Incommunicado – Is There in Beauty, no Truth? (part 2)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Is There in Beauty, no Truth? (part 2)
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Jul 08, 2012 @ 10:50pm
Location   Conference Room 12
Timeline   (BACKPOST) SD 50 - 10:35

Tasha turned away from Akamu and faced Petro as she tapped her comm.
=^= "Lieutenant, I need you to bring Ensign Kel'tor in for questioning regarding an assault on a civilian." Tasha stated, not referring to Prince in any other term. "I need a full and accurate statement of events." She requested.


The lift came to a stop and Trellis stepped off first, followed by Ensign Kel'tor. "What the hell is going on, Ensign?" Trellis said in a firm voice. It was not everyday that he received a call from the Captain in regards to an incident involving someone of his department. . ."his department". . .word around the station was that it would not be "his" for much longer once his replacement had arrived.

Ka'er looped a finger through his belt, mere centimeters from his curved knife. He'd gutted enemies before with the okan, and was prepared to do so again, but figured he'd give these Federations a chance to dispense justice.

"I'd like know that too, Ensign Kel'tor," he purred. Or growled. In this moment, he was not Akamu Makani, but Ka'er; the Wolf of the Underworld.

Trellis held up his hand to stop the Ensign from responding. "Before anybody from my department says a word, I want to first know what is going on here." Trellis said, not fully understanding what had taken place.

"Ali alasha moko emaku yari mosi tono," Ka'er growled menacingly. "En soa komo yena osa waka digak omak." Fortunately, the UT seemed to have a hard time picking up the rather explicit terminology. He doubted very much Trellis needed to know just how the Wolf planned to dismember his foe.

"Nothing will be accomplished if we sit here and exchange words in unknown languages." Trellis said, trying to defuse the situation to at least a conversation.

"Fine," Ka'er barked. "This... bero soka man desa mo... Sorry, you're language just isn't... Well, it's just too polite." He took a deep breath, then continued. "This... person entered my ship, used some sort of device to disrupt the A.I., then stole something, probably tactical schematics." He looked over at Trellis. "To be honest, the thievery is secondary in my mind. Ensign Kel'tor attacked a sentient being. He took something that wasn't his to take." He leveled a serious gaze at Kel'tor. "I consider that rape, Ensign."

"Now, that is a very serious charge." Trellis responded. "Do you have evidence to support your accusation?" he added.

"Rape??? You can't rape a ship!" Kel'tor responded defensively. "This man is obviously a mentally deficient individual! How can we take anything he says seriously with such ludicrous claims!?" He shouted as he pointed an accusatory finger in Ka'er's direction.

"A hundred fifty years ago, my people witnessed for the first time, the development of a self-aware computer," Ka'er said slowly. "Twenty years later, they had twelve... for lack of a better term - suicides - on their hands. Twelve ships who'd been attacked, just like Prince. We passed laws. We call it e'kren. And the charges and punishment are the same as when a man defiles a woman."

"I understand that Federation and Telian laws aren't the same. But I also know you have begun to respect your sentient computers." He paused at their confused faces. "There was that android who died a few years ago, and a holographic... technician? I can't remember the details, but I know they exist. All I'm asking for is the same treatment."

Kel'tor rolled his eyes. "He's a holophile," the Ensign replied, referring to the term used for people that develop an "intimate" relationship with their vessels or other artificial intelligence devices.

"I ran a simple security check on the ship's outboard communication systems. Now this guy wants to get his panties in a bunch over regular protocol." Kel'tor smugly said as he crossed his arms and leaned against the nearby conference table.

"Since when does a simple security check include scrambling local computer systems?" Akamu retorted. He turned to Trellis. "I may be many things, Lieutenant, but a liar is not one of them."

"You sure, because from where I'm standing, you sound like you might wanna add 'mental ward patient' to that list." Kel'tor replied antagonistically.

Ka'er's hand wrapped around the hilt of his blade. "You shouldn't insult a Telian soldier is such a manner, Ensign," he said. "Especially one with a record as distinguished as mine." He was dangerously close to drawing his blade on this man and ending the threat here and now. The only thing that stopped him was the need to know what information had been stolen and where it was.

"Stop it! You both!" Trellis said as he stood between the nonchalant Ensign and the enraged alien. "If you don't calm down, I will have both of you confined to a brig cell." He said as he kept one hand close to his phaser.

"Now, do you have any evidence to support your accusations?" Trellis asked the still simmering Telian.

"If the current state of the computer systems on the engineering level isn't enough, I also have this man, on camera heading into my ship - without permission - on camera, right before the... incident." Ka'er chose not to use the word "attack" since there still seemed to be some debate as to whether or not Prince was an attack able entity.

Still trying to calm the situation. "Alright, provide me what information you have and I will review it as well as speak to my officer." Trellis said, attempting to keep the situation from escalating into a battle royale within the confines of the conference room.

Wordlessly, Akamu handed Trellis the chip containing all his data. He never took his eyes off Kel'tor though. After a moment, though, his shoulders sagged a bit, and his scowl almost vanished. "Please," he whispered. "Whatever you took, don't sell it." He wasn't even sure Kel'tor could hear him, but at this point, he didn't really care.

"Why? Afraid your girlfriend might not come back?" Kel'tor said in a lowered tone just beyond Trellis' notice towards the already angered gamma quadrant visitor.

