Cascade – Grand Opening
by Arrival Sarish Anjar & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Rakka & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Arrival Atlana Durak & Arrival Stovon Reece

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Title   Grand Opening
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Arrival Sarish Anjar & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Rakka & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Arrival Atlana Durak & Arrival Stovon Reece
Posted   Thu Feb 28, 2013 @ 10:46pm
Location   Endeavor
Timeline   SD 71 1930
Sarish took one last look around Endeavor with an air of gratitude. This was his place, a place to call home. If it were not for Atlana it would be a perfect place, but even with her breathing down his neck and wanting to kill his ass, it was still a good place.

He nodded at Sam, his major domo, a former Federation Marshal and tugged nervously, (though he would deny being nervous) at his earring.

Sam nodded stoically back, then went to open the doors of Endeavor for the very first time.

Saria just left the Box of Delights, and strolled the Promenade as usual. There wasn't a lot going on, as she saw a few families arrive, depart, and being reunited with the rest of her family. She smiled, and thought of her mother, which she didn't contact for a while. "Definitely someone to catch up with..." she thought, walking on. However, just on her right, a door opened, followed by a human waiter. "Endeavor" was on the neon-lightened sign above the entrance. Curiously, Saria stepped up to the man that was standing outside.

"Excuse me, but is this establishment new here?" She asked the waiter, which nodded in response.

"The owner just settled. Why don't you give it a look?" He offered, gesturing to enter.

"Well, now you're saying, I'd like to see what's new here. Is the owner inside?"

"Yes, he is! I bet he'd like to meet you!" The waiter said. Saria nodded, and proceeded inside. The setting of the restaurant was... fresh, but Saria seemed to enjoy it.

Sam came over and whispered in his ear. He nodded, made a few polite remarks to the family he had been speaking to, then walked towards Saria. "Hello." he said with a grin, "Welcome to Endeavor. How are you this evening?"


Outside, a handsome young trill turned to his companion, and leaned in close to her ear to whisper, "The Boss is going to go spare!"

The elegant blonde just smiled, "Don't panic, Ahjess, this is a reccy afterall, we need to know what we're up against. So lets go in and have some fun." she brushed a golden wave of hair over one shoulder. "Its all on expenses afterall"


Petro had changed into a dress, ready for a girls night out with Rakka. They were supposed to meet on the promenade after Rakka checked on something - in security she believed. She watched as people began entering a new establishment. She looked around again for her friend.

Rakka found her friend by scent before she found her by sight. The Nausicaan always had a bloodhound's sense of smell, but it seemed to be especially keen lately--she couldn't imagine why, but there was something primally pleasurable about scent tracking. Of course, she found it unsettling in equal measure. The thought of blood, of engorged muscle tissue (meat), and how full of it everyone was, regularly pressed on her mind.

Rakka dodged around a human couple that were oozing pheromones so thick that she practically choked on them, and finally Petro was in her sight. Sweet little Petro--all the light in the room seemed to converge on the little J'naii in Rakka's eyes. She was the centre of the universe, a tiny goddess in a sweet little dress--how beautifully she wore the garment! Leaning down, Rakka touched her shoulder from behind.

The touch on her shoulder, firm and gentle at the same time, could only belong to one person. She gave a happy sigh and turned around to see her friend. "Rakka, you made it." She said, giving her a quick hug. "It looks like a new establishment has opened. Feel like taking a look?"

"Anything you want," Rakka replied. When Petro's hand hovered near hers, she took it and held it comfortably.

The petite J'Naii smiled and led the way towards the new establishment. "Hello," she said to the man at the door. "Do you have a table for two?"

Sam looked up and if he was surprised at the duo that greeted him, he didn't show it.
"Of course we do, if you'll just follow me."

He began leading them towards a far corner, one of the few tables left. "First drink tonight is on the house after that you're on your own, but everything is half price."

"First drink's on the house." Petro said to Rakka, as if she hadn't heard. She turned back tot he waiter. "So, what makes this place so special?"

