We All Fall Down – Sins of the Father... Part 8
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   Sins of the Father... Part 8
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Sun Jun 29, 2014 @ 5:19am
Location   Takia Prime/Rune District Council Hall (Gamma Quadrant)
Timeline   2343 - 40 years prior to present day
"Over 23 million. . .dead." The Medical Officer said grimly as he stood before the High Council and read his report on the epidemic that had devastated the planet in just 13 deadly months.

"We have not been able to ascertain how the disease attacks the body, but we generally believe that the virus acts as a progressive series of illnesses: Nausea, blood-filled vomit, respiratory seizure, and finally coma. Eventually the victim's respiratory system shuts down and death is imminent." The Medical Officer continued.

"What advances has the Medical Ministry made in finding a treatment for this disease?" Minister Ja'ron Detheaux asked. His voice resonated throughout the Hall of Knowledge. What once was filled with the representatives of the various Takian Districts. But in the past 3 months, their ranks had been decimated. Chairs that were once filled with proud representatives and Ministers, now sit empty as memorials to the souls lost in the war for independence and redemption.

"I. . .I. . I do not have an answer, Minister." The Medical Officer said with remorse. "Every time we come close to a breakthrough, the disease attacks a different portion of the victim's body in a different form. The disease is far from naturally occurring. . . .it is too elegant in its precision." She said.

"We are at its mercy." She said in resignation.

The silence throughout the chamber was deafening. Everyone present knew that this virus had devastated their people in an unprecedented manner.

"What more can be done?" Minister Detheaux asked, fearing and uncertainly gripping his voice.

"We have begun quarantine measures. For the past several days, various Districts have begun dispatching any and every able-bodied person who does not show signs of infection to various launch ports to begin a coordinated migration to designated colony of within the Ac're system."

The remaining Ministers merely nodded their approval. Those that did have any objection remained silent as they could not think of a better solution. They were facing an epidemic, if they could not be saved, perhaps others could.

Six Days Later

Xeran stood at the foot of what had once been the main rotunda of the Takian Senate building. It was in shambles now, the edifice bruised and battered by the mobs that had demanded their war leaders and ministers save them from the inevitable destruction. Destruction rained upon them by the gods themselves, he mused. The Telian heathens may have been the instrument of insurrection, but the Vorta had built the virus, inspired by the Founders and their infinite wisdom. And now, Xeran was here to offer these unbelievers their salvation.

The doors to the building whisked open. Minister Ja'ron Detheaux exited, followed by his security escort. In ordinary times, the Vorta would have been stopped, searched, and possibly detained shortly after entering the immediate sector let alone standing on Takian soil.

But the virus had changed. . .everything. Virtually every vessel that was fit to fly had been diverted to evacuation measures. Takian Home Guard had diverted its considerable planet bound resources to controlling and responding to the civil unrest that had consumed countless districts. Minister Detheaux had neither the time nor the sufficient resources to properly vet the Vorta. Moreover, there was not much left for the master of mendacity to take away from the fractured people.

"Speak" Minister Ja'Ron said to the Vorta. False pleasantries had become a casualty in this war.

Xeran was a bit taken aback at the uncouth behavior of the Takian Minister. He'd known the Takians were savage, being untouched by the Founders' light, but this behavior was above anything he'd been expecting. He rolled his shoulders primly and plowed ahead, determined to accomplish his mission.

"Minister," he said, "the Founders have been made aware of the affliction of your people and are prepared, in their great mercy, to offer their assistance."

~The Founders had been made aware. . .my people are dying by the thousands every day and all they can do is send their lackey to simply say, 'they've been made aware'~ Ja'Ron thought to himself as his face remained emotionless.

"Takia Prime is far from Dominion space. I'm assuming you did not travel this distance just to offer your sympathy and condolences." Ja'Ron replied. "Your assistance typically comes with a price. Why would we trade the shackles of the Telian Empire for yours?" He stated moreso than asked.

He gestured to the adjacent window that overlooked the District Center, an area that was once filled with thousands of Takians going about their business within the District. Now, it was riddled with emergency medical stations organized to treat those afflicted with the virus.

"There is not much left for your supposed 'Gods' to take from us." The Minister said sardonically.

