Beg, Steal or Borrow – "Leash Your Dog"
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   "Leash Your Dog"
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Thu Aug 13, 2009 @ 1:58pm
Location   Earth
Timeline   SD9-6 days
Tag   Tasha, Villiers, Gabriel
Gregori Monteros had just gotten off a link with DS5, he'd wanted to talk to his granddaughter but had gotten her clerk, Crewman Ma'erlit, instead, who had told him that Rianni was dealing with more of Gabriel's harassment and garbage. He briefly gave thought to confronting Dorian Gabriel face to face, but knew it was a long journey and didn't want to give Gabriel around a week's worth of free shots at Rianni. He considered linking with Gabriel and telling him to back off, maybe letting him know exactly who it was he was messing with, but he knew that would only bring Gabriel down on Rianni even harder, and then he'd have to go to DS5 and make him understand. The only option he could see that would work was to go over Gabriel's head and come down on him from above, =:= Maria, hold all my calls and reschedule my appointments for tomorrow.=:= He instructed his assistant, =:=I have something to take care of in Paris.=:=

[Paris, Federation Department of State, Headquarters, One Hour Later]

Gregori stepped off of his shuttle and strode into the Department of State's headquarters as though he literally owned it. A pair of Marines stepped towards him to block his path, but he produced an ID that sent them both scrambling back to their posts and left him unimpeded to push his way into the office of Section Chief Bill Crawford. He didn't even say hello as he sat down in the chair across from his old friend from the Cardassian War, "Bill, we need to talk about Dorian Gabriel."

"Hello to you, too, Greg. Dorian Gabriel?' Crawford asked, surprised by Gregori's sudden appearance, "Who's that?"

"He's the new chief of security on DS5, he has been harassing my family for months and I want him stopped now." Gregori replied, his voice icy but full of venom, "This man has gone too far."

"Okay, okay, Greg." Crawford replied, holding up his hands in a gesture of compliance, "I'll look into this." ~I knew the Coral Sea incident was going to cause trouble for years to come. I just didn't know how many years.....~

"Very well, Bill." Gregori nodded, "We'll do this your way for now, but if he continues to harass my daughter and granddaughter after this I will handle him in my own way."

~Frack.~ Crawford hung his head, "I was afraid you'd say that. Look, Greg, let me handle this, okay? For old times sake."

"All right, Bill." Gregori nodded, he knew Bill was good to his word, "I trust you to put this dog on a leash. I'll expect you for dinner tonight in Athens."

"I'll be there, Greg." Crawford laughed, watching as his old friend turned to walk out the door, =/=Nancy, can I get Dorian Gabriel's personnel file?=/=

=/=Yes, Mr. Crawford.=/= Nancy replied, coming in a couple minutes later with a PaDD.

"Thanks, Nancy." Crawford said, opening the file to see it was quite a long read, "Well, this is going to take a while...."

[3 Hours Later]

Crawford had just finished reading Gabriel's file, it was a long and interesting read, the man had a laundry list of complaints against him, including various harassment claims filed against him by a Romulan Ambassador named Isha, ~This is going to be ugly.~ Crawford sighed, pressing the call button on his console, =/=Nancy, get Girauna in here, now.=/=

It took less than five minutes for the beautiful Deltan agent named Girauna to enter Crawford's office, wondering what the hurry was, "Yes, Sir?" She presented herself.

"Girauna, you know Dorian Gabriel, don't you?" Crawford asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, Sir." She replied, "We worked together on a number of cases in my career." It was deeper than that, but she wasn't going to tell Crawford that, "Why do you ask, Sir?"

"You are to be on the next ship out of here to DS5, I believe it's the USS San Marino, Intrepid Class." Crawford said, not really interested in answering her questions, "The ship will travel at maximum warp all the way to DS5 when you arrive there you will begin an in depth review of any contact between Dorian Gabriel and Lt.Cdr. Rianni Monteros, as well as any contacts he has made with the Romulan Ambassador, Isha, or any members of her staff, as well as any member of the diplomatic contingents of any nation represented on DS5. Do you understand, Girauna?"

"Yes, Sir, I understand what you want." Girauna replied, adding, "But I don't understand why."

"Your's is not to question why." Crawford replied, standing to leave, "You got a ship to catch, and I'm late for dinner."

"Yes, Sir." Girauna sighed, ~Great! This is so bad....~


Bill Crawford
Section Chief, Federation State Department


State Department Attache


Gregori Monteros
President, Monteros Shipping