Sarish came around the corner and heard the question. He smiled as he appraoched the table. "That's an easy question. Well first of all there is the food. Except for a quick take out menu, the food is real and fresh and cooked not replicated. The booze is real too, not the hideous synethol unless its requested. Secondly each table or booth is a mini-holo suite. You don't be chasing bad guys or climbing Mount Horeb, but if you want to eat on the beaches of Risa or the Eiffel Tower you can go there."

Rakka looked down at Petro, squeezing her hand. "Where do you want to go?" she asked. "Anywhere you want to be, I'm with you."

"If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion," the Bajoran said, I have found Program 23 Alpha to be a nice one. A beach on Risa. White sand, blue waters and right at sunset. Very romantic.'

The Nausicaan balked at the suggestion. Romantic? How presumptuous! Did they come across as a couple? Were they supposed to? Did they want to? Did Petro want to? What would this mean? Did Petro want romance--did Rakka? And what would either of them find romantic? She looked down at her companion for help.

"Romantic?" Petro asked, looking at Rakka. What did that mean? "Do you have something from earth? Say the San Jacinto Mountains? Elevation 6800 feet?"

"Earth yes," Sam replied with a smile. "San Jacinto Mountains, I'm sorry no. If you'd like to leave some details, one of the staff will program that for your next visit. However, we do have the Rocky Mountains, or the Swiss Alps if either of those would work for you?"

"Mountains," Rakka repeated, approving of Petro's suggestion. "How about... the highest you have?"

"Of course, it might get a little nippy though, you'll have a nice view of other peaks and skiers I believe they are called."

Rakka looked down at her friend. "Sound okay? I'm sure we can adjust the temperature if need be."

"That sounds wonderful." Petro replied, "if we can adjust the temperature." she smiled and nodded to Sam.

Still looking at Petro, Rakka pulled her close to her side as if to say, 'I will keep you warm', before also returning her attention to the proprietor. "What is your best cut of meat? I don't care what animal."

"Ah, well may I suggest the onyxer from Alpha Centauri IV. Something similar to the Terran sheep, but bigger and more wild tasting. It is one of Sarish's specialties."

Petro looked at Rakka, "What's a sheep?"

The Nausicaan thought for a moment. "Can't recall," she said, shaking her head. "Anyway... I'll try it. Whatever is the largest cut. Raw, at body temperature. And bloodwine." Her mouth watered in anticipation.

"About a third size, medium rare and Andorian Ale Spice please."

The waiter never even raised a brow or indicted that he was surprised or that the order might be considered unusual. "Right away sir," he replied and turned to go.



Saria walked toward a free table in the restaurant, looking around. In the far cornet were Lieutenant Petro and Commander Rakka. "I would've guessed it..." Saria thought, emphasizing Rakka, due their unpleasant confrontation in the Klingon bar a while ago. She sat down at one of the tables, near the beautifully decorated walls and the small fountain, waiting for someone to join her.

"Is this seat taken?" A young brown haired man asked, gesturing to the empty chair at Saria's table. He smiled as he awaited her answer.

"Not at all." Saria smiled. "Please, sit down." She gestured the man to sit down at her table.

"Thank you." Randy said. "I'm Randy, I noticed you looked at the odd couple over there. Friends of yours?"

"Well, not friends... colleagues, but I had some encounters with them though." Saria said, looking at the couple, then looking back at Randy. "I'm Saria, and I'm the Chief of Science. Pleased to meet you." She smiled.

"Randy." Newell answered. "I don't have a post here, more of a visitor you might say." He glanced back at the odd couple she had been staring at. "I take it you don't get along."

"On the contrary!" Saria said. "He's been nice to me all the time. I wouldn't know why we shouldn't get along." She smiled.

"He?" Randy asked. "Now I'm lost. I thought you were referring to the Nausicaan and her little friend there."

"Oh," Saria chuckled. "My bad. Well, I have no beef with Petro, the small person. She's been all nice. But Commander Rakka... she's quite isolated. As far I know, she's harsh to the most crewmembers and rejects any help. That nearly caused me a fight in the Klingon bar." She said, looking at the couple again.

