Interlude – Men In Black Don't know Whack
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Men In Black Don't know Whack
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Wed Sep 08, 2010 @ 8:07am
Location   DS5
Timeline   Back Post
Dunham shook his head and let out a sigh in mock exasperation of the old man's chauvinistic comment. "Yeah I'll get down to the ship and start working on connecting the sensor link. I'll meet you in the lower main docking bay in half an hour."

Jarred walked into the intel office, he turned to his left and opened the wall cabinet that was hiding the small armory he kept. He grabbed a long grey case and started to load it. He grabbed four phaser rifles, two shot guns, a roll of a dozen throwing knives, night vison goggles, four type 2 phasers, a half dozen stun gernades, K-bar knives for everyone and a gernade launcher and Line gun. Jarred looked at the small cache of weapons, and thought something was missing he looked around, this was a small group action not a full blown assult he thought that there was a need for something when a dull metallic shine caught his eye, he lifted the odd looking shotgun pulled on the butt of the shoulder stock it revealed eight shotgun shells and eight regular rounds, now he felt ready."

Jarred loaded the case onto a load assist along with one other case containing uniforms and boots, and a black duffle bag, Jarred pushed the cart out of the way and closed the lock-up. Jarred made his way to the cargo lift, it was time to get a move on."

Deck 1125 was mostly shuttle storage, and therefore only dimly lit. In the shadows cast by the low light sat a Bedford-class freighter, it was a squat and stubby little freighter, maybe only two or three times the size of a Danube-class runabout. Its nacelles were boxy, the hull pitted, and the deflector array was very definitely taken from an early Valkyrie fighter. On the nose a name plate was fixed in federation script. It read; 'The Chelsea' The door to the inner bowels of the freighter were open. From inside could be heard loud cursing and banging. A little trail of black smoke also rose from the open door.

Jana saw the smoke and ran into the room. "Can I help here?" She coughed.

"Nah its Fine!" Dunham had to shout to be heard over the noise he was making with a hammer. He was using said hammer to repeatedly hit the flight control console. Dunham was out of uniform. He was wearing a civilian flight suite, over which he wore a world war two bomber jacket with a sheep fleece lining. He face was smudged with black oil. He grinned and winked. "Don't worry it will get us their."

"Let me guess," Vincent said with a wry smile on his face, "this is the ship that made the Kessel run in 12 parsecs?"

"What's A Kessel? And why does it sound like your using parsec as a unit of time rather than a unit of distance?" Dunham waved away the response with flit of his hand, to indicete the answer was inconsequential. He smiled "this is a man's 'shed' project"

"If you say so. You're the flyboy. But let clarify one thing," Vincent pointed a finger at Dunham's chest. "If I end up floating home, I'm blaming you. Good God man, I still can't over the fact that you named it *The Chelsea*. What are you, sixteen and in "love"?" Vincent nudged Jana. "Can you believe this guy?"

Jana crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Vincent. "You know I seem to remember him wanting to name a ship after me at one point...thank God he didn't my name could of ended up on some hunk of junk!" She laughed.

"Rick you trying too cook again?" Jarred laughed pushing a anti-grav lift loaded with equipment.

"Ok that's its! one more sarcastisc comment about the ship and your all walking!" As if in response a power conduit behind his head sparked and fuzzed. "Drat!" said Dunham as he turned around with a plasma coil injector spanner and began work on the conduit.

Jana coughed trying to hide a giggle. "I think Chelsea and I are going to have a chat when we get back."

Dunham had what could only be described as a look of sheer panic and bewilderment on his face. The thought of his fiancé meeting with his first real love from around eleven years ago, did not really appeal to him.

Jana laughed at Rick. "Relax Rick, just fix the ship so we can get home."

"Yeah sure." he said a little uncertainly, and went back to work.

"Hey I could use a hand with these fire crackers and pop-guns, and the other toys I'm bringing to this little party." Jarred turned to pick up his bag and the M6 scout, "Who needs to get there fire arms quals up?"

Dunham pointed to the work he was doing, he shrugged apologetically at not being able to help, but the ship did need to be able to take off. She hand't even done her maiden flight yet. In fact this would be her maiden flight.

