recalled that it was probably a good idea to take a breath.

Ai'lani smiled. "I think it would be better if I not comment on that. For both of us," he said, then suddenly took a picture of her with that natural, slightly worried look on her face.

"That's not fair," Nahir protested though she did not really mean it. "Everyone is so skittish," she said, "like they never quite know when they're doing something wrong and are going to get called on it. I thought it was just me but I was talking to some of the admins and its the same in their department. I probably shouldn't tell you that," she added as an afterthought.

Ai'lani chuckled. "Don't worry. My lips are completely sealed. I tend to talk too much as well, so I know what it feels like to have your mouth run away with itself," he revealed, walking over to her to show her the image he'd taken. It looked very good. The light was hitting her face just the right way to give her hair a nice glow, nothing on her seemed out of place. The only thing that Ai'lani figured she might have a problem with was that she wasn't smiling.

"Funny," Nahir said chewing on a thumbnail, "I never knew I looked so serious."

"Only when you're a bit nervous," he supplied, then moved her hand away from her mouth. "That's bad for you," he told her.

"I wasn't really biting it," she said. "Its a good picture, I suppose you can keep it," Nahir conceded, "you can add it to your collection of strange women who sneak up on people," she suggested.

"Right. You'll be the nineteenth in that collection," he said seriously, then smiled good-naturedly at her. "So, anyway, I'm Ai'lani Elley," he introduced himself.

"Nahir i'Orinwen." She did not take the comment seriously, though if it did turn out to be true ... Nahir dismissed that thought. "You're a botanist, then?" she asked.

"No, I'm a photojournalist, artist, photographer but that last, I suppose can be put in with the first too," Ai'lani explained. "Right now, I have a contract with a botany magazine, so I supply them a steady stream of plant photos," he told her. "You work at the Consulate?" he guessed.

"I think I gave that away by my unguarded rant," Nahir said sheepishly taking a sudden interest in the toes of her shoes. "If you ever visit in normal hours I'm usually on the reception desk."

Ai'lani nodded. "I haven't found a reason to visit the Consulate yet. Though I've been thinking of interviewing the Chief of Security there. What do you think? Do I have a chance getting it?" he asked her honestly.

"Arrain t'Merek?!" Nahir said, half a gasp, half a laugh. "She's not exactly a talker. I guess if you ask her things she'll answer but ... why do you want to talk to her?"

"Well, why not?" he asked back. "I mean, every journalist wants to interview the Ambassador. I figured an interview with the Head of Security is more interesting. But by your reaction I feel I don't have a chance," Ai'lani admitted, noting her half-laugh.

"I didn't say that, I just said she doesn't talk very much. She also told me that I do and I don't think she meant it as a compliment. You're right though, everyone does want to talk to the ambassador ... I bet that if you can get her to talk you'll get a better story out of t'Merek."

Ai'lani nodded. "Thank you," he told her kindly. "I'll be sure to thread lightly in my approach. And you don't talk too much. I talk too much. I'm too honest for my own good," he chuckled.

"You'll not tell her, will you?" Nahir asked, "She'll kill me."

Ai'lani raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh, come now, she wouldn't do that.....right?" he asked in the end, noticing that she hadn't given him the 'I'm joking' face yet.

"She might," Nahir replied, still quite serious, "I don't think she likes me very much, only I'm one of the few people who are happy to talk to her without being put off by her silence. See, like I said, I talk too much."

Ai'lani laughed, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Talking too much isn't so bad if you have someone to talk to. And if she's so silent and serious, then why would she let you talk to her?" he asked.

Nahir shook her head, she had no idea. "Perhaps she has no-one else to talk to," she suggested. "I don't mind. She's from a different tradition though. Maybe she's a secret wannabe gossip but is just looking for a way to get started."

Ai'lani chuckled. "Maybe I'll ask her if I get an interview," he teased.

"You're a very bad man, Ai'lani," Nahir told him with a slight roll of her eyes.

