We All Fall Down – A Ship's a Ship
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   A Ship's a Ship
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Jun 30, 2014 @ 1:50pm
Location   Calan's Arrow
Timeline   WAFD: Prior to Day 1
Tag   Immediately following "A Job's a Job"
"Lt. Telenar to Calan's Arrow. Arri, your new captain is on his way up."

Arri powered up her systems, in preparation for Gabriel's arrival. He would be coming by transporter in the next few hours, she was sure. She was also sure that Tevelahim had failed to mention the exact nature of the ship which Dorian would be captaining, however temporarily that might be. It was just like the Lieutenant to omit the facts and throw someone in at the deep end. Maybe that was why none of the Federation personnel assigned to her ever lasted more than one mission.

[Several hours later]

"Dorian Gabriel, one to beam up." He said to the Transport Operator. The Tellarite merely grunted his acknowledge before his fingers danced across the panel. The lights flickered slightly as the power was diverted from "non-essential" systems to support the transporter buffer systems. Dorian looked a bit weary as the transporter groaned slightly before his vision was filled with the blue haze of the demat/remat process.

Moments later, he looked around and saw the interior of Calan's Arrow, his new home for the next several days.

"Welcome," Arri said, her disembodied voice coming from all around Dorian. A moment later, the holographic image of a woman appeared before him. She was a little on the short side, with strawberry blonde hair, vibrant blue eyes, and too many freckles dotting across her face, though by no means unattractive. The holographic system on the Arrow was less than state of the art, so her matrix was incomplete and slightly transparent.

"I am Arri," she said, smiling jovially.

Dorian looked around the room. "Hi, Arri" He said, still looking around quizzically, "Where is the rest of the crew?" He said as he stepped off the platform and began to walk towards the doors, going directly through the hologram before him.

Arri's hologram flickered angrily as Dorian walked through her. She turned, a peeved expression on her face. "Elai wants to keep this whole mess as much under wraps as possible," she said. "Besides yourself, there are no other organics on the ship."

The doors swished closed behind him as he began to journey down the corridor. "You mean to tell me that I am the only brains on this entire vessel?" His annoyance causing his voice to rise. "How the hell am I to operate navigation, tactical, AND operations? This is not a damn shuttlecraft." He pointedly said.

Suddenly, the door directly in front of him snapped shut with a hiss.

"I beg your pardon?" Arri said, coming up beside him. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she looked fit to murder something. One did not want to get on the bad side of a warship. That was just plain old stupid. "I have a brain, you know. One capable of running this entire vessel without the aid of a single organic. Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer a crew, but I can function without one. You deliver your orders, Captain, and I'll follow them. All I ask in return is a little respect."

~Respect a damn hologram. . .how else could my life get worse. . .~ He thought as he observed the expression on the hologram's face. Whomever programmed "it" was skilled enough to give it the appearance of emotions. Emotions that it expressed and responded to.

Dorian took a deep breathe, "Open the doors. . . Arri" he said with as much respect as he could muster. "Undock from the spacedock and lay in a course for Deep Space Five. Also, I doubt that Lieutenant would have sent me to go all this way without knowing about the Ferengi. So I want you to provide me with a tactical dossier on the Ferengi and ship he is traveling within." Dorian ordered.

He looked back at the hologram before him. "Please." He stated unenthusiastically.

Arri smiled sweetly as the door slid open. "Thanks," she said. "I can tell already, we're going to get along just great."

A few seconds later, there was a loud bang as the clamps holding the Arrow in the spacedock disengaged. "Setting course for Deep Space Five at warp seven point nine-five," Arri informed her new Captain. "I'll conduct a thorough run-through of my data-banks and see what I can pull together on one Ferangi named Lise and his ship. I'll also contact some friends on Deep Space Nine on your behalf, and see what they know about him. He seems to go through to the Gamma Quadrant once or twice in a standard year."

Dorian made his way through the corridor trying to gain a sense ot direction for the new vessel. "Guide me to my personal quarters. I don't expect us to encounter any Starfleet patrols until we get at least one day out from the station." He said as he continued to walk. "Check with the local entertainment hubs on the station. If he is a typical Ferengi, then he's probably tried to bribe or cheat somebody on the Promenade recently." Dorian added.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"Not at this time, Captain," Arri said quickly. "I expect we'll arrive at Deep Space Five in under four and a half days." Well, four days, eight hours, and sixteen minutes, but who was counting?


Calan's Arrow AI

Dorian Gabriel
The Prodigal Son on his way back "Home"