Things Past – From Specialist To Engineer
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   From Specialist To Engineer
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Feb 16, 2014 @ 1:28pm
Location   Captain's Ready Room
Timeline   SD71, 1200H
Tag   (Old JP POSTED - TT)
Having looked over her schedule, Tasha had sent Straggard a message to meet her two hours after midday in her office. Sure enough, exactly to time, the Ensign entered the outer office.

David walked into the office for his meeting with the Captain. He was excited to have this meeting since it meant being promoted. At least that's what he hoped for.

"Come on in Ensign." The Captain called out as she perched herself on the edge of her desk.
She found that sitting on the desk seemed to relieve any duress the crew have when they enter her domain, putting them at ease.

"Thank you captain." David sat down just a bit slower than usual in his nervousness. He almost plopped onto the chair and tried not to clasp his hands together. He gently rested his hands on his knees. He sat at attention.

With her hands in her lap, Tasha watched the man for a few moments before speaking.
"How can I help Ensign?" She asked, totally forgetting their conversation from a few days previously. "Any problems?" She added.

"Umm... We had talked a few weeks ago? You had wanted to meet me again about my position here on the station and my future..." David said hesitantly. He thought the captain would've remembered. Then again, how could she? She's got enough with the affairs on the station.

She dipped her head in Davids direction.
"I'm sorry, it did slip my mind and the fact that I didn't enter it into my calendar. So, what direction do you want to take. You still want an engineering position I assume?" Tasha asked the question as she also also recalled that she had promised to look at his rank also.

"Yes ma'am. I just would like something more general and well rounded in engineering. I feel I'm qualified to perform more duties and be given more responsibilities." David said. He felt a bit more confident.

The Captain interlinked her fingers and placed her clasped hand on the desk.
"I believe we can adjust that for your needs. Our new chief Engineer would be more than happy to have you at his side I'm sure, but we also discussed the possibility of promotion as well if I recall?" Tasha added with a smile.

"I believe so, yes." David tried not to make his desire to be promoted obvious. "Are you suggesting that I take the role of Assistant to Lieutenant Wyman?" David seemed intrigued at the suggestion being more than he had expected.

Tasha nodded. "Of course. I don't see any reason why he should object to a Lieutenant Junior Grade to be his assistant. Do you?" She asked in a gentle tone.

"I guess I don't either. Thank you for the opportunity ma'am. I won't let you down." David said. David awaited to see if the Captain had more to talk about.

Tasha paused for a moment, studying the anxiety in Davids face and finally, she decided not to keep him on tenterhooks any longer.
"Well, in that case," She stated as she moved towards the replicator, "I think we need to show to all that you have earned an extra pip. Computer, one black pip, in red presentation box and please enter into the personnel file for David Straggard that he is hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and all the privileges that accompany the rank." Tasha noted. It was only a few seconds before the shimmer ceased and the small velvet case lay awaiting the Captains hand.
Tasha retrieved the box and handed it to the former ensign.

David took the pip and held it. "Lieutenant, Assistant Chief of Engineering." He said under his breath. "Thank you Captain."

"You are welcome Lieutenant Straggard. Now I suggest you report in to your new chief." Tasha suggested with a grin.

And with that, Straggard saluted and left the CO.