"Awww, I'm just teasing," he told her, nudging her gently. "And I promise, nothing you've said will be repeated to anyone else," he vowed.

"I hope not. I wouldn't want anyone to know that I'd told how dangerous that plant is," she said, "just in case you do take a change in profession."

Ai'lani smiled. "I think it's safer for myself and the community if I stick to participation in the arts of creation and keep as far away as possible from nature," he told her.

"Surely that would make it difficult to fulfil your conttract with the botanical magazine," Nahir observed.

"Well, I meant actually working with certain aspects of nature. Photographing plants is hardly a science," he admitted, zooming in to a rather elaborately patterned orchid at Nahir's right and taking a few images.

Nahir wandered a few steps away then turned to watch, "and when you're not snapping unsuspecting fauna, Ai'lani, what do you do then?" she asked sitting cross legged on the grass.

"You mean flora, don't you?" he asked, confused. Then he shrugged it off, turning his attention to her question. "Going out with friends, meeting new people, spending time with my son. I just like being around people as much as possible," he explained.

Nahir's mouth fell open - dhe was supposed to be fluent in the language, and then she saw a way to recover. "Well, I didn't expect to have my picture taken either," she said glossing over her error, You have a son?"

"Yes. Dominic. He's adopted," he said, wanting to clear up the fact that Dominic was hardly a Deltan name.

"Why did you adopt him? I mean could you not have children?" she asked slightly aware that her question might be a little blunt.

Luckily, Ai'lani didn't see it that way. "No, that's not it. I can have children, but Dominic was placed in my custody when he was two. His mother was a close friend of mine and she was killed when the war began and in her will, she made it clear that she wanted custody of her son to go to me," he explained to her, packing up his camera and sitting down opposite Nahir.

"I understand," Nahir said with a nod, "she was practically family and you extended that to her son," it was a responsibility that fell to family that shared blood and family that shared bonds that stretched beyond friendship, "she trusted you like a brother and gave you a brother's responsibility on her death."

"Yes, something like that," he nodded with a smile. "What about you? What do you do when you're not sneaking around botanical gardens, telling unsuspecting photographers what not to eat on a whim?"

"Well, when I'm not avoiding being hit by the most recent object the ambassador has thrown across the room I like to find a crowded place to sit and read, and every now and then to listen to what is going on around me. I've found that listening to natural conversation can help me improve my own," she added just to make it clear that she was not simply an habitual eavesdropper.

"As long as they don't mention flora and fauna," he teased.

First Nahir glared, then she lifted her hands and hooked her fingers in her mouth before sticking out her tongue and blowing a raspberry at him.

Ai'lani lifted his hand to deflect any spit that came off her in her little display before reaching over and poking her in the ribs in case she was ticklish.

"Hey!" Nahir protested, angling back away from the finger before shoving his hand away. "How'd you like it?" she said as she poked back.

Ai'lani yelped, instinctively moving with the thought that she might do it again. "You'll just have to keep trying," he said, reaching for her ribs again.

Nahir rolled out of the way, "Not fair, your arms are longer than mine," she said with a pout as she came to her knees.

Ai'lani chuckled. "But it's so cute to watch you jump when I reach for you," he said, making his point by going for her again.

She grabbed his wrist in both of her hands, "I'll bite your finger," she threatened.

"How do you know I won't like that?" he said with a suggestive smirk before grinning and reaching with his other hand for the other side of her body that became exposed as she lifted her hands to grab him.

As she tightened her grip Nahir did just as she threatened, and bit him.

"Ow!" Ai'lani yelped, a bit shocked that she'd actually followed through on her threat. He looked at the bite mark to make sure it was really there before looking back at Nahir. "You're a feisty little thing aren't you? Well, not it's on," he announced before reaching over with both hands to tickle her, pushing her back down on the grass and he ran his fingers over her sensitive ribs.

