Incommunicado – Lost Advantage
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Lost Advantage
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Feb 10, 2012 @ 9:14am
Location   Ambassador's Suite. Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD 50
Yolanthe emerged from the function room hot and slick with sweat. There hadn't been much room to exercise in there, but she'd still managed to get up a ecent heart rate. She really wanted to run, but she knew she'd simply be thrown back in the brig if she put a foot outside the embassy. It was a just a short walk back to the guest quarter Isha had assigned to her, but the sneering looks the staff were giving her sweat stained workout clothes as she padded past on bare feet made her want to get there as fast as possible

She slipped through the doors to the apartment, and was heading for the small shower when her hostess, Isha t'Khellian emerged from her office, looking even more pinched and drawn than usual. Closed off. Haunted. Her barkeepers instincts screamed at her. She stopped and looked at the Romulan ambassador, light grey-green tinting her skin. "What happened?"

Isha paused mid-step. As she did so she tilted her head to one side and turned a gaze that was at once both cold and baleful at her 'guest'.

However did you get involved with people like us? Isha thought before she spoke. Despite the fact that she was holding the woman captive and ensuring that she was docile by infusing her food with chemicals of the Tal'Shiar's devising Isha had nothing personal against her.

For Isha the game was over. It had always been about Rh'vaurek since their first meeting on the stairs of her mother's House and he was no longer there. The risk and the game, that is how they had phrased it. Neither of them would yield easily, each convinced of their own superiority. Whether in times when they were friends, enemies or lovers each knew that the other was there. All else was of lesser significance.

But now the game was over.

Rh'vaurek was dead.

"You're free to go," Isha said.

the bokkai flashed a brilliant clear blue, but the fact her elation was not shared by the woman who had represented her quickly swept it away. "What else?" There had to be something else. The swampy hue settled back into place. The lack of colour change that other species had usually made it harder for her to pick up on some emotions, but not in this case. "Its not that simple, is it?"

If Isha continued to stare for much longer her head was going to lose itself in a kaleidescopic swirl of colour. Instead she turned away.

"Nothing is ever that simple. Even you must know that. Rh'vaurek, your own rapacious paramour." Isha's hands slipped unconciously over the swell of her stomach that was becoming increasingly difficult to conceal.

"Nothing is ever simple is it," she stated as she crossed to the console on her desk. "You might as well pack what you brought and make ready to leave. You will not be welcome here in my absence," Isha said as she turned back to face the Bokkai. Isha had to get away.

"You're going away? Why? I mean. is everything alright?" Yolanthe didn't really understand the strange romulan, but the woman had been kind to her, and she couldn't now shake the feeling that something was wrong with t'Khellian.

"I am leaving because I must," Isha said, "I cannot keep up this fight alone. There are some things more important than a near victory and if I stay I may never achieve the later one."

It was true that Isha's words were not entirely coherent, not entirely straight, their meaning hidden behind half truths and vagueries.

Fight? More important things? Then the significance of Isha's pose, the placement of her hands, the rounding of her features, all made sense. Yolanthe's jaw dropped. "You're having a baby!" the taller woman sounded appropriately happy and excited, though she turned a totally pale neutral grey. "Congratulations!"

Having made the summons for her ship Isha turned back. "I wish that there were to be congratulations, but the father ..." Isha drew in a breath, she did not want to think about Rh'vaurek until she was far far from this place and deep in her own territory, "well, he will never know.

"Please go Yolanthe," Isha said, the pressure behind her eyes was so strong that she could not resist it for much longer and to break in front of anyone, let alone a stranger was unthinkable. "Please go, and I hope that you continue to believe in your dreams."

The bokkai nodded .She didn't know what had happened to father of Isha's child, but it couldn't be good, and she realised now that the Romulan woman wanted to be alone. she looked down at Isha's growing belly. "Well, good luck with her, and Thank you. For everything." she started away, but paused at the door to the guest room. "And you know, if you need an ear anytime, my bar is always open. For you."

For a moment Isha stared at her departing guest. Yolanthe she understood really did not know how much danger she had been in, though that was all irrelevant now. There was one little piece of advice she could leave her with, "Be very careful who you trust," she said, "there are many people on this station who wear several skins, and very few who always tell the truth. Be sure that you can tell them apart."

As she swallowed Isha lowered her gaze, "Your offer, though misplaced, is appreciated. If I return, I will be sure to take it up."


Ambassador Isha e'Khellian i'Ramnau t'Illialhlae
Romulan Ambassador

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights