Unity – In the swamp
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   In the swamp
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Jan 26, 2010 @ 4:00pm
Location   Zeta omacron 2
Timeline   sd 17 1330
The cheif had set down the talon scout several kilometers from the camps location. Despite his best efforts he was atleast a half days hike from the base, and almost all of it was through a dense swamp. As the daylight began to fade the chief lowered the night vision goggles he was wearing, the monochromatic view of his surroundings had an almost disconcerting.

He continued his hike for another few hours, he was forced to stop when he saw evidence of foot patrols in the area. He found a large tree that had a hollow in it to hide for the remainder of the night, he figured he was closer to the camp by now, and wanted to make the day count, as he dirfted off he knew the real reason why he was here.

He was awakened by the buzz of the proximity sensor on his tricorder, he looked down at the read-out, a foot patrol was about 500 meters away, the cheif pulled out his tr-110 and screwed on the scilencer. He looked through the bushes, the three soldiers walked by unaware of the cheif was there. He waited for a few more minutes for the patrol to be out of earshot then he started his hike towards the camp.

Midday of the second day, he was in a thicket of bushes about five hundred meters away from the camp, he looked through a set of range finding binoculars, he saw Marines, Starfleet and a small number of Romulans and Klingons. He saw another patrol inside the camp, three cardassians. He started to think that this was going to be more complicated than he first thought, but there was a bonus, no transport inhibitors.

He had a count of about fourty to fifty prisoners, and about a hundred troops. Then he saw something that caught his eye, a lone marine walked out of one of the bunk houses, the cheif had to look at the man for a third time. He collected his equipment and started back to the shuttle, he was soon due to check in, he'd enage the transporter when he was in the woods. As he materialized inside the shuttle he started the take off sequence, engaging the cloak he took off and made his way to the small moon orbiting the planet.

As he slowed the shuttle he started to type out his report, he listed off what he saw and included a code phrase at the end of the message that only Jarred and he knew. He transmitted the report then sat back, what happened next wasn't under his control.


MCPO Craig Ayers (npc)