"Stopitstopitstopitstopit!" she squealed trying to wriggle away from his fingers, "Pleeeeease, stopitstopit!stopitstopitstopit"

Continuing the sweet torture for a few more seconds, Ai'lani finally let up, moving his hands away and laughing as well as he gave her time to recover.

"Not fair," Nahir said with panting breath as she lay on her back, "and not funny."

"Oh, lighten up," he said, falling back to lay next to her. "You have a nice laugh," he complemented.

"What do you mean, lighten up?" she asked turning on her side towards him, "you're just abusing your size and strength," she said in a mock huff, as it was she was having a laugh.

Turning on his side to face her, he rested his head on his arm. "And you asked for it by biting me," he countered.

"I gave you fair warning," Nahir told him, "I wasn't asking for anything."

"It's an expression," Ai'lani chuckled. "And yes, you did warn me and I, foolishly, thought you were simply making a hollow threat."

Nahir replied with a smirk, "Rihannsu don't make hollow threats," she said matter of factly. "Did I hurt you?" she asked Ai'lani.

"Oh, no, of course not. I was more shocked when you did it," he laughed.

"Serves you right," she said.

The Deltan pouted then asked, "So do you bite strange men often?"

"Only the ones that try to tickle me," she replied, "other than that its a very rare occurrence."

"Well I will consider it a memorable experience," Ai'lani decided with a nod.

Nahir rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling, her legs drawn up into a triangle with the ground. "A good memory or a bad one," she asked.

"A good one. Definitely a good one," he smiled, unable to stop himself from leaning over and kissing her cheek. He wasn't used to being so disconnected physically from people he liked and couldn't help himself, but hoped she wouldn't take it too badly.

"Why?" Nahir asked brushing her hand over the warm spot where his lips had touched her skin.

"Why I kissed you? Or why I think the memory will be good?" he asked.

"I'd have thought the object of my question would be obvious to a person of intelligence," Nahir said.

"Right," Ai'lani nodded. "Sorry. And I kissed you because...I felt like it. I'm Deltan, I'm used to being physical with the people I like. To show affection like that. I'm sorry if you found it offensive," he apologized, taking his eyes off hers.

"I didn't say I was offended, I asked you why," Nahir replied with a tinge of frustration, "and do you always do what you feel like because you feel like it?" she asked.

He smiled. "A lot of the time, when I feel it's appropriate," he nodded an affirmative.

"I don't get it," Nahir said rolling onto her front where she could see him and rest her chin on her folded arms, "sometimes you're easy to talk to, then you're tense and defensive ... I'm basing this on a whole entire single conversation, but why is that?" she asked trimming the patch of grass beneath her hand with her fingertips.

"Well, it's...difficult for me to talk to someone. It's a process for me to just rely on words to get my meaning across. Deltan language doesn't work that way," he explained, resting his head back on his arm again.

"Oh, I see," Nahir said, which she did not. "You seemed to be doing ok. Ah," she exclaimed as she recalled what she knew about his species, "I'm not sure I want anyone stealing my thoughts from my head," she said, "they might be misconstrued."

"I can't steal your thoughts, per se. And the whole point of Deltan communication is the fact that it's unlimited. When you say an emotion like love, anger, fear, it's very defined. There's no room for an emotion that is between two. But when you combine every aspect of communication - telepathic, chemical, physical, then those small nuances of a feeling are completely clear," he told her, trying to explain as best he could.

"Show me, then," she challenged.

"What?" Ai'lani with a small laugh, looking around. There weren't any people around them. "Um..." he looked her over a bit cautiously, unsure for what to 'say'.

Nahir curled back into a sitting position, not understanding his reticence. "Well," she began, "a Betazoid could pluck something from my mind or project something, a gifted Vulcan might touch my brow and do the same ... is it different for Deltans?"

"Um...a little," he underestimated, sitting up as well. "It's more...intense. Do you not know anything about Deltans?" he asked, unsure of what he had to work with.