"On the contrary," Xeran assured the other man quickly. "Takia Prime would be an welcome member of the Dominion. As you know, the Dominion also seeks to stave off the threat posed by the imperialist ambitions of the Unity. Your people could offer key insights into Telian thinking, having lived among them for so long, and your planet is near enough the Dominion to be defensible, but deep enough within the Unity to give us a foothold." Here was the real reason the plague had been unleashed by the Vorta. Tactical positioning was a powerful motivator in statecraft.

"Tactical foothold!?" Ja'Ron said incredulously. "My people are DYING! We barely can maintain order within our own Districts and you want us to worry about some tactical foothold against the Telian Empire!" He said, anger quickly rising in his voice. His security attachment noticed the change in his demeanor and shift their bodies accordingly.

He took a step forward to emphasis his point. "In less than 18 months my people will be DEAD! At that point you'll be free to have the planet and all of its wild life to do whatever your twisted heart desires!" He shouted as his chest rose rapidly. This virus had become the Takian's most deadly enemy, the Telian Empire was merely the discharging weapon.

"And it is possible that in less than 6 months, this disease could be completely eradicated from your population, if only you would allow the Dominion to help," Xeran said patiently. "Need I remind you that the Vorta are among the greatest geneticists in the Quadrant."

Ja'Ron paused.

A cure would change everything, a cure would SAVE everything. He turned away from the Vorta and looked over the District Courtyard at the rows upon rows of medical relief stations. Every day that passed consumed more and more of his people. How could he rebuff the Vorta's offer when his people's very survival hung in the balance.

However, he knew that the Vorta were masters of duplicity. There was always a price when dealing with their kind.

"Your Masters are willing to provide us a cure in exchange for information against the Telian Empire?" He asked. "Why bother? Your Overlords can just shape-shift and send a spy into the Telian Empire and learn whatever you wanted." He added.

"What is it that you *really* want from us, Vorta?" He asked pointedly.

Xeran considered his options carefully. The Takians did not react kindly to under-handed dealings and half-truths, as this recent rebellion had proven. But to tell this man about the long-term plans laid by the Dominion, plans that would eventually have bearing in all four Quadrants of the galaxy, would be beyond unwise. This virus was only the first step in an master strategy that would, in centuries to come, eradicate the Telians and the great powers of the Delta, Alpha, and Beta Quadrants. Someday, long after this incarnation of Xeran was gone, the Dominion would be absolute. And it was all thanks to the gift that was the Takian genome.

But what to tell Minister Ja'Ron?

Finally, he spoke. "The genetic potential of the Takian race is all but unlimited, Minister. The Vorta, and the Founders themselves, would never forgive themselves if we simply allowed that potential to whither and die without offering what help we could provide."

"And what of the Telian Empire, the other mongrels within their consortium will not take kindly to seeing the Dominion preventing their quest for genocide." Ja'Ron. As much as his people needed this glimmer of salvation, the Minister still had to remain practical. "Is the Dominion prepared to face the wrath of the entire Unity?" Ja'Ron said.

At one time, he had believed that his people were worthy of the cause, but reality had proven otherwise.

"The Dominion has endured as long as the Unity," Xeran assured the Minister. "We have been rivals since long before your people conquered the combustible engine. I assure you, we can hold our own against the wrath of the Monarchs."

Ja'Ron looked towards the ground for several moments before he looked back upward. Although his security escort had been trained to show no emotion or hesitation in the least bit, their eyes still connected with one another before looking back at the Vorta. They realized that their entire race was in danger of succumbing to the virus, but if what the Vorta said was true, then there was a possibility of survival.

"Gre'tal. . .cease. . .Vr'mental." Ja'Ron said in his native tongue to his armed escort. The trained fighters nodded slowly and deactivated their weapons and assumed a rest position.

Ja'Ron turned his attention back towards the Vorta and took a deep breathe before speaking again. ~I'm doing this. . .for my people. . . for my son~ he contemplated as he activated his comm device.

*/ "Va'Zan," Ja'Ron said to his assistant who undoubtedly observed the entire conversation from the safety of the Council Chambers. "Inform the High Council that we will be addressed by an Ambassador from the Dominion. . ." Ja'Ron said as he looked from his device and into the eyes of the Vorta.

". . .we have much to discuss." He stated with finality.

Vorta Ambassador

Ja'Ron Detheaux
High Minister
Takian Republic