Time is Fleeting – Intrusion
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   Intrusion
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Thu Oct 01, 2009 @ 9:46pm
Location   CO Quarters
Timeline   SD15 05:35
OK, this will move us fully into the new mission.
We have the back story with the Bunkerhill and I would like to see this start at the beginning of next month. The USS Sarek will also be approaching but keeping a safe distance.
So we will begin with David & Karen being woken up with a message about a spacial anomaly that seems to be expanding, despite the Future "Jarred" having returned through the rift.

SD14 will be the "War Game" that will cause the rift to start, to be written mainly aboard the Bunkerhill, which is being led by Jarred & Bruce, but this will give us something to aim at.
Hopefully, we can pull this together in a short space of time.

The proximity alarm sounded, startling the moustachioed Flight man at his station, who was settled and partially dozing.

"Shit!" Bill exclaimed as he nearly fell of his seat, looking left and right to see who had heard him swear as he recomposed himself.

"What the hell is going on?" Roger asked thinking the worst

Bill tapped at the console, trying to ascertain what had set off the alarm barely hearing what Roger had said.

"Computer, verify alarm." He stated, unable to find any ships beacons within the thousand-kilometre barrier that would cause the alarm to sound.

'Unknown spacial anomaly has registered on bearing 239, mark 84.'

Bill checked the sensors and indeed, there was something registering, but it appeared to be out of phase with the station. He wanted to swear again, this was not normal and was beyond his understanding of station protocol.
His hand wavered over the comm for a moment, before finally resting on the call signal.

"Commanders Davies and Villiers, please report to Ops as soon as you’re able." He said in a hushed voice.

Karen opened her eyes and checked the time. She had been dozing, but was due to get up in five minutes to fit in a run before her shift, "I'll be there in ten," she said swinging her legs off the side of the bed. There was something in his tone, she thought as she pulled on a uniform and made her way to ops.

"Understood." Harris said in response to Commander Villiers.

David threw the towel wrapped across his shoulders to the floor and tapped at his comm badge on his sweat soaked shirt.

"Petty Officer Harris, status report?" He inquired, stepping off the treadmill.

"Sir, proximity alarm sounded a few seconds ago. Upon verification, an anomaly has appeared outside the station but it is out of phase with DS5." Bill scratched at his moustache, wondering if his report was in order for the Commander.

"And you have verified this how?" David asked.

"With the computer and visually sir. You need to come to Ops to see this for yourself sir, it's weird." Was the best way for Bill to describe what he had registered.

"Weird?" David reiterated. "Well in that case," He said smiling at the description "I will be up shortly. Davies out." He said as he picked up the tunic jacket and pulled off his training shirt, dabbing himself with the towel and heading to ops.

{Aboard Bunker Hill}

The Bunker Hill was making its way back to DS5 when the three people on the bridge saw it, "Ms. Perth there’s an unidentified anomaly forming in proximity to DS5, I can't get a fix on it yet, its still out of phase."

"Out of phase?" Marti didn't want to mess around "Senior Staff to the bridge."

Bruce was the first to arrive, he had been up early to try and get a head start on repairs. His arm still hurt but he didn't want to just sit around doing nothing. Sadly it was starting to look like they would be using the ship as spare parts.
"Holy crap." Looking at the view screen. "What readings do you have?" He asked walking over to the Engineering console.

"Its still out of phase and we're not sure why, it appeared about 2 minutes ago with out any warning and there's one other thing, the energy pattern its emitting doesn't seem quite right almost as if it was artificial or something." Ensign Perth said.

[Main Astrometrics]

Greo looked up in awe. There on his sensors was an unknown spatial anomaly. His heart raced, forgetting the horror of the Bunkerhill accident and the mundanity of the 'wargame'. This was what he relished. He moved across to the new sensor station he had commissioned. It was not complete yet, but with a small reallocation of power he could have the basic functions working. He snatched up a toolkit and buried his head in the mess of wires underneath the control panel.

= Ops =

As Davies jogged onto Ops, Commander Villiers was already talking to William, who was looking more than just a little flustered and must have said to Karen that Davies was on operations as she turned around to greet him.

"Not the sort of alarm call I was expecting," she said to Davies with a half smile, "William, tell the Commander what you just told me."

"Nor me." Davies said as he waited for Harris to compose himself.

Bill flushed.
"Sirs, I was just informing Commander Villiers what I told you over the comm, a few minutes ago, this anomaly registered close to the station, triggering the proximity alarm. I don't have any idea what it is or where it came from. That was as much as I had said before you came in sir." Harris nodded at Davies and rubbed his sweating palms together.
"I thought it best to call yourselves to Ops, as this is beyond me, to be honest." He said with an apology in his tone.