"I'll help," Vincent said as he crossed the deck towards Wallace's equipment. "Although I doubt we will need so much firepower. You have enough there to make Guy Fawkes look like a kid with a magnifying glass. Last time I checked they were in a small freighter, not, the Enterprise. And besides, four against ten? I don't like those odds."

"I could have brought isomagnetic disintergrators, but that might attract Darson, besides that if these guys are civilian or ex-starfleet we will need to be armed to the teeth." Jarred paused as he passed Vincent the first crate "AR-110 phaser rifles so new Darson doesn't even know there in circulation, Tr-120 heavy pistols we have four of the only six availible, and last but least flash bang gernades."

Jarred passed the second to last crate up, "Uniforms for every one, no starfleet logos, no comm badges last thing we need is a visit from their friends, and one final piece of gear, my M6 scout, touch it and I'll show you what happend to the klingon touched it."

Dunham shook his head in mild disbelief, and they accused him of being a boy with a toy. These guys had enough fire power to take on a small army. And both seemed to be drooling slightly over the contents of the crates. Dunham smiled, he'd never really get it. weapons were not really his cup of tea.

Vincent held up one of the new uniform jumpsuits. "Orange? Really not my colour," he then fondled a pistol. "I'm a pretty lousy shot, so I guess they won't be able to tell I'm in Starfleet - they'll probably think I'm an Imperial or something. And, speaking of badges, they've already got my commbadge. Jana, are our sensors still picking that signal up?"

"Yes but barely. I think Rick did something to the sensors with that last puff of black smoke." Jana replied, attempting to keep a straight face.

"Hold on," said Dunham as he went over to the sensor control panel. He took out a hammer from his tool belt, felt it for balance and weight. Then promptly hit the sensor control panel with the hammer. "Try the sensors now."

"Wow should be an engineer!" She responded and rolled her eyes but kept a smile on her face. "I'll fix the just get the ship going."

Dunham made a harrumph noise and a grunt. He went back to work with a bit of a grump. After all he had managed to get a starship that was unable to fly to work again. Well in theory.

Jarred looked around it wasn't much but it was a far shade better than nothing, he walked over too the lower docking collar, "Uh Rick does this bucket have a transporter?"

“Yep,” said Dunham darkly. A small thunder cloud gathering above his head as he continued his work on his ship. “But it will only beam two people at a time.”

"Two person transporter?" Jarred laughed as he could hear his thoughts as clear as a conversation. "I'll fix the docking collar so it can be used."

"Oh the way...Chelsea and I have met and we are great friends now. I have learned a lot about you." She said as she continued her work on the sensors.

Dunham said nothing. Their was just a loud bang as he intentionally hit his head against a wall. Dunham then groaned.

"Would you rather us be friends or at each other's throat?" She asked after she heard him hit his head against the wall. "It isn't like we compared stories..." She replied innocently shifting her eyes back to her work.

"You know what just leave it. Were on a mission at the moment." On that not he handed Tan a padd. "All systems ready. We can go when ever you want to."

"Just making some conversation, it was too quiet in here. Sensors are back up and running and I am now tracking."

Dunham carried on; "I've use s rapid frequency nutation, generated by a verteron neutrino stream in a feed back loop through a oscillating gravimetric pulse, into the couplers of the beresium filter. This in turn will generate a particle inversion in the phase configuration of the Ion energy, that pumps into the dilithium matrix. The jist of this is that if you need we can warp nine for five minutes, before the warp core blows"

"I'll rig up a coolant system, see if we can get an extra few minutes we might need it." Jarred said as he opened up his tool kit.

Satisfied, at least temporarily, with how things were, Vincent checked the sensor readings. "OK. Mr Dunham, I would be much obliged if you could make your course vector 70-70-19. Make your speed three-quarter impulse. That should bring close enough to follow them, but not so close as to get them all hot and bothered."

"Aye" said Dunham as he pressed buttons on the flight control panel, to clear all moorings and umbilical’s. He then set the ship off with a bit of a turbulent start, but although the ship did rock a little violently I did eventually take off, and clear the deep space five. Dunham then lay in the coordinates and brought the ship into warp speed.



Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant Jarred Wallace
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Jana Kasikova
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist

Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham
CAG Squadron Leader