In a flash, quicker than any of them could see, Ka'er's sword shot from its scabbard. The heavy steel blade sliced through the air as quick as thought. As fast as it was moving, it was astounding that the point stopped where it did. A millimeter further, and Kel'tor's bulging jugular would've been punctured. As it was, only a thin, beady drop of crimson hung from the cruel tip.

"Don't" Ka'er growled viciously, "you dare speak to me like that." Despite his obvious anger, the blade was immobile in his hands. Anyone who would've tried to interfere now would get nothing but a severe injury.


Tahir was uneasy in regard to the matter involving Prince. He was not a human, but he was a sentient life form and that had to take precedence. Tasha did not want to surprise trellis, that would not be right, but she felt that the best place she could be now, was in conference room, just as an observer and after considering the matter for the briefest of times, she headed out of her office.

A few minutes later, Tasha approached the door of room 12 and there was more than just raised voices coming from behind there. She waved her hand over the door entry when the doors didn't open as she stepped up and that also failed to initiate the familiar hiss of the doors sliding apart.

"Computer, override security lock on Conference room 12." Tasha stated.

'Please state authorization code for security clearance' The computer responded.

Tasha though for a moment, working out the stardate and time then took a breath as she recanted her security override.

"Tahir; Gamma Gamma Alpha Charlie one."

The computer sounded its acknowledgment and the doors slid apart and almost at once, an object crashed on the other side of the door. The sight that befell her was one of anarchy and one that she hoped she never saw again.

Ka'er's sword didn't move as he glanced over his shoulder at the approaching captain. Kel'tor had made a nearly fatal mistake, and it was all Ka'er could do to stop himself from finishing the job. The only thing that was keeping him sane was the overwhelming likely hood that Kel'tor had made his comment innocently, with no knowledge of Akamu's personal history.

"Gentlemen!" She bellowed unbelievably for a woman of her diminutive stature and the men inside froze as hit she had hit pause on a remote control.

"Captain," Ka'er greeted, his tone nothing but respectful, despite the fact he had one of her officers at the point of her sword. "I think a few of your officers need a lesson or two in diplomacy.

"Mr. Ka'er, put the weapon down or I will have no choice but to use lethal force." Trellis said in a strained tone. His hand was gripped tightly around his phaser with his finger resting on the activation button.

Internally, he was praying for a better resolution rather than a dead officer civilian visitor. However, the situation was not lending itself towards peace.

Ka'er breathed deeply. He wasn't afraid of the phaser, even though he wasn't wearing armor, but he knew he didn't want to make these Federations mad at him.

Smiling his wide wolf-grin, he flipped his sword over and deposited it in it's sheath. "Apologies, Ensign," he said. "I'm afraid I let my temper get the better of me." His grin widened. "Welcome to Telian diplomacy."

She shook her head as she strode defiantly inward."If security were not already here, I would summon them and have you all taken to the brig. Trellis, explanation!" She demanded as she planted her hands on either sides of her hips.

Trellis waited for the Telian to sheath his weapon before he moved quickly to grab it from the Telian and force him into a nearby chair. The action was met with immediate disapproval from the alien.

"You've just drawn a weapon on a Starfleet Officer, I'll advise you to sit down and not cause any further disturbance, or else you will have to deal with a *different* type of diplomacy." Trellis said in an uncharacteristically stern tone.

Ka'er briefly considered disarming Trellis, knowing his extensive training was a complete unknown to the Starfleet Officer. But he decided to go the safer route. He nodded, then sank down into the offered seat.

"Captain, Mr. Makani has lodged a complaint against an officer in regards to an incident that took place onboard his vessel. Mr. Makani alleges that Ensign Kel'tor came aboard his vessel and performed an invasive electronic procedure with prior authorization." Trellis said to the Captain, "I'm in the process of investigating the matter." He said.

"Obviously," Ka'er harrumphed.

Tasha held her breath as the confrontation took place. She would have to give allowances for Ka'ers behavior knowing how close he was to Prince and that they shared a bond deeper than she truly understood. She eyed the man now sat calmly in the chair and felt secure enough to relax a little and finally took a breath.

Her stare now moved to the Ensign, Keltor and nodded for him to take a seat opposite Makani. Once he sat, Tasha moved to the table end and splayed her hands apart on the table top.

"Ensign?" Was all she felt the need to say in relation to the accusation.

Kel'tor looked from the alien to his commanding officer. "Captain, everything he said is an exaggeration. I was on his vessel to perform a routine security check. It is not my fault that he has some unnatural affair with a bunch of circuits plasma conduits." He replied pointedly.

Akamu sighed. "Ensign," he said slowly, calmly. You'd never know he'd just drawn his sword in anger mere moments before. "I am not against routine security checks. Really, I'm not. There is such a thing as permission. The Selen'ai is a warship. His model is still in use throughout the Gamma Quadrant. I cannot - will not - allow any sensitive information to reach an enemy of my people." He decided not to mention the Dominion, just in case that gave Kel'tor an idea he hadn't had before.

Akamu turned to the command officers. "I apologize for my behavior just now, with the sword. I understand if you feel you need to confine me or charge me with something. However, for the safety of my people, I must insist on a complete security sweep of Ensign Kel'tor's quarters and personal computer space. If nothing is found, I will let the matter of breaking and entering, and the attack on Prince, slide. In fact, I will extend a formal apology to the Ensign. I think that's more than fair, all things considered." It grated to say that. E'kren was no small thing in his book, no matter what these Federation officers said.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Security Officer