David took a deep breath, glancing to Karen then back to Harris.
"Very well, we have an entity or a weird anomaly, using your description Mr. Harris. Our first priority is to secure the station, the second is to get full sensor scans and launch and investigative mission. Mr. Harris, signal flight and request a small wing to be prepared to launch. Then get the science station up and running, Lieutenant Tovan is currently off duty, but get him up here as well."

Harris nodded and turned back to his console, before turning back to Davies.
"Sorry sir, who do I contact in flight?" He asked with a frown.

"Lieutenant Commander Monteros." He replied sharply.

"Aye sir." Harris responded, a little hurt by the pointed reply from the commander.
Bill tapped the console.
=^= "Commander Monteros, please respond." Harris called and pushed himself back a little from the comm console.

There was a muffled response from the Flight commander.

=^= "Commander, I apologize if I awoke you, but we have an anomaly near the station that requires investigation. I have been ordered to instruct you to lead a small team to investigate." He advised.

David turned to Karen.

"Any recommendations?" He inquired.

"Wait and listen," she said in an undertone, she was a lawyer and preferred to leave the science to the scientists. They were surrounded by experts and like Davies, Karen knew that she could rely on that expertise and timely advice from those who knew best.

~ Wait and listen for what? ~ He wondered, but took her recommendation.

Petro had arrived at Ops a little early for her shift and was surprised to see the two Commanders already there. By the look of everyone, something was wrong. She stepped off the lift and moved a little closer hear. Not wanting to interfere, she kept her distance.

Dunham hands moved quickly and professionally over his console for pre-flight checks. He then started up his engines and got the all clear from flight control before launch.

Upon launch Dunham took his fighter into position by Commander Monteros left hand side. Both Fighter craft glided effortlessly into the space around deep space five towards the anomaly

Davies watched as the small flight team made their way towards the anomaly.

"Mr Harris, tie in to science to the flight team. I want to know exactly what we're dealing with." He said in a hushed tone, still amazed by the multi coloured beautiful but dangerous cloud that was forming outside.

"Aye sir." Bill replied as the Cardassian science officer signalled onto Ops.

[Main Astrometrics]

Greo wiped sweat from his brow and threw the hyperspanner to the ground. He had just rerouted power from science labs three and four to this station and the new sensor module. He crawled out of the jeffries tube, not waiting to close the EPS conduit he had exposed to make the changes. He slapped the comm panel.

=^="Tovon to Davies. I believe I have the new Tempus Sensor Array online. I had to draw power from two science labs, but I think this thing will work now."=^=

Davies was somewhat surprised at Greos sudden input.

=^= "Tempus array? Do you have it installed and working already?" David enquired, looking at Karen with a mild expression of shock on his face.

=^= "Sir I have powered up the array and even though it's nowhere nearly up to the schematics I showed you yesterday I am now scanning the anomaly." =^=
Greo paused as he tapped furiously at the console in front of him.
=^= "Yes. Commander that thing is pumping out huge amounts of chroniton radiation, more than anything I've seen before. There also seem to be gravimetric tidal forces emanating from it's event horizon. There are undoubtedly intense localised gravitation shear forces." =^=

~I can just imagine the conversation now~ Thought Dunham to himself as the fighter group moved closer to the anomaly. ~What did you do at work today honey? Oh the usual flew up to the event horizon of a temporal anomaly~ Dunham scanned the data coming up on the display from his sensor scans. He didn't understand a word of it.
=^= Dunham to Tovon we are coming up on the anomaly we are only two klicks away now sending you our sensor data hope it helps I can't make out a word of it =^=
Dunham had to grab the flight stick with both hands to keep his fighter under control as it shook from another gravametric tidal wave. He had to use allot of ships power to stabilise it. ~Getting a little choppy~ As another passed through him this one much more rough than the first to the point were his shields shimmered from the impact partly damaging him and shaking Dunham violently. Sparks shot out above his head from a panel falling out of place.

=^= Dunham to DS5. Its getting a little choppy out here =^=

David glanced down at the console and he was amazed at the data already collated by Greo.

=^= "Mr Tovan, I need you up here on Ops, ASAP. This data needs explaining and though I have a basic understanding of what I am seeing here, I must admit that I am at a loss to fully comprehend what is taking place outside the station." He admitted, taking a casual look at those around him and he noticed that Petro seemed to be more than interested at what was being said. He turned back to Karen, who was austere in her demeanour and somehow, he took comfort in her being there.

"Commander, shall we adjourn to your office?" He asked, not wanting to enter his own.

Petro stood there, not understanding most of what was going on. Despite her effort to listen to what was being said, she inevitably missed a few things during the cross communication. What she understood about temporal distortions was limited. It was something that was taught in theory only and even then it was only glossed over unless you were in one of the science courses.

A shimmering shaft of blue light signaled Greo's arrival in Ops. He had decided to take a leaf out of Freeman's book and commandeer the use of the emergency transporter system. Considering the situation he thought it appropriate. He looked around at those gathered.

