Judgement – Dinner for two
by Ambassador Cala Lurn & Citizen Min Zhao & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Dinner for two
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Ambassador Cala Lurn & Citizen Min Zhao & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Tue Feb 22, 2011 @ 2:37am
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD36 18:30 hrs

Cala finally got done with her shift down in the Diplomatic department; she still found it strange that she still on a starbase and not on a ship. But she felt it was a good time as in now to go and meet the civilians of the station. Maybe even make a few friends. Walking threw the crowed of people she felt like an old reptile at this place, how everyone was busy busy busy and didn't take the time just to have a nice stroll. She even remembered at time were she was just like them. But as she got older she realized life is so much better when you take your time and enjoy what you already have.

She found herself quite hungry so she looked at some of the restaurant signs to see if any caught her interest. But all the signs were simple and blunt; but she found the 'Box of Delights' to be quite odd. So she decided to enter in and see what the 'Box of Delights' was all about. Walking in she found it to be quite a place. The place was two stories high. The first floor had the usual tables and chairs, with people sitting down and talking to one another, with a small band playing off to the side. Looking up you could see a huge Chandler hanging down which lit the place. As far as Cala could tell the second floor had more tables, mostly a place away from the noise.

As she was looking at the place some greeted her at the door, "Hello. Ma'am welcome to the Box of Delights. How many?"

"Just me," Cala replied with a soft smile.

"Would you like the down stairs or up stairs," stated the hostess.

Cala was quite curious what the upstairs looked like so she replied sweetly, "The upstairs would be fine."

"Alright," smiled the hostess grabbing a menu and waved her hand for Cala to fallow her up the staircase. Walking up the Stair case Cala couldn't help but like this place already. It was very elegant place with a twist to it.

"Here we are," stated the hostess sitting the menu down at a small table next to the railing. Cala smiled and stated, "Thank you." Then sat down in the only chair at the table.

"Your waiter or waitress will be right with you," stated the Hostess before she left. Once she lift Cala looked over the railing to see the people talking and soon after quickly sat back at her table picked up the menu to see what they have.

Min made her way upstairs with a tray of drinks. She'd forgotten how busy this job could be but a job was a job. Delivering the tray to a small group of Andorians watching a game on one of the holoscreens, she tucked the tray under her arm and made her way to Cala's table.

"What can I get for you miss?"

Cala looked up at the young woman and stated, "I would like some black tea, hot. And a nice Caesar salad please." Then she handed the menu over to her.

Min punched the woman's order into her padd and took the menu from Cala. "Chef should have it up for you in a few minutes. Did you want your drink before or with your salad?"

"O you can bring it out at the same time," she answered the waitress.

A few mintues later the Waitress brought back her food; Cala looked at her food and drink and placed a smile on her face, "Thank you dear. It looks good."

"You're welcome. If you need anything let me know."

"I will," replied Cala looking at the waitress kindly. After the waitress walked away Cala grabbed her drink and took a sip of it. Then after she sat her cup down she grabbed her fork and dinned on her dinner.

Wayne had just gotten back from his rather unpleasant trip and was looking to unwind with a scotch and maybe a good steak. He walked into The Box of Delights intent on enjoying a little relaxation when he noticed a rather stunning younger woman on the upper balcony. something about her made him cerious so he headed up to the balcony and toward her table. "I could not help but notice such a stunning young lady as yourself did not seem to have a dinner companion and I was wandering if I might join you." asked Wayne softly

Breaking her conversation with the waitress, Cala looked up at the older man who was offering himself to have dinner with her. She smiled and extended her arm to the seat across from her, "Sure. I always enjoy company."

"Thank you." said Wayne with a half bow from the waist as he took the offered seat.

"I'm Ambassador Cala Luran," she stated, "I haven't the pleasure of meeting you dear sir."

"Wayne Bradshaw I own BII and my main office is located on this station just a couple floors down from here. Though for some reason I find this place to be one of the better restaurants on the station at least by reputation as this is the first time I have had a chance to dine here." Said Wayne calmly as he studied the ambassador across from him.

"I know what you mean," she smiled, "Its just caught my eye. But I've never dinned her either. It my first time as well. So what do you do? You said you own a BII and you had an office here."

"What I do exactly is a broad range of things. I own shipping lines, cruise lines, ship yards, dilithium mines and about 5 colony worlds both here and in the gamma quadrant. in addition to several casino's and a PMC. I normally am kept so busy that half the time I do not know wheather I am coming or going but that is kinda how I like it. reminds me of the old days a little I guess." Said Wayne calmly "How about yourself. I mean you carry yourself like someone who has been around the horn more then once but you look like your only in your late 20's." he added

Cala was slightly impressed by what he does but laughed at his statement of her being in her late 20s. "You can say that," she stated once she stopped laughing, "In more ways then one. I'm sure I've never met an El-Aurian have you?"

"I have heard of them of course the most famous being Guinan on the enterprise D but I have never had the pleasure of meeting one until just now." Said Wayne calmly

"Well today's your lucky day," she teased, "I thank you for the complement of me being in my late 20s. But I'm an ambassador. I have been for years. I was given the position of admiral I think 20 years ago, but I turned it down. I've traveled far and wide for years learning new cultures before star fleet. But being in star fleet still to this day. Has opened up to new possibilities for me as a being."

"Sounds like you could teach history or something to people and know it was true cause you lived it. Though I do have to agree about starfleet I had my start in the marines and they opened up doors for me that would never have been possible with any other service." said Wayne as he took a sip of his scotch.

Cala nodded her head in agreement, "So you were in the marines? What was that like?"

"If was a lot of fun but a lot of training as well. I guess one thing about it by the time we were needed to do what we were trained to do it was all reflex made things a lot easier then it would have been otherwise. Though I love the corps and would still answer their call if it ever cam I am glad to be out of it before the political infighting got the better of me. I was trained to lead me but at the last I spent more time dealing with arm chair generals and admirals then I did actually with the men under my command." Said Wayne as he remembered his time in the corps it seemed like ages ago but he could still almost smell the boot polish and the phaser fire.

Chewing her salad, Cala nodded her head. Once she finished, she stated, "And in all this time no woman has caught you eye?"

"I would be lieing if I said that was the case. Truth is I was married once. she gave me 10 kids over the years but she pasted away a number of years ago. Though like I said I have my kids and my gradkids to keep me company and running BII is almost as challenging as running a division of marines." Said Wayne calmly as he remembered his late wife and all the fun they had had togather.

Judging by the look on his face Cala stated bluntly, "Sorry for bringing her up. I know what it is like to lose the one you love."

"It is not a problem. she passed away many years ago and I am not nearly as upset over it as I used to be." Said Wayne calmly

"Ive been married seven times," she stated coyly, "Several lovers and tons of children. And god knows how many grandchildren." Then she giggled a little. "My late husband Tal was a Vulcan. He as a scientist and a traveler. We were married for two hundred years. No children but it was my favoritest married I had ever been in."

"Damn well I guess if you live as long as you do it would only be normal though it could make things a little problematic in some cases if you were to fall for say one of your great grand kids or something." Said wayne with a chuckle

Cala laughed as well to Wayne's statement, "I keep tabs on my family. I usally travel from planet to planet. I stay on one for eighty years or so then move on. That way if I ever return there is at lest sixty generations apart from me and my family. Some of my marriages I didn't have children at all, but some times I wonder what has become of my family. What have all my childrens' children have done and accomplished? You know?"

"I guess I did not have to worry to much about that my family I can trace back to before the founding of starfleet. and since then well we have served in the marines or in the fleet normally for at least 20 to 30 years before going into private business. It is not much of a life but well the company is one of the richest in the quadrant and so far we have never lost ground only expanded." Said wayne as he took another drink

Cala looked at him, "Your last name does sound familar to me?" Then she took another bit of her salad and wondered. Then it popped into her head, "Georgie," she blurted out. Seeing the look on Wayne's face she continued, "Sergent George Bradshaw. He use to me a marine officer on one of my ships that I served on back in the day. Back then I was a Lieutenant of course but yeah I use to call him Georgie. We were such good friends." Then she went back eating her dinner and humming a tune George use to sing to.

Wayne thought for a moment and then it hit him what she had been saying. true the man was not his direct relation but he had been an uncle of sorts. "I guess it is a small galaxy after all. George was not my direct ancestor but he was an uncle of sorts I beleave if memory serves me right he had a brother who also served in the marines a howard Bradshaw who would have been my direct path back. Sometime we are going to have to compare notes on differant histories I think. I might be a multi billionare but I have a deep love and respect of history. It is one of the tings that I find so interesting about your race. They likely lived it if not actually wrote the history themselves." Said Wayne absently

"I guess if there were tons of us," she stated sadly, "But sad to say, it was the humans who wrote history not my kind. Other then the few that people have encountered, Yes. But people write there own history, not others."

Wayne hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Well if you would like some help in tracking down some others of your race I might be able to accomidate you. lord knows I have the resources and it would not be to hard to put a ship at your disposal either on a temporary or a perminate basis." Said Wayne he could not beleave he was making this offer but something he rembered about her people made him think it was a good idea.

After taking a sip of her drink she came out, "Perhaps someday. Now isn't the time." She hated sounding so doubtful but she had other matters to attend to for the mean time. "I am glade good things have come to your family since the last time I've seen them," she smiled, "So what brings you hear to DS5?"

"Business pure and simple. this looked like a good jumping off point for future expansion of my company and was a prime place for the main corporate offices." said Wayne bluntly

"I see," she smiled, "Is everything with you Business?" Then she gave him a sciptacal look was she took a sip of her drink then sat it down.

"No not everything but a large part of it is. I do try to find time just to be social but it is hard to keep the two apart at times." said Wayne absently

"I could tell," Cala stated trying to lighten things up a bit, "Have you been on any wild adventures in your life time?"

"More then my fair share I am afraid however I am not at liberty to tell you what they were as they have been classified so high that not even the top admirals in starfleet can se them for at least another 20 years." said Wayne with a grin he was definately not going to tell her about his missions in the rangers she might be long lived but some of those things could kill a person if they wre found out.

Cala nodded her head in agreement, "I understand." She sighed and stated, "Well my dear Mr. Bradshaw. I must be going. Perhaps some other time? Maybe at a different area for us to talk more?"

"I would like that very much Cala though I do hope that we do not have to wait till chance puts us in the same area again. please feel free to drop by for a visit any time I will see to it that you are shown directly to my office regardless of the situation or the time of day." said Wayne as he rose from his seat and offered her his hand to help her to her feet.

Cala took his hand and lifted herself up. Once she was on her feet, she lend over and kissed him on the cheek and when she pulled back she stated, "Thank you for the nice evening." Then she removed her hand from his and walked away and out of the resturant.


Posted by:

Ambassador Cala Lurn


Min Zhao
Civilian (Waitress)


Wyane Bradshaw
Civilian (Busines Man)