Time is Fleeting – Mutual Interest (part 2)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Mutual Interest (part 2)
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 3:13pm
Location   Deep Space 5/ Warbird
Timeline   SD 15 - 08:00hrs

Elliot Hartsfield kept his hat on his head and continued to work diligently on the device in front of him. To some it may appear odd that the slightly aged man would spend so much time constructing a device that could be easily obtained from a private dealer for a fair price or even a Federation communication relay center for free.

However, it was not simplicity that the former Starfleet Commander was looking to obtain. Instead he enjoyed the anonymity that came from self-reliance. He knew that once he had finished constructing the device, it would be just as easy to deconstruct it and dispose of any evidence of its existence. There would be no transactional paper-trail or merchants with loose lips. He smiled to himself as he completed the device and was prepared to give it a run.

"Torin, input the coordinates and begin transmitting." Hartsfield said as he stood on the padd and waited for the communication device to make contact with its intended target.

"Admiral," The Romulan communications officer said, stunned by the apparent randomness of this signal, "there seems to be someone wishing to speak to you."

"Very well." R'vek nodded, "Send it to my ready room." With that he rose from his chair, leaving Ashara in command, and went to see what this was all about.

Several moments passed before he looked up and found himself staring face to face with Admiral R'vek Tr'Khellian onboard his vessel. "Good afternoon Mr. Tr'Khellian, I take it that my sudden 'appearance' finds you well?" Hartsfield said as he took the moment of silence to observe the clarity of the holo-projection communication device.

"Quite well, whoever you are." R'vek replied, "Now, what can I do for you?"

"Mr. Tr'Khellian, I don't think the who, what, when, where, or How much is very important right now. Not when we both have mutual interests that need to be addressed." Hartsfield replied.

"What mutual interests?" R'vek sighed, deciding he might as well humor this human who'd apparently gone through so much to talk to him, "Is Starfleet trying to get me to defect or something?"

He quirked a brow before responding. Either Hartsfield had left some identifiable signal within his transmission, or this was a very perceptive Romulan. "Unfortunately not, Mr. Tr'Khellian. I've been resolved to serve my people in a different capacity than that of Starfleet service." He replied. "However, I do believe that you are familiar with a particular officer by the name of Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel." Hartsfield said in an even tone.

"I am aware of him, yes." R'vek answered, his voice flat to hide any emotional response Gabriel's name might bring him, "What of him?"

He nodded as he spoke. "As I'm sure that you are aware of the death of Dr. Kur'ann several years ago." Hartsfield added. "While his death was unexpected, I can assure you that it was far from a coincidence that Gabriel just happened to be on the same station at the time of its occurence." he said.

"So, you say Gabriel killed Kur'ann." R'vek nodded, he still thought this human was crazy, though he was now more inclined to indulge him than ever before, "I'd not put it past him. But, what would his motive be for the murder of Dr. Kur'ann, just out of my own curiosity."

"We have embassies on may stations, including DS5 where Dorian Gabriel is currently assigned." R'vek sighed, this human was grating on his nerves, teasing him with intel, then delivering little.

"Then I believe the answer to your questions can be properly answered by your own representative." Hartsfield said as he gave the nod to Torin to cut the signal. "I'm sure that a man of your clout could ensure that Dr. Kur'ann's family seeks the justice they deserve." Hartsfield said as his image disappeared from Tr'Khellian's readyroom.

R'vek watched as the human faded from his view screen, equally intrigued and annoyed by the whole damned thing, ~Though, it does give me cause and ability to make things quite uncomfortable for Mr. Gabriel, I can't object to that.~

Torin looked up as the signal was terminated, "How do you know that he will contact the Embassy. What is to stop him from just ignoring your communication?" He asked.

"Because, the reason I contacted him instead of anybody else is because of his daughter. What father wouldn't go out of his way to protect his own child?" Hartsfield said as he began to deconstruct the device. "The Romulan Ambassador could care less about the affairs of a Federation officer, but he would jump at the opportunity to hold something, ANYTHING, over Gabriel's head." He replied.

R'vek returned to the bridge, whispering in Ashara's ear when she stood, "Get me everything in our files regarding the assassination of Dr. Kur'ann, I want the whole case ready for review within the hour."

Ashara, realizing this was a very secret conversation, didn't verbalize a reply, merely nodding in the affirmative.

"Also, forward this to Isha's errand boy on DS5, we might have enough here to solicit an extradition warrant from the Empire." R'vek continued, "We may well be able to charge Dorian Gabriel with murder, so I want this handled quickly and quietly."

Ashara's eyes lit up for a second at the thought of dragging the high and mighty Gabriel off of DS5 in handcuffs, but she quickly curbed her enthusiasm, nodding in the affirmative again and heading off to her duties.

R'vek watched her leave with a sense of pride, Ashara was the very model of a Romulan officer, then reassumed his seat, "Helm, best speed to DS5."

Elliot Hartsfield
(NPC by Thom)

Admiral R'vek Tr'Khellian
Romulan Tal'Shiar
(NPC by Rianni)