"This is an emergency and the commander said ASAP." He said to their slightly startled faces.

Petro smiled at his explanation. The tone of his voice was that of a person looking to justify themselves even if they didn't quite feel the justification. She turned to the Commanders. "May I sit in on the explanation?" She asked.

Karen glanced at Petro, so far she had found her a competent if slightly peculiar officer - she could hardly be blamed for that given her unusual background, and just like she felt herself able to trust Tovon she felt able to trust the abilities of the J'Naii. "You'd be welcome," she said with a nod.

Davies grinned at Karen and how fast she had settled, as he still felt somewhat out of place.
"Most definitely." He added, leading the way.

Petro gave a polite smile and slight nod of her head. "Thank you." She said softly.

The XOs office was a little smaller than the COs, but it was also much cooler and as yet, uncluttered.
Davies made his way to the side seat, leaving the chair behind the desk for Karen, it was after all, her room.

Karen turned back from the replicator with a coffee, she gave Davies a nod to acknowledge his gesture, but she remained near the wall cradling the cup between her palms; she could observe far more effectively from here.

As everyone gathered in Commander Villiers office, Greo moved across to the wall computer, interfacing his PADD with the large display unit. As he tapped at the controls he rerouted the Tempus Arrays graphical output as well, bringing a large colourful readout. More data had been gathered since his departing the science lab, indicating his quick technical jury-rigging was holding place.

"As soon as the major staff are here, we need to work out what caused or causes this anomaly and why a time rift?" He questioned, having a feeling the tempus array would come into it's own, without actually being designed for that purpose. "If anybody has any suggestions, they are not to be dismissed out of hand. We also need to ensure the radiation from it, is not affecting the station or her crew. Ensign," He looked at Petro, "You must have a reason to want to be here, may I ask what it may be?" He cupped his hands into his lap, raising his brow in question to Petro.

While the J'Naii wasn't certain at the time why she had asked to join them, a myriad of reasons flooded to her mind at once. "If there is any danger inherent to the station or the person's residing here, it falls to the quartermaster to find a safer locale for occupancy. In order to do that I'd have to know the extent of the danger, how widespread it may be and whether or not there would be safe or less dangerous locations on the station that we could move people to." She said.

David smiled and nodded happily at her response. "Sounds in order to me. Lieutenant Tovan will outline any dangers we're facing." He nodded at the science officer who flushed a little.

Ignoring those around him for a moment, even the commanders, Greo worked at the interface manipulating the gravitic isolators buried in the Tempus Array. Slowly the isolators realigned the temporal sensor, increasing it's sensitivity to the strange anomaly. He focused in, analysing the radiation and the dimensions of the aperture. He turned to those gathered.

"Commander, everyone. I have been analysing the anomaly with the Tempus Array and must say it is the most fascinating anomaly I have ever seen." He paused, looked at the confused faces around him and then continued.

"Anyway. It appears that this anomaly is a subspace temporal flexure. Something has caused a rupture in space time. The resultant opening or aperture is pumping out chroniton radiation like nothing I've ever seen. A small amount of thoron radiation is also leaking into adjacent space. Not only this, but the flexure has caused a localised gravimetric disturbance. I suggest you recall all ships to safe distance while we figure out what to do."

+ Near the Anomaly +

Dunham was getting closer to the anomaly. His readings were off the chart. The gravitational tides from the rift were starting to create havoc with structural integrity field of the fighter and the inertial dampers of the ship had been knocked off line almost thirty seconds ago shaking Dunham about like he was a cube of ice in a cocktail mixer

~Time to get out of here Duke~ he thought to himself as another shockwave shook the ship crashing his shields and causing the flight control panel to spark wildly. Dunham reached under his chair and grabbed a fire extinguisher to put out the flames that had erupted in front of him. Red warning lights flashed up across his computer banks. Dunham threw the fire extinguisher over his shoulder and grabbed the flight stick with both hands. It was no good. Even with all power transferred to the reverse thrusters he was still being pulled in.

=^=Errrr Dunham to deep space five. I hate to be problem but I'm being dragged into the anomaly and can't get out=^=

Unbeknown to Dunham, it would be a few minutes before the transmission would make it to DS5 as he had already began to experience the time slip.


Commander David Davies

CPO: William "Bill" Harris
By Mark

Lt. Jarred Wallace

Ens. Martina Perth
By Andy

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt. Bruce Freeman

Lt. Greo Tovon
Acting Chief Science Officer

Ensign Petro

Lt Jarred Wallace

(Footnote - There are several forms of Radiation being emitted, Chroniton being the major one, as it is the most common found in temporal anomalies and minor amounts of Thoron. The USS Sarek is stationed 750,00k from DS5, but what we dont know, is that later today, time will have slowed down for us on DS5 and by 08:00 this morning, we will approx 12 hours behind everything else.)