"The approximate extent of the University database as I recall is 'A minor Federation member with telepathic abilities'," she said, "your language is not even taught. No offense," she added.

"Hmm...That's it, huh?" he said more than asked, unsure of how to proceed. "Well, our telepathy is closer to empathy. We are very in tune with what those around us need and desire and we're very willing to please," Ai'lani explained slowly. "And we're very...sexual," he finally told her. "We consider sex to be something normal between two adult friends," he explained.

Cheeks flushing, Nahir pressed her face into the cool grass, "I wasn't coming on to you, really, I ..." she raised her head, "I just assumed that you'd be like them, Betazoids or something or ... you weren't coming on to me ...?" Pushing herself into a sitting position, Nahir's eyes were slightly wide as she realised that not only had she potentially made an enourmous diplomatic faux pas, but she might inadvertently have been suggesting that she was open to leaping into bed with him.

"Oh, no, no, don't worry. Please, Nahir, calm down," he said, reaching over to take her hand. "I wouldn't suggest anything like it for you and me, okay? I know you weren't coming onto me and I wasn't coming onto you, so just relax. I was just trying to explain how my society works. It's why a lot of other species don't understand us and why we need to be careful. It's the reason I might seem awkward at times. My people are very physical and it's not just sex. Like that kiss I gave you," he pointed out.

She let him hold her hand. "Physical contact is perfectly normal, Ai'lani," she reassured him, "between friends. I was just trying to understand what you meant. I feel rather stupid, actually. If I go on like this I'll have offended so many other species that I'll never get a chance to get into the diplomatic corps," she said with a sigh.

"Don't worry, I'm not offended. But, I wanted to explain what we are like. Which is more difficult that I thought it would be. But here, let me show you, simply, Deltan communication. Alright? But it will be a bit physical," he warned.

"Ok, I'll trust you this time," Nahir told him, not entirely sure if this was a good idea.

He nodded, then closed his eyes a moment to focus his mind before moving closer to her until he invaded her personal space and she could feel the slight, natural affect of his pheromones. Resting his hands on hers between them he let his body release a larger amount of chemicals before leaning over and kissing her jaw. She soon felt him inside her mind, his feelings of affection for her filling her senses along with the pheromones that made his touch more pleasureful. He kissed over her jaw down to her neck for a few more moments, communicating his hopes that she would still continue to trust him after this, to her, very personal, intimate display.

The effect was intoxicating. Even the long breath Nahir drew made her dizzy, if she had not been sitting down she might have fallen into his arms. The soft touch of lips that amplified the soft touch of his mind was entirely alien to her, deeply warming and equally frightening as though she might just merge into that warmth and never be able to break away.

"That's ... different ..." she gasped.

At her words, Ai'lani got the cue to cease his touch and broke away from her slowly, lowering the amount of pheromone he was giving off and letting what was already out there dissipate in the large room. Taking his hands back, he shifted away from her to give her space. "Yes, it is different than what you're used to, probably," he nodded. "And that was actually quite controlled and dosed," he pointed out honestly. "Are you alright?" Ai'lani asked in slight concern, worried that he might've overstepped the line.

"I don't know," Nahir said, her eyes not quite focussed. "I guess that's why they don't teach your language," she said, dimly aware how easily things could have got out of control. "I think I'll speak to tongues ... I mean speaking them," she blinked as she clarified what she thought she meant.

"That's probably best," he nodded. "My people, those few in Starfleet anyway, aren't allowed this type of contact with non-Deltans. I suppose now you know why," he said.

Nahir knelt back on her feet as she nodded. "You are quite ... overwhelming. Someone lacking scruples could quite easily abuse that power," she said. Nahir's head was beginning to clear and she did not place Ai'lani in that category, the unscrupulous one, though she wondered if he might fall into the pool of just getting carried away, which he had when he had tickled her half to death.


Ai'lani Elley
Freelance photojournalist/artist

Nahir i-Orinwen