"I see." Randy replied. "The small person, Petro? What is she? I don't recognize her species."

"J'naii," Saria said, looking up. "It's a species with a few more genders than most alien civilizations have. Her gender is called Neuter."

"Neuter?" Randy examined the petite woman across from them. "She doesn't look neuter, but then I don't know much about the J'Naii." He turned his attention back to her. "But enough about them, tell me a little about you."

Saria began to blush. "Oh, well... where to begin. I'm Lieutenant Junior Grade Saria Rex, I'm the Chief of Science... and I'm a joined Trill." She said. "Rex is one of the oldest symbionts. Currently, it's around 1200 years old."

"Chief of Science." Randy said. "Smart and Beautiful. So what do you like to do when your not working?" he asked, waving a waiter over.

"Well... going to restaurants, reading, solving rubik's cubes, going to holodecks" Saria said. "And just sitting in my quarters and thinking." A little smile appeared on her face.

Kelian an Andorian woman walked up to the pair. "How can I help you today," she asked handing them a menu.

"Your finest Ale." Randy said, he turned to Saria, "If that's alright with you."

"Uhm..." Saria hesitated, as she wasn't really a drinker. "Yeah, I'm okay with that." She smirked. She looked at Randy very carefully, wondering if he was up to something.

Newell didn't miss the hesitation nor the look in her eyes. "Of course, if you prefer something non-alcoholic..." he turned to the waitress, "whatever the lady would like."

"Well... yes, actually," Saria said, as ge gave a quick look to Newell. "A Cardassian Sunrise please. Shaken, not stirred." She said, recalling the 20th century memoribilia.

"Just a classic Bourban please."

"You're having a fine taste, Randy..." Saria smirked, watching the man ordering his drink from the waiter.

Newell smiled. "Speaking of taste," he said, looking up at the holoprojector. "Would you like to try this out? Any place you would like."

"Uhm... yeah, sure." Saria said. She wasn't exactly sure if this was just a friendly offer or a romantic date. "Do you have any suggestions? Anything original? I've already been to quite some places..."

Randy looked down at the table and shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't have a very large travel portfolio." He looked up at Saria and smiled. "Ladies choice. Whatever you find most appealing for the situation."

"Table for two?" Ahjess asked the Maitre'd as they passed under the sign, and into the new establishment. Jessica looked around, her photographic memory taking it all in.

Endeavors was hexagonal and on two levels. The first level was the restaurant with an entrances in the two straight sides and booths along the four other walls. The main entrance, where everyone had come in that night contained three couches so those waiting to be seated for their meal, could be comfortable as well as small reception area. The back entrance had a long counter, where people wishing a quick meal without the benefit of the holographic experience could grab something quick to eat.

Each booth or table contained a device that could be lowered and then locked into place.

The upper story primarily contained the holographic equipment, but there was also a medium sized lounge with a dance floor and a stage.

Jessica let Ahjess pull her chair out for her, and then she and Ahjess ordered drinks. When the waiter moved away, she asked, "Thoughts?"

"Don't fancy yours much." he replied. "I think we win on eye candy." He scanned the menu. "Scallops of venison and the Bolian Hake?"

"I was going to take the mixed meat terrine and the pasta with Bajoran shrimp in a whitewine and cream sauce." Jessica looked around. "So far, the jury's out." She looked up at the holoprojection unit hanging over their heads like the sword of damocles. "Lets get this thing fired up, see how good it is..."

"Very good, your order should be ready soon, but remember this is not replicate food, it's not instant, but we hope its worth the wait. I'm going to lower the top. Your food will come up through the table and my holographic image will serve you."

Having spoken to Sarish the day before, Tasha had reason to look in through the window, even if it was as just a peek as she always liked to cast a 'Captains' eye over the shops every now and then, but for now, she was happy to let this evening pass and would call another night, when the novelty of a new place had settled down as well as worn off and was more a little more intimate than it would be now.


Sarish Anjar,
Owner Endeavors
SB 5

Jessic and Ahjess
Spying on the Competition
(NPC's by Yolanthe)