Interlude – Well Earned R & R - (pt 1) The Plans are Laid
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Well Earned R & R - (pt 1) The Plans are Laid
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun May 16, 2010 @ 11:03am
Location   Sickbay

Rick had been fretting to be discharged and Chelsea finally gave in and signed the Padd but not without the mandatory 'only if you promised to rest and take on light duties only for at least 24 hours.... yadayada".

As they were walking towards the CMO's office for her to hand over to Ed for the next shift, she looked at him and touched his regenerated cheek softly.

"What do you say to the idea of some R & R?" she asked, flinching against the expected fervent denial.

Dunham nodded to himself in thought, it had been something he was contemplating to, and the two of them did need some much needed holiday time, if anything to find out what life would be like with each other together without Starfleet around. “I think it’s an excellent idea. what about some time in holosuties” He said with enthusiasm.

"No, I don't mean the holosuites, I was thinking of a trip planetside. Gravon IV is close by and it's beautiful by all accounts. There are parts where we could do some hill-walking and maybe even a little climbing?" she explained.

Dunham took an intake of breath in thought, he wasn’t a hundred percent certain about climbing and adventure sports as such. Life as a fighter pilot was all the action he needed, and by her own doctors orders, she had told him to take it easy after more injuries in the line of duty. “What about somewhere peaceful with a beach where I can read a book?”

Chelsea rolled her eyes. "If you must, but I'm going to clamber about exploring those purple hills." she replied.

Dunham smiled “I’m excused to light duties, doctors orders” Dunham wrapped his arms around Chelsea’s waist and pulled her closer.

"Don't you dare *doctor's orders* ME!" she grinned, snuggling into his arms and nestling her face against his neck. "Light duties" she laughed.

"Oh alright then. We'll find a beach and sit in those ancient history chair things... the ones with canvas and wood... and put squares of cloth over our heads to keep off the sun... like a pair of retired elderlies!" she laughed.

“We will do whatever you want to do honey. Were a couple we do things together.” Dunham said with a loving smile.

"Let's do EVERYTHING together!" Chelsea grinned. "Let's walk on the beach and if you're feeling stronger in all that healthy fresh air, we could find something more energetic to do sooner or later. Deal?"

“I’m more than happy to do energetic things with you” said Dunham, putting emphasis on the word energetic, and a sly smile on his face.

"Cool. When can we leave? What about Kim?" Chelsea started planning the logistics with enthusiasm.

“Well I’ve got plenty of un-spent leave, nobody to share it with you see, and Kim will come with us, what with the stress of her mum going away and all, I think we have all deserved a break.”

Chelsea's heart sank. She had so been hoping to get Rick alone. He was such a wonderful person that he was always taking people under his wing. Ever popular and always the first to do things for others, he never seemed to get a moment to himself.

"Yes, you're right" she smiled, putting her arm through his. She decided that with his magnanimous nature he would be more comfortable with lots of sharing and caring to do, on or off duty. Besides, Kim was a lovely character and would be great fun to have along. She began to chatter on about what they should pack and when they might be able to go and so on as they wandered back to their quarters.

A JP Between:

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader