Judgement – The Last Help In the Universe, part two
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   The Last Help In the Universe, part two
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Wed May 11, 2011 @ 6:47pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 37: 1045

The stub of the short straw was in his pocket, and Pelin closed his fingers around it for moral support, before he approached the Cardassian Enbassy. His family earring suddenly felt heavy, and its dangle seemed to bounce of his pulse. The young Bajoran was beginning to wish he'd accepted Jessica's offer, and let her come in his place. Then he took a deep breath and opened the door to The Reptile's world

Lemat opened her mouth in complete denial. A Bajoran. Really? She thought, but kept the diplomatic face present as he stepped up to the desk.

"Good day to you, and welcome to the Cardassian Embassy. How can I be of help today?"

There were cardassians with phasers behind him. That seemed to be the only thing his brain really wanted to think about then, but he managed to say, "I'd like to see the ambassador, if its not too much trouble."

"I'm afraid the Ambassador is currently withheld." She said, knowing for certain that Getal wouldn't dare see a Bajoran. "Would you like to leave a... "

"Its about Yolanthe."

Lemat stopped dead. "The Ambassador will be right with you." She said, as she gestured for the guard to guide him in. "Tell the Ambassador this man is here about Yolanthe. He'll understand." Realising the importance the Bokkai held to Getal. She shouldn't have helped really, for what he did to Olan. She was kicking herself for passing up the opportunity.

The guard nodded, and pointed with his rifle the way to walk. Through a set of black double-doors. Obviously armoured. Obviously without escape from inside. The belly of the beast...

Pelin concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other, and not letting his jumble of feelings show. He was too young to really remember the occupation, just the devestated world that he had left behind almost as soon as the Cardassians had. But knowing that didn't stop him feeling stirrings of fear and loathing. These people hated him just becuase. And they didn't care who got hurt, as long as they got what they wanted. The irony. It was why he was here. To try and put that arrogance to good use. Or maybe undo the trouble it had wrought. Either way, the belly of the beast.

Stepping onto the dark warmth of Getal's inner sanctum, he paused, his eyes adjusting to the cloying gloom. The Soldier next to him said something in Cardassian he didn't understand, and then retreated, leaving the Bajoran boy alone in the dark.

Getal sat forward from the dark, his face barely illuminated. The humidty was comforting, calming to Getal. To Pelin it must've felt like a sauna.

"My guard tells me you have information on Yolanthe." He finally spoke, after what seemed like hours that passed. "Speak."

The boy wiped the first mist of sweat from his face. "Ambassador, I've been talking to security. They're convinced she's either Klia's killer, or protecting whoever it was. And without her, The Box is in trouble. There was a fight last night, and a woman was murdered in the bathroom. We need her back, Security are just walking all over us, but they say she told her lawyer to get lost. They say she won't co-operate, just denies she did it, despite the evidence. We can't even go and see her, tell her what's going on." He took a deep breath. "She needs help, sir. We thought you would..." he trailed off, not sure how to articulate what he was thinking, which was, since its all your fault

"I know exactly what your implying, Bajoran." Tharek said, his face dropping in the dark. "You, and your group of employee friends think I am to blame for Klia's murder and therefore, Yolanthe's imprisonment. Well. I have a surprise for you; I didn't kill her." He stood, eyes locked onto Pelin. Tharek made his way around the desk and faced up to the Bajoran boy, his height and musculature dwarfing the man. "Granted, I'm a killer. But I'm not a murderer. There's a distinct difference. If I wanted Klia dead, do you think I would've been stupid enough to leave damning evidence at the scene of the crime? I'm an Ambassador. If I wanted this much attention from security on purpose, I would've punched Gabriel. Not kill Klia."

Instinctively Pelin shrank back. "No, sir," he stuttered. Getal might have read his mind, but he wanted to get away from any accusations and back to what he needed "What I meant was, can you help her? Please?"

Tharek stopped. A Bajoran, was asking Getal for help. Not only that, he was being polite about it. Getal was pretty sure either this man, this Bajoran cared more for Yolanthe than he was letting out, or times had really got desperate.

"I'll help."

Pelin let out the breath he was holding. "Thank you sir. She needs a lawyer. Someone who knows federation law, and will be on her side." He thought about it for a moment, remembering what the security officers had been laughing about. "Probably not a man. If you have anyone here...?" He spreads his hands. "She needs them."

The only person Getal could think of, and he couldn't believe she was the first thought in his head, but it was Isha. "I know of one person."

Result! Pelin nodded, feeling relieved. "Will they do it? We really need her back."

"It's t'Khellian." He stated bluntly. "So probably not. But she will when she realises who's asking her."

Pelin was surprised. He had never thought of the romulan Ambassador, but Getal seemed confident in her. "You'll ask her? Thank you, sir."

"I'm not doing it for you." Getal stated, in a very blunt and almost agressive tone. "I'm doing this for Yolanthe. Nobody else. And after I've got her out, I'm going to get the bastard that killed Klia, and is smudging both my name and Yolanthe's. And spread that word."

Pelin stepped back, surprised by Getal's fervour. He nodded mutely once more, glad he had achieved what he had come to do and more glad that he could now leave. With one last look at Getal's glower, the bajoran turned and fled.


A JP Between

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador


Rosh Pelin
Barman, The Box of Delights